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我为我的 iOS 应用程序做了本地化。根据客户订单,我需要进行修改,即应用程序语言应通过按钮操作更改。我之前的本地化工作基于设备语言。现在我必须修改应用程序以更改语言而无需重新启动设备。
创建 LocalizeHelper.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// some macros (optional, but makes life easy)
// Use "LocalizedString(key)" the same way you would use "NSLocalizedString(key,comment)"
#define LocalizedString(key) [[LocalizeHelper sharedLocalSystem] localizedStringForKey:(key)]
// "language" can be (for american english): "en", "en-US", "english". Analogous for other languages.
#define LocalizationSetLanguage(language) [[LocalizeHelper sharedLocalSystem] setLanguage:(language)]
@interface LocalizeHelper : NSObject
// a singleton:
+ (LocalizeHelper*) sharedLocalSystem;
// this gets the string localized:
- (NSString*) localizedStringForKey:(NSString*) key;
//set a new language:
- (void) setLanguage:(NSString*) lang;
在 .m 文件中
// LocalizeHelper.m
#import "LocalizeHelper.h"
// Singleton
static LocalizeHelper* SingleLocalSystem = nil;
// my Bundle (not the main bundle!)
static NSBundle* myBundle = nil;
@implementation LocalizeHelper
// allways return the same singleton
+ (LocalizeHelper*) sharedLocalSystem {
// lazy instantiation
if (SingleLocalSystem == nil) {
SingleLocalSystem = [[LocalizeHelper alloc] init];
return SingleLocalSystem;
// initiating
- (id) init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// use systems main bundle as default bundle
myBundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
return self;
// translate a string
// you can use this macro:
// LocalizedString(@"Text");
- (NSString*) localizedStringForKey:(NSString*) key {
// this is almost exactly what is done when calling the macro NSLocalizedString(@"Text",@"comment")
// the difference is: here we do not use the systems main bundle, but a bundle
// we selected manually before (see "setLanguage")
return [myBundle localizedStringForKey:key value:@"" table:nil];
// set a new language
// you can use this macro:
// LocalizationSetLanguage(@"German") or LocalizationSetLanguage(@"de");
- (void) setLanguage:(NSString*) lang {
// path to this languages bundle
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:lang ofType:@"lproj" ];
if (path == nil) {
// there is no bundle for that language
// use main bundle instead
myBundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
} else {
// use this bundle as my bundle from now on:
myBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:path];
// to be absolutely shure (this is probably unnecessary):
if (myBundle == nil) {
myBundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
self.Mylabel.text = LocalizedString(@"rent");
对于您想要支持的每种语言,您都需要一个名为 Localizable.strings 的文件。这完全按照 Apple 本地化文档中的描述工作。
"buy" = "شراء";
"rent" = "إيجار";
"addListing" = "إضافة إعلان" ;
"calculator" = "دلالي" ;
"news" = "أخبار" ;
关于ios - 无需重启设备即可更改 iOS 应用语言,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26625433/
至少在某些 ML 系列语言中,您可以定义可以执行模式匹配的记录,例如http://learnyouahaskell.com/making-our-own-types-and-typeclasses -
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