gpt4 book ai didi

具有固定列数的 MySQL Pivot 数据

转载 作者:可可西里 更新时间:2023-11-01 07:20:10 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

以下是我的 SELECT 语句,它很好地转换了我的数据。


col_a | col_b | col_c | col_d   | Score
stuff | stuff | stuff | null | 5
stuff | stuff | stuff | title_a | 3
stuff | stuff | stuff | title_x | 4

我当前的 Pivot 语句如下所示:

SELECT `col_a`, `col_b`, `col_c`,
MAX(CASE `col_d` WHEN 'title_a' THEN `col_d` end) AS 'Title',
MAX(CASE `col_d` WHEN 'title_a' THEN `score` end) AS 'Score'
MAX(CASE `col_d` WHEN 'title_x' THEN `col_d` end) AS 'Title',
MAX(CASE `col_d` WHEN 'title_x' THEN `score` end) AS 'Score'


col_a | col_b | col_c | Title   | Score | Title   | Score
stuff | stuff | stuff | title_a | 3 | title_x | 4

我想做的是检查更多标题,但我只想在数据透视表中有四列。最多只会有 2 行需要旋转到上面的记录。但是 col_d 可以包含任何标题。



col_a | col_b | col_c | col_d    | Score
stuff | stuff | stuff | null | 5
stuff | stuff | stuff | title_a | 3
stuff | stuff | stuff | title_x | 4
stuff | stuff | stuff | null | 5
stuff | stuff | stuff | title_a | 3
stuff | stuff | stuff | title_bx | 4

我的 Pivot 语句现在看起来像这样:

SELECT `col_a`, `col_b`, `col_c`,
MAX(CASE `col_d` WHEN 'title_a' THEN `col_d` end) AS 'Title',
MAX(CASE `col_d` WHEN 'title_a' THEN `score` end) AS 'Score'
MAX(CASE `col_d` WHEN 'title_x' THEN `col_d` end) AS 'Title',
MAX(CASE `col_d` WHEN 'title_x' THEN `score` end) AS 'Score'
MAX(CASE `col_d` WHEN 'title_bx' THEN `col_d` end) AS 'Second Title',
MAX(CASE `col_d` WHEN 'title_bx' THEN `score` end) AS 'Score'

如您所见,我尝试检查另一个标题,但这只给了我六列,其中 2 列为空,因为在这种情况下,两行包含 title_atitle_bx,所以中间两列填充的是null


col_a | col_b | col_c | Title   | Score | Title    | Score
stuff | stuff | stuff | title_a | 3 | title_x | 4
stuff | stuff | stuff | title_a | 3 | title_bx | 4

所以我的问题是如何在 col_d 中检查多个可能的标题,并且只有 4 列。


这有点困惑,因为 MySQL 没有窗口函数,而您想在第一组 Title/Score 列中包含非常具体的值。您可以使用一些 user variables 来获得最终结果。为 col_d 不等于 title_a 的那些行创建行号,然后将其连接回您的表。


select a.col_a, a.col_b, a.col_c,
max(case when a.col_d = 'title_a' then a.col_d end) title1,
max(case when a.col_d = 'title_a' then a.score end) score1,
max(case when na.col_d <> 'title_a' then na.col_d end) title2,
max(case when na.col_d <> 'title_a' then na.score end) score2
from yourtable a
left join
-- need to generate a row number value for the col_d rows
-- that aren't equal to title_a
select n.col_a, n.col_b, n.col_c, n.col_d,
@num:=@num+1 rownum
from yourtable n
cross join
select @num:=0
) d
where n.col_d <> 'title_a'
order by n.col_a, n.col_b, n.col_c, n.col_d
) na
on a.col_a = na.col_a
and a.col_b = na.col_b
and a.col_c = na.col_c
-- in the event you have more than 2 row only return 2
and na.rownum <= 2
where a.col_d = 'title_a'
group by a.col_a, a.col_b, a.col_c, na.rownum;

参见 SQL Fiddle with Demo .这得到一个结果:

| COL_A | COL_B | COL_C |  TITLE1 | SCORE1 |   TITLE2 | SCORE2 |
| stuff | stuff | stuff | title_a | 3 | title_bx | 4 |
| stuff | stuff | stuff | title_a | 3 | title_x | 4 |

有人向我指出,如果你只会有 2 个其他值,那么你可以简单地 JOIN 数据而不使用用户变量:

select distinct a.col_a, a.col_b, a.col_c,
a.col_d title1,
a.score score1,
na.col_d title2,
na.score score2
from yourtable a
left join
select n.col_a, n.col_b, n.col_c, n.col_d,
from yourtable n
where n.col_d <> 'title_a'
) na
on a.col_a = na.col_a
and a.col_b = na.col_b
and a.col_c = na.col_c
where a.col_d = 'title_a';

参见 SQL Fiddle with Demo .这给出了相同的结果:

| COL_A | COL_B | COL_C |  TITLE1 | SCORE1 |   TITLE2 | SCORE2 |
| stuff | stuff | stuff | title_a | 3 | title_x | 4 |
| stuff | stuff | stuff | title_a | 3 | title_bx | 4 |

根据您在 col_acol_bcol_c 中实际拥有的数据,您可能需要更改此设置,但它应该能让您您需要的结果。

更新:根据您的评论,您不知道 col_d 列中的值,但您只需要将数据拆分为两个旋转列,过程得到复杂,因为 MySQL 没有窗口函数。如果有 NTILE 函数,这将非常容易。 NTILE 函数将行分配到特定数量的组中。在这种情况下,您的数据被分成两组。

我修改了 this blog 中的代码通过 SO 用户,Quassnoi使用用户变量复制 NTILE 函数。这些变量用于创建 2 个东西,一个行号(在旋转期间使用)和 ntile 值。


max(case when x.splitgroup = 1 then x.col_d end) as Title1,
max(case when x.splitgroup = 1 then x.Score end) as Score1,
max(case when x.splitgroup = 2 then x.col_d end) as Title2,
max(case when x.splitgroup = 2 then x.Score end) as Score2
select src.col_a, src.col_b, src.col_c, src.col_d, src.score,
@row:=case when @prev=src.splitGroup then @row else 0 end +1 rownum,
-- mimic NTILE function by splitting the total count of rows
-- over the number of columns we want (2)
select d.col_a, d.col_b, d.col_c, d.col_d, d.score,
FLOOR((@r * @n) / cnt) + 1 AS splitGroup
select a.col_a, a.col_b, a.col_c, a.col_d, a.score, grp.cnt
from yourtable a
inner join
select col_a, col_b, col_c, count(*) as cnt
from yourtable
where col_d is not null
group by col_a, col_b, col_c
) grp
on a.col_a = grp.col_a
and a.col_b = grp.col_b
and a.col_c = grp.col_c
where a.col_d is not null
order by a.col_a, a.col_b, a.col_c
) d
cross join
-- @n is equal to the number of new pivoted columns we want
select @n:=2, @group1:='N', @group2:='N', @group3:='N'
) v
WHEN @group1 <> col_a AND @group2<> col_b AND @group3 <> col_c
THEN @r := -1
AND (@r := @r + 1) IS NOT NULL
) src
cross join
-- these vars are used to get the row number once the data is split
-- this will be needed for the aggregate/group by on the final select
select @row:=0, @prev:=1
) v2
order by src.splitGroup
) x
group by x.col_a, x.col_b, x.col_c, x.rowNum;

参见 SQL Fiddle with Demo .这给出了结果:

| COL_A | COL_B | COL_C |   TITLE1 | SCORE1 |   TITLE2 | SCORE2 |
| stuff | stuff | stuff | title_a | 3 | title_tt | 1 |
| stuff | stuff | stuff | title_bx | 0 | title_qq | 1 |
| stuff | stuff | stuff | title_x | 4 | title_a | 8 |
| stuff | stuff | stuff | title_yy | 3 | title_h | 4 |
| stuff | stuff | stuff | title_a | 2 | title_o | 6 |

关于具有固定列数的 MySQL Pivot 数据,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

25 4 0
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文章推荐: mysql - SQL 集差异