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就在有人建议我在聚合查询中使用 $slice
之前,我使用 mongolab 作为我的后端引擎,它不支持 mongo 3.2,它最多只支持 3.0,所以我不能使用 $slice
{ "_id" : "e", "commentor" : [ "John", "Bethany", "Mary", "Peter", "Mike", "Simon" ]}
{ "_id" : "f", "commentor" : [ "Sam", "Jan", "George", "Fred", "Greg", "Paul", "Ben" ]}
我的想法是只提取前 2 个评论者,然后对数组执行 $size
,这样我就可以生成仅包含相关信息的事件提要。例如,对于帖子 id = e
John, Bethany and 4 other people commented on post e.
我可以很容易地对 $first 评论者进行聚合查询,方法是:
group2 = {
"$group" : {
"_id" : "$_id",
"commentor" : {
"$first" : "$commentor"
John and 5 other people commented on post e.
John, Bethany and 4 other people commented on post e.
有没有办法在 mongo 3.0 上执行此操作?
在聚合管道中使用 $match、$project、$unwind、$limit 和 $group 我们可以实现它。
{$match : { "_id": "e" }}, // Pass the value of post you want to retrieve, in this query we are passing "e"
{$project: {commentor: 1, numberOfCommentors: { $size: "$commentor" }}},
{$unwind: "$commentor"},
{$limit : 2 },
{$group : {"_id":{_id:"$_id", numberOfCommentors:"$numberOfCommentors"},
myArr:{$push: {commentor :"$commentor"}}
工作原理管道中的第一个查询是 $match,它有助于我们减少结果
db.stackoverflow1.aggregate([ {$match : { "_id": "e" }} ])
{ "_id" : "e", "commentor" : [ "John", "Bethany", "Mary", "Peter", "Mike", "Simon" ] }
现在我们有了所需的记录,但我们必须努力显示 2 个评论者的姓名和评论者的数量
$project 是我们聚合管道的下一部分,我们将评论者及其计数预测到下一阶段。
我们对 $project 的查询
db.stackoverflow1.aggregate([ {$match : { "_id": "e" }},
{$project: {commentor: 1, numberOfCommentors: { $size: "$commentor" }}} ])
{ "_id" : "e", "commentor" : [ "John", "Bethany", "Mary", "Peter", "Mike", "Simon" ], "numberOfCommentors" : 6 }
现在我们需要展开我们的 commentors 数组以只接受两个评论
我们用 $unwind 查询
{$match : { "_id": "e" }},
{$project: {commentor: 1, numberOfCommentors: { $size: "$commentor" }}},
{$unwind: "$commentor"}
现在执行查询 $unwind 后,我们的结果将如下所示
{ "_id" : "e", "commentor" : "John", "numberOfCommentors" : 6 }
{ "_id" : "e", "commentor" : "Bethany", "numberOfCommentors" : 6 }
{ "_id" : "e", "commentor" : "Mary", "numberOfCommentors" : 6 }
{ "_id" : "e", "commentor" : "Peter", "numberOfCommentors" : 6 }
{ "_id" : "e", "commentor" : "Mike", "numberOfCommentors" : 6 }
{ "_id" : "e", "commentor" : "Simon", "numberOfCommentors" : 6 }
{ "_id" : { "_id" : "e", "numberOfCommentors" : 6 }, "myArr" : [ { "commentor" : "John" }, { "commentor" : "Bethany" } ] }
关于javascript - 在 MongoDB 3.0 中的聚合查询中获取数组的前 2 个元素,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37890563/
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关闭。这个问题是off-topic .它目前不接受答案。 想改进这个问题? Update the question所以它是on-topic对于堆栈溢出。 9年前关闭。 Improve this que
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