- android - RelativeLayout 背景可绘制重叠内容
- android - 如何链接 cpufeatures lib 以获取 native android 库?
- java - OnItemClickListener 不起作用,但 OnLongItemClickListener 在自定义 ListView 中起作用
- java - Android 文件转字符串
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username, email, phone, license1 => [num,isValid], license2 => [num, isValid], notifications => [notification1...notification50000], password hash, salt, setting1, setting2...setting1000, permission1, permission2...permission1000
当然,我会使用嵌套样式来组织,但是最好将所有这些存储在“用户”下还是将其分解为设置、许可证、权限?第二个例子:formName, address, notes => [note1 => [user,note,date], note2 => [user,note,date]]
We have users that can have MANY different properties, literally hundreds of settings, and I'm not a fan of MySQL tables that wide. I really like Mongo for this.
We have different types of forms, each can have completely different fields. Right now, we have a list of forms with generic data, then join the relevant table for additional data. I would have all of these fields in one distinct document with Mongo, and I could easily add fields without worrying.
We have fees, notes, history on each form. I like how in MySQL they are in a different table, and I can get history by form or by user - same as notes.
- form field1
- form field1
- id of the fees doc
- id of the notes doc
- id of the history doc
- form field1
- form field2
- embedded fees doc
- fees field1
- fees field2
- embedded notes doc
- notes field1
- notes field2
Our policy is pretty much keep ALL data, even deleted or pre-edited data... forever. >Should I be worried about hitting a size limit? We're probably talking 100gb by the end of >2013
Is it a bad idea for my first Mongo project to be a somewhat major bit of software? Is it something I can learn as I go?
I like the case insensitivity of MySQL column names for quick and dirty things.
In MySQL, I break things out to different tables. Is it fine, in Mongo, to put data together that CAN be separated? Example: username, email, phone, license1 => [num,isValid],
Is there any problems with doing a HYBRID setup, where user data is is Mongo, and form data is in MySQL?
We have to run a lot of reports, are there limitations on this in Mongo? For example, would I run into problems looking for every form from the past 40 days with a fee over $10, with the fees in each row totaled up, sorted by the age of the user who filled it out?
Is MongoDB supported by any "cloud" providers? AWS does a lot for MySQL, but it looks like I'd be on my own for Mongo
关于php - 为此目的,MongoDB 或 MySQL 的优缺点,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7535522/
我正致力于通过 OAuth 合并外部 API,但对 expires_in 属性的用途有点迷惑。通过阅读,应该对 api token 的使用进行防御性编码,因为您应该预料到 token 在任何时候都可能
有人可以概述或总结一下 Spring 框架上下文中 bean 的用途吗? 我了解标准的 Java bean(没有 arg 构造函数、getter/setter,通常是序列化的),但 Spring be
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正如我从文档中了解到的那样,“MoveIteratorFactory”的目的是生成每一步都需要执行的 Action 。 “getSize”方法的移动子集有多大? “createOriginalMove
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这里是新手。我仍在尝试理解在多个布局中运行单个进程或目的的概念。 例如,我想在我的申请中添加“提交后”功能。有一个包含标题、内容等文本框的主布局,以及一个链接到另一个布局以选择类别的按钮。我的问题是,
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您能否澄清一下此注释的实际用途? - 如果我们没有使用数据库中的 SQL 表定义定义相应的约束,会发生什么情况。当我们尝试插入时,hibernate 会检查唯一性吗?或者这就是DB的目的吗?如果 hi
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在尝试克隆可变集合时,我最初的方法是对 mutable.Cloneable 特征使用 clone() 方法。但是,这取决于创建引用副本的 java.Object.clone 实现,而不是深拷贝。通过测