gpt4 book ai didi

mysql - SELECT 查询偶尔会执行很长时间

转载 作者:可可西里 更新时间:2023-11-01 07:45:17 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我的 MySQL InnoDB 数据库中有一个非常奇怪的问题。我有以下查询:

SELECT DISTINCT p.idProject AS idProject, AS name, 0 AS isConfirm
FROM Projects p
JOIN team_project tp ON (p.idProject = tp.idProject)
JOIN projtimes pt ON (p.idProject = pt.idProject)
JOIN CalledTimesTbl ctt ON (p.idProject = ctt.idProject)
LEFT JOIN NextCalls nc ON (ctt.idCustomer = nc.idCustomer
AND ctt.idProject = nc.idProject)
WHERE tp.idTeam = 158
AND p.activated = 1
AND current_date >= p.projStart
AND current_date < p.confirmStart
AND pt.invitesCount < pt.maxPerPresentation
AND (nc.idCustomer IS NULL OR nc.nextCall < now())

通常查询运行良好,但有时 - 例如当我设置 tp.idTeam = 147 时,它运行得非常慢(比如 10 或 20 秒)。当我创建替代团队并调整适当的表值以获得具有不同 idTeam 值的相同结果时 - 查询在几分之一秒内执行。

我分析了查询并注意到当查询执行缓慢时 - 有一件事情消耗了大部分时间:

Copying to tmp table      | 12.489197

我对查询创建了一个 tmp 表感到有点惊讶,但是没关系——它会在每次查询执行时创建它——当它执行得很快时也是如此。我只是补充说数据库设计得很好,有所有需要的外键等。


编辑:EXPLAIN 结果:

id   select_type   table   type     possible_keys                    key              key_len   ref                                                   rows   Extra                             
1 SIMPLE tp ref unique_row,idTeam idTeam 4 const 56 Using temporary; Using filesort
1 SIMPLE p eq_ref PRIMARY,projStart,confirmStart PRIMARY 4 1 Using where
1 SIMPLE pt ref uniq_projtimes uniq_projtimes 4 1 Using where; Distinct
1 SIMPLE ctt ref idProject idProject 4 3966 Using index; Distinct
1 SIMPLE nc eq_ref PRIMARY,idProject PRIMARY 8 xxx.ctt.idCustomer, 1 Using where; Distinct

EDIT2:EXPLAIN EXTENDED 的结果首先用于快速查询,其次用于慢速查询。

id   select_type   table   type     possible_keys                    key              key_len   ref                                           rows    filtered   Extra                  1    SIMPLE        tp      ref      unique_row,idTeam                idTeam           4         const                                                 1       100        Using temporary         
1 SIMPLE p eq_ref PRIMARY,projStart,confirmStart PRIMARY 4 1 100 Using where
1 SIMPLE pt ref uniq_projtimes uniq_projtimes 4 1 100 Using where; Distinct
1 SIMPLE ctt ref idProject idProject 4 46199 100 Using index; Distinct
1 SIMPLE nc eq_ref PRIMARY,idProject PRIMARY 8 xxx.ctt.idCustomer, 1 100 Using index; Distinct

id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra
1 SIMPLE p eq_ref PRIMARY,projStart,confirmStart PRIMARY 4 xxx.ctt.idProject 1 100 Using where
1 SIMPLE pt ref uniq_projtimes uniq_projtimes 4 xxx.ctt.idProject 1 100 Using where; Distinct
1 SIMPLE tp ref unique_row,idTeam unique_row 8,const 1 100 Using where; Using index; Distinct
1 SIMPLE nc eq_ref PRIMARY,idProject PRIMARY 8 xxx.ctt.idCustomer, 1 100 Using index; Distinct


试试这个调整后的查询。 (它将加入更少的行)

SELECT DISTINCT p.idProject AS idProject, AS name, 0 AS isConfirm
FROM Projects p
JOIN projtimes pt ON
p.idProject = pt.idProject
AND p.activated = 1
AND current_date >= p.projStart
AND current_date < p.confirmStart
AND pt.invitesCount < pt.maxPerPresentation
JOIN team_project tp ON
p.idProject = tp.idProject
AND tp.idTeam = 158
JOIN CalledTimesTbl ctt ON (p.idProject = ctt.idProject)
LEFT JOIN NextCalls nc ON (ctt.idCustomer = nc.idCustomer
AND ctt.idProject = nc.idProject)
WHERE (nc.idCustomer IS NULL OR nc.nextCall < now())

关于mysql - SELECT 查询偶尔会执行很长时间,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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