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- java - Android 文件转字符串
StringReader reader = new StringReader(scriptTextToProcess);
StringBuilder scope = new StringBuilder();
string line = reader.ReadLine();
while (line != null)
switch (line[0])
case '$':
// Process the entire "line" as a variable,
// i.e. add it to a collection of KeyValuePair.
case '!':
// Depending of what comes after the '!' character,
// process the entire "scope" and/or the command in "line".
if (line == "!execute")
else if (line.StartsWith("!custom_command"))
RunCustomCommand(line, scope);
else if (line == "!single_line_directive")
scope = new StringBuilder();
// No processing directive, i.e. add the "line"
// to the current scope.
line = reader.ReadLine();
在我看来,这个简单的脚本处理器很适合通过应用“开闭原则”进行重构。以 $
开头的行可能永远不会被不同地处理。但是,如果需要添加以 !
开头的新指令怎么办?还是需要新的处理标识符(例如新的 switch-cases)?
问题是,我不知道如何在不破坏 OCP 的情况下轻松、正确地添加更多指令和处理器。 !
-case 使用 scope
and/or line
使用 Dictionary<Char, YourDelegate>
添加 Add(char key, YourDelegate handler)
/// <summary>
/// Let anyone implement this interface.
/// </summary>
public interface IMyHandler
void Process(IProcessContext context, string line);
/// <summary>
/// Context information
/// </summary>
public interface IProcessContext
// Actual parser
public class Parser
private Dictionary<char, IMyHandler> _handlers = new Dictionary<char, IMyHandler>();
private IMyHandler _defaultHandler;
public void Add(char controlCharacter, IMyHandler handler)
_handlers.Add(controlCharacter, handler);
private void Parse(TextReader reader)
StringBuilder scope = new StringBuilder();
IProcessContext context = null; // create your context here.
string line = reader.ReadLine();
while (line != null)
IMyHandler handler = null;
if (!_handlers.TryGetValue(line[0], out handler))
handler = _defaultHandler;
handler.Process(context, line);
line = reader.ReadLine();
请注意,我传入了一个 TextReader
反而。它提供了更大的灵 active ,因为源可以是从简单字符串到复杂流的任何内容。
我也会分解 !
以类似的方式处理。即创建一个处理 IMyHandler 的类:
public interface ICommandHandler
void Handle(ICommandContext context, string commandName, string[] arguments);
public class CommandService : IMyHandler
public void Add(string commandName, ICommandHandler handler)
public void Handle(IProcessContext context, string line)
// first word on the line is the command, all other words are arguments.
// split the string properly
// then find the corrext command handler and invoke it.
// take the result and add it to the `IProcessContext`
这为处理实际协议(protocol)和添加更多命令提供了更大的灵 active 。您无需更改任何内容即可添加更多功能。因此,关于开放/封闭和其他一些 SOLID 原则,该解决方案是可行的。
关于c# - 了解开闭原则,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5416500/
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