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我目前正在使用 Casbah 和 MongoDB 来实现网络服务。到目前为止,我没有遇到任何问题。我也在使用 Scala。
但是,我只是想知道是否有比 Casbah 更好的东西来执行大量 find/findOne 类型的查询。
我遇到了 Rogue,这是一种基于 Scala 的类型安全 DSL,据说可以使查询更容易、更具可读性。
所以,我想知道转向 Rogue 是否有用,以便随着 Web 服务项目变得越来越大和越来越复杂,让 Rogue 支持查询可能会有所帮助?
目前,Rogue 仅适用于 Lift's MongoDB-Record系统。
它提供完全类型安全的部分原因是它为 Lift-Record 使用了一个强大的、定义良好的对象结构。由于您拥有完整的结构,因此您进行“自由形式”查询的能力要差得多。这就是我在最近的 Scala 网络研讨会上所做的 Lift-Record + Rogue 演示的意思。自从我这样做以来,Lift & Rogue 中的一些内容发生了变化,因此代码可能略微过时但仍然具有代表性。这是 MongoDB 的提升记录模型:
object LiftRecordDemo extends Application {
// We'll use enums for Type and Subtype
object EventType extends Enumeration {
type EventType = Value
val Conference, Webinar = Value
object EventSubType extends Enumeration {
type EventSubType = Value
val FullDay = Value("Full Day")
val HalfDay = Value("Half Day")
class MongoEvent extends MongoRecord[MongoEvent] with MongoId[MongoEvent] {
def meta = MongoEvent
object name extends StringField(this, 255)
object eventType extends EnumField(this, EventType)
object eventSubType extends OptionalEnumField(this, EventSubType)
object location extends JsonObjectField[MongoEvent, EventLocation](this, EventLocation) {
def defaultValue = EventLocation(None, None, None, None, None, None, None)
object hashtag extends OptionalStringField(this, 32)
object language extends OptionalStringField(this, 32)
object date extends JsonObjectField[MongoEvent, EventDate](this, EventDate) {
def defaultValue = EventDate(new DateTime, None)
object url extends OptionalStringField(this, 255)
object presenter extends OptionalStringField(this, 255)
object MongoEvent extends MongoEvent with MongoMetaRecord[MongoEvent] {
override def collectionName = "mongoEvents"
override def formats = super.formats + new EnumSerializer(EventType) + new EnumSerializer(EventSubType)
case class EventLocation(val venueName: Option[String], val url: Option[String], val address: Option[String], val city: Option[String], val state: Option[String], val zip: Option[String], val country: Option[String]) extends JsonObject[EventLocation] {
def meta = EventLocation
object EventLocation extends JsonObjectMeta[EventLocation]
case class EventDate(start: DateTime, end: Option[DateTime]) extends JsonObject[EventDate] {
def meta = EventDate
object EventDate extends JsonObjectMeta[EventDate]
如您所见,您需要提前定义您的 MongoDB 数据模型,以便获得强类型、安全查询的好处……Rogue 在编译时强制执行其中的大部分。以下是针对此模型的一些 Rogue 示例:
// Tell Lift about our DB
val mongoAddr = MongoAddress(MongoHost("", 27017), "scalaWebinar")
MongoDB.defineDb(DefaultMongoIdentifier, mongoAddr)
// Rogue gives us a saner approach, although still hobbled by some
// of Lift-MongoDB-Record's limits on embedded docs
val q = MongoEvent where (_.eventType eqs EventType.Webinar)
println("Rogue created a Query '%s'\n\n".format(q))
for (x <- MongoEvent where (_.eventType eqs EventType.Webinar)) {
println("Name: %s Presenter: %s\n".format(x.name, x.presenter))
// Rogue can also do sorting for you, which is useful
for (x <- MongoEvent where (_.eventType eqs EventType.Conference)
orderAsc(_.language) andDesc(_.name)) {
println("Name: %s Language: %s\n".format(x.name, x.language))
val start = new DateTime(2011, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
val end = new DateTime(2011, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
/** The following would be nice but unfortunately,
doesn't work because of lift's current embedded doc
//val dateQ = MongoEvent where (_.date.start after start)
//and (_.date.end before end)
请注意,我并不是说 Rogue 和 Lift-Record 不好,只是说它们基于一个强定义的编译时数据模型。
相反,如果您想使用与 Casbah 类似的上下文,我们确实有一个内置 DSL,它旨在尽可能接近地模仿 MongoDB 的内置查询模型。它适用于任何任意底层模型,但在可能的情况下会执行很多类型安全级别。这是 Casbah 查询的一个示例(由于来自同一演示文稿而略有过时):
// What about querying? Lets find all the non-US events
for (x <- mongo.find(MongoDBObject("location.country" ->
MongoDBObject("$ne" -> "USA")))) println(x)
/* There's a problem here: We got back the Webinars too because
They don't have a country at all, so they aren't "USA"
println("\n\nTesting for existence of Location.Country:")
for (x <- mongo.find(MongoDBObject("location.country" -> MongoDBObject(
"$ne" -> "USA",
"$exists" -> true
)))) println(x)
// This is getting a bit unwieldy. Thankfully, Casbah offers a DSL
val q = $or ("location.country" -> "USA", "location.country" -> "Japan")
println("\n Created a DBObject: %s".format(q))
println("\n Querying using DSL Object...")
for (x <- mongo.find(q)) println(x)
// It's possible to construct more complex queries too.
// Lets find everything in February
println("\n February Events...")
val start = new DateTime(2011, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
val end = new DateTime(2011, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
val dateQ = "date.start" $gte start $lt end
println("\n Date Query: %s".format(dateQ))
for (x <- mongo.find(dateQ, MongoDBObject("name" -> true, "date" -> true))) println(x)
值得注意的是,我们正在查询自由形式模型,但使用 DSL 运算符而不是嵌套的 MongoDB 定义。有很多很棒的运算符映射,一直到 $type 运算符,使用类 list 测试类型以确保编译时安全:
"Casbah's $type operator" should {
"Accept raw Byte indicators (e.g. from org.bson.BSON)" in {
// Don't need to test every value here since it's just a byte
val typeOper = "foo" $type org.bson.BSON.NUMBER_LONG
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.NUMBER_LONG))
"Accept manifested Type arguments" in {
"Doubles" in {
val typeOper = "foo".$type[Double]
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.NUMBER))
"Strings" in {
val typeOper = "foo".$type[String]
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.STRING))
"Object" in {
"via BSONObject" in {
val typeOper = "foo".$type[org.bson.BSONObject]
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.OBJECT))
"via DBObject" in {
val typeOper = "foo".$type[DBObject]
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.OBJECT))
"Array" in {
"via BasicDBList" in {
val typeOper = "foo".$type[BasicDBList]
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.ARRAY))
"via BasicBSONList" in {
val typeOper = "foo".$type[org.bson.types.BasicBSONList]
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.ARRAY))
"OID" in {
val typeOper = "foo".$type[ObjectId]
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.OID))
"Boolean" in {
val typeOper = "foo".$type[Boolean]
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.BOOLEAN))
"Date" in {
"via JDKDate" in {
val typeOper = "foo".$type[java.util.Date]
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.DATE))
"via Joda DateTime" in {
val typeOper = "foo".$type[org.joda.time.DateTime]
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.DATE))
"None (null)" in {
// For some reason you can't use NONE
val typeOper = "foo".$type[Option[Nothing]]
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.NULL))
"Regex" in {
"Scala Regex" in {
val typeOper = "foo".$type[scala.util.matching.Regex]
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.REGEX))
"Symbol" in {
val typeOper = "foo".$type[Symbol]
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.SYMBOL))
"Number (integer)" in {
val typeOper = "foo".$type[Int]
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.NUMBER_INT))
"Number (Long)" in {
val typeOper = "foo".$type[Long]
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.NUMBER_LONG))
"Timestamp" in {
val typeOper = "foo".$type[java.sql.Timestamp]
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.TIMESTAMP))
"Binary" in {
val typeOper = "foo".$type[Array[Byte]]
typeOper must notBeNull
typeOper.toString must notBeNull
typeOper must haveSuperClass[DBObject]
typeOper must beEqualTo(nonDSL("foo", "$type", org.bson.BSON.BINARY))
(注意:您需要将 casbah-query 包及其相关导入导入到您的代码中,或者使用来自预模块化的默认“casbah”导入)。 Casbah 的规范目前已完全涵盖每个 DSL 运营商;目前文档滞后,但 Specs 很好地介绍了它们的用法。请注意,Casbah 中有两种 运算符,就像在 MongoDB 中一样。
Bareword Operators, in which the leftmost part of the statement is the $ Operator. Examples of this are
, etc. See the Specs for Bareword Operators for more."Core" Operators, are operators that exist on the right hand side of the statement, such as
. See the Specs for Core Operators for more.
我知道这是一个相当详细的答案,但我想确保您了解您的选择,以及这两种解决方案的局限性。 Casbah 将为您提供一个与 MongoDB 紧密映射的 DSL,并删除一些语法上的麻烦(请记住,Casbah 在 DBObject
上提供了一个 getAs[T]
中的值作为特定 类型,人们经常忽略);许多用户在寻求一些东西来做内置的事情之前并不知道 DSL 的存在。但是,在某些人看来,Casbah 的查询 DSL 也看起来有点“笨拙”......作为它的作者我更喜欢它的简单和优雅,因为我只需要记住用于查询的 **MONGODB* 语法,而不是 MongoDB 和另一个 DSL。它还基于自由形式查询,并且不提供与 Rogue 相同的结构化、编译时类型安全和感知功能。
相比之下,Rogue 还需要针对它的完全定义的 Record 模型,这并不适合每个应用程序。
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