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它设置为脱机运行,但从特定 URL 安装,如果我下载并运行 setup.exe,它会安装更新。
2017-01-10 13:43:14.8367 ERROR System.Deployment.Application.InvalidDeploymentException: Application identity is not set.
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationDeployment.get_CurrentDeployment()
at LibDataAgent.Internal.Services.UpdateService.Deployment() System.Deployment.Application.InvalidDeploymentException: Application identity is not set.
at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationDeployment.get_CurrentDeployment()
at LibDataAgent.Internal.Services.UpdateService.Deployment()
我没有在 Debug模式下运行,也没有使用调试版本。
我敢肯定这与应用程序的启动方式有关,因为从命令行执行应用程序从未使用过单击一次;但从开始菜单执行相同的应用程序将正确返回 IsNetworkDeployed
为 true。
但是,我无法确定技术差异是什么,或者为什么一个人可以正确检测到安装而另一个人不能。 (或者实际上,为什么这个特定的应用程序不能从开始菜单运行,而其他没有明显区别的应用程序可以)。
进入开始菜单的“MyApplication.appref-ms”有某种魔力; appref-ms 只是安装路径的 url:
http://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/blahblah/Dev/MyApplication.application#MyApplication.application, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fdasdfsafads, processorArchitecture=x86
...这以某种方式 启动了应用程序的“点击一次感知”实例。但是如何呢?
ClickOnce 应用程序通过点击安装 url 或使用开始菜单上的 .appref-ms
文件启动,其中包含 url。
为下载的文件调用 application/x-ms-application
MIME 类型处理程序,启动应用程序的“ClickOnce 感知”实例。
用于确定 ClickOnce 详细信息,并设置 CurrentDeployment
据任何人所知,直接启动为 ClickOnce 应用程序部署的可执行文件(在 C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\b107ee1... 或任何安装文件夹中)将总是将IsNetworkDeployed
返回为false,并且将无法 self 更新。
您正在寻找您的 .exe 的安装文件夹和路径?不要打扰。即使您知道它在哪里,它在您运行时也不会有正确的 ApplicationContext
要在您的应用程序启动 Internet Explorer 的安装 URL 处生成一个新的“ClickOnce 感知”实例。您不能将命令行参数传递给它。
var url = "http://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/blahblah/Dev/MyApplication.application#MyApplication.application, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=fdasdfsafads, processorArchitecture=x86";
var psi = new ProcessStartInfo
FileName = @"iexplore",
Arguments = $"\"{url}\"",
(如果要查找 URL,请在开始菜单中搜索应用程序的 appref-ms
文件;该 url 包含在其中)
(tldr;魔法。可能与如何调用 CreateProcess 以使用 ApplicationContext api 以 DFsvc.exe、DFshim.dll 和 DFdll.dll 的某种组合生成应用程序有关)
(其余信息取自 Ian Picknel 的这篇旧博客文章:http://ianpicknell.blogspot.com.au/2010/03/launching-clickonce-application.html)
Once the deployment manifest has been stored in the Temporary Internet Files folder, Internet Explorer then attempts to establish how it should handle the file with the (assumed and actual) .application extension. It checks the user-specific file types at HKCU\Software\Classes and, if it fails to find an .application sub-key there, checks for machine-specific file types at HKCR. Via this means it establishes that the .application extension denotes an Application.Manifest file. It then uses this information to check the user-specific HKCU\Software\Classes\Application.Manifest and machine-specific HKCR\Application.Manifest keys to establish the CLSID of a library which handles Application.Manifest files and yields the result {98af66e4-aa41-4226-b80f-0b1a8f34eeb4}. Finally, it looks up this CLSID in the user-specific HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID{98af66e4-aa41-4226-b80f-0b1a8f34eeb4} and machine-specific HKCR\CLSID{98af66e4-aa41-4226-b80f-0b1a8f34eeb4} paths to establish that .application files are handled by C:\WINDOWS\system32\DFshim.dll.
This is where things start to get a little complicated. I said earlier that no 'magic' was happening behind the scenes. Well, whilst that was true for the process of retrieving the deployment manifest it most certainly is not true of the process of actually launching the ClickOnce application once the deployment manifest has been retrieved and the handler, DFshim.dll, has been identified.
DFshim.dll is described in the registry as the 'Manifest mime handler' although its file properties describe it as the 'Application Deployment Support Library'. It implements the Internet Explorer MIME handler COM interface. It is a native 32-bit DLL, written in Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, and was installed into C:\Windows\system32 when the .NET Framework 2.0 was installed.
DFshim.dll has a hard-coded reference to DFdll.dll, which it locates by checking the values of HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft.NETFramework\InstallRoot (typically C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework) and the keys beneath HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft.NETFramework\Policy\AppPatch (typically v2.0.50727, even if a later version of the Framework is installed). DFdll.dll too is a native 32-bit DLL written in Microsoft Visual C++ 2005.
DFdll.dll uses COM services exposed by DFsvc.exe, which is also located in the .NET Framework folder. DFsvc.exe is a standard .NET MSIL assembly. DFsvc contains a single Main method (within the System.Deployment.Application namespace) which simply calls the internal System.Deployment.Application.DFServiceEntryPoint.Initialize method within System.Deployment.dll. The Initialize method registers System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentServiceCom with COM via System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices (i.e. it performs the equivalent of CoRegisterClassObject in COM) using the CLSID {33246f92-d56f-4e34-837a-9a49bfc91df3}. This is the means by which its services are made available to DFdll.dll.
The COM service exposed by System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentServiceCom delegates the majority of its methods to other non-ComVisible classes within the System.Deployment.Application namespace. For example, the public ActivateDeployment method calls ActivateDeployment on a new System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator instance, the public CheckForDeploymentUpdate method calls CheckForDeploymentUpdate on System.Deployment.Application.SubscriptionStore, etc.
It is clear that the vast majority of the work surrounding the actual installation and launch of the ClickOnce application is undertaken by classes within the System.Deployment namespace, hosted within DFsvc.exe. DFshim.dll and DFdll.dll appear to primarily be responsible for arbitrating between the COM-based world of Internet Explorer and the .NET-based world of ClickOnce.
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