- android - RelativeLayout 背景可绘制重叠内容
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- java - Android 文件转字符串
假设我有一个 pojo
public class example{
private String id;
private String photoId
现在保存这个 pojo 的实例时,id 被保存为 objectId。我还希望将 photoId 序列化为 ObjectId。有没有我可以添加到 photoId 的注释这将启用它?
public class example{
private String id; //default objectId serialization
@MongoType(ObjectId.class) //not real annotation, looking for real one
private String photoId; // enforce ObjectId serialization - what i want
mongoTemplate.insert(examplePojo); //will result as {_id :objectId(), photoId: objectId(...)}
----- 编辑 ------photoId 是 objectId 的字符串表示,例如:
public void saveExample(String id, String photoId){
Example example = new Example(id, photoId);
对象 ID 由 mongodb 生成,带有一些附加信息:
ObjectId is a 12-byte BSON type, constructed using:
- 4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch,
- 3-byte machine identifier,
- 2-byte process id, and
- 3-byte counter, starting with a random value.
来自 spring-mongodb 文档:
The following outlines what type conversion, if any, will be done on the property mapped to the _id document field when using the MappingMongoConverter, the default for MongoTemplate.
- An id property or field declared as a String in the Java class will be converted to and stored as an ObjectId if possible using a Spring
Converter. Valid conversion rules are delegated to
the MongoDB Java driver. If it cannot be converted to an ObjectId,
then the value will be stored as a string in the database.- An id property or field declared as BigInteger in the Java class will be converted to and stored as an ObjectId using a Spring
。并确保您的自定义 ID 具有一定的值(value),否则 mongodb 将为您创建一个 ObjectID。
同时检查 mongodb manual关于 ObjectIds。
public class Account {
private ObjectId id;
private Float total;
public class Person {
private ObjectId id;
private Integer ssn;
private List<Account> accounts;
还有 spring-mongodb documentation 4.6节
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