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曾经有人质疑antirez(Redis 的作者)为什么Redis 在ycombinator 中使用跳跃列表来实现排序集。 :
I was looking at Redis yesterday and noticed this. Is there any particular reason you chose skip list instead of btrees except for simplicity? Skip lists consume more memory in pointers and are generally slower than btrees because of poor memory locality so traversing them means lots of cache misses. I also suggested a way to improve throughput when you guarantee each command's durability (at the end of the wiki page): http://code.google.com/p/redis/wiki/AppendOnlyFileHowto Also, have you thought about accommodating read-only traffic in an additional thread as a way to utilize at least two cores efficiently while sharing the same memory?
There are a few reasons: 1) They are not very memory intensive. It's up to you basically. Changing parameters about the probability of a node to have a given number of levels will make then less memory intensive than btrees. 2) A sorted set is often target of many ZRANGE or ZREVRANGE operations, that is, traversing the skip list as a linked list. With this operation the cache locality of skip lists is at least as good as with other kind of balanced trees. 3) They are simpler to implement, debug, and so forth. For instance thanks to the skip list simplicity I received a patch (already in Redis master) with augmented skip lists implementing ZRANK in O(log(N)). It required little changes to the code. About the Append Only durability & speed, I don't think it is a good idea to optimize Redis at cost of more code and more complexity for a use case that IMHO should be rare for the Redis target (fsync() at every command). Almost no one is using this feature even with ACID SQL databases, as the performance hint is big anyway. About threads: our experience shows that Redis is mostly I/O bound. I'm using threads to serve things from Virtual Memory. The long term solution to exploit all the cores, assuming your link is so fast that you can saturate a single core, is running multiple instances of Redis (no locks, almost fully scalable linearly with number of cores), and using the "Redis Cluster" solution that I plan to develop in the future.
中的数据时,CPU 会将地址x+1
中的数据加载到缓存中(基于多年前C 的一些实验)。因此遍历数组将导致缓存命中的可能性很高,我们可以说数组具有良好的内存局部性。
也许那家伙的意思是在跳过列表节点(在默认实现的情况下)只有一个键值,而在b-tree 节点有N
键 线性布局。所以我们可以从 node 加载一堆 b-tree 键到缓存中。
both aren't arrays and don't store data continuously
但我们有。我们将数据连续存储在 b-tree 节点。
关于caching - 为什么 skiplist 内存局部性差但平衡树好?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35647064/
跳跃链表是一种随机化数据结构,基于并联的链表,其效率可比拟于二叉查找树(对于大多数操作需要O(log n)平均时间),并且对并发算法友好。 基本上,跳跃列表是对有序的链表增加上附加的前进链接,增加
我开始研究 ConcurrentSkipListSet。 从一开始我就试图了解 SkipList 是什么? 我是这样想的(可能的变体): 我有两个问题: SkipList 与并发性有何关系? 为什么不
曾经有人质疑antirez(Redis 的作者)为什么Redis 在ycombinator 中使用跳跃列表来实现排序集。 : I was looking at Redis yesterday and
我真的不明白这个列表的概率。除了声明“我们必须检查不超过 n/2 + 1 个节点(其中 n 是列表的长度)。还给每第四个节点一个指针向前四(图 1c)要求不超过 n/4 + 2 个节点被检查”。我在以
我想要一个用于跳跃列表实现的随机数生成器,并得到了以下逻辑。我能解释一下随机数是如何生成的吗?我看到使用位运算符但无法理解逻辑。 #include #include using namespace
我正在实现 STL 风格的跳过列表。内部节点类型如下: template struct __skiplist_node { typedef __skiplist_node* __skiplist
所以我试图实现一个 FastDefaultList 类,它基本上是一个跳跃列表,表示索引为 0,1,2,3,…,∞ 的无限列表。开始时,此列表中的每个值都被分配默认值 null。否则,这个类的行为就像
我最近一直在阅读有关跳跃列表的内容。 我有一个 Web 应用程序,它对静态数据集执行非常复杂的 Sql 查询。 我想实现一个缓存系统,据此生成 sql 查询的 md5 哈希,然后返回查询的缓存数据集(