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A Boolean value that indicates whether the objects resulting from a fetch using the receiver are faults.
YES if the objects resulting from a fetch using the receiver are faults, otherwise NO. The default value is YES. This setting is not used if the result type (see resultType) is NSManagedObjectIDResultType, as object IDs do not have property values. You can set returnsObjectsAsFaults to NO to gain a performance benefit if you know you will need to access the property values from the returned objects.
By default, when you execute a fetch returnsObjectsAsFaults is YES; Core Data fetches the object data for the matching records, fills the row cache with the information, and returns managed object as faults. These faults are managed objects, but all of their property data resides in the row cache until the fault is fired. When the fault is fired, Core Data retrieves the data from the row cache. Although the overhead for this operation is small, for large datasets it may become non-trivial. If you need to access the property values from the returned objects (for example, if you iterate over all the objects to calculate the average value of a particular attribute), then it is more efficient to set returnsObjectsAsFaults to NO to avoid the additional overhead.
如果设置为 true,对象将存储在缓存中并且不可访问?
另一方面,false 会使其可访问吗?
let request = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "BlogItems")
request.returnsObjectsAsFaults = false
我们有一些 iPad 和 iPhone 应用程序,但今天,重建它们返回了正确数量的记录,但每个应用程序都是空的。
request.returnsObjectsAsFaults = false
”设置为 TRUE,这足以包含属性值。Apple: Fetching objects from CoreData
我非常讨厌 Xcode,而且每个版本似乎都给你更多讨厌它的理由。在撰写本文时,Xcode 在 App Store 的平均评分仅为 2 星,Apple 似乎无视用户对其糟糕程度的提示。
总之,吐槽一下。 Here's a link到描述 returnsObjectsAsFaults
和 includesPropertyValues
和 second link 之间差异的 StackOverflow 文章详细介绍如何在 iOS 编程中生存。
顺便说一句,有人知道 Apple 目前是否在招聘吗?这篇文章在我的简历上会很好看...
关于ios - returnsObjectsAsFaults 的目的是什么,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34545708/
我创建了一个核心数据对象如下: @objc(Gates) public class Gates : NSManagedObject { public class func getFetchRe
我不太明白“returnsObjectsAsFaults”的用法。文档说: A Boolean value that indicates whether the objects resulting f
我正在使用 NSFetchResultsController 并且我正在尝试让分页工作。我在 NSFetchRequest 上遇到了这两个属性,并突出显示了我有疑问的部分: 获取限制(docs): F
文档看了好几遍,还是不明白“Fault”是什么意思? 它是一个对象还是一个值? 作为动词,“Fault”会做什么? 非常感谢! 最佳答案 当关系指向的数据尚未加载到内存中时,对象关系是错误的。因此,它