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Apple 建议在 iOS4 及更高版本中使用 UIView 动画 block (here),但我非常喜欢我的旧 CATransition 和 kCATransitionPush 效果。如何使用 UIView 动画实现 kCATransitionPush?我在可用选项中只看到四种类型的 View 转换(向左/向右翻转,向上/向下 curl )
如果我自己实现,我打算创建一个新的 View ,并在将旧 View 滑出的同时将其滑入。我不明白为什么苹果不在 UIView 动画中包含“推”效果。
The block-based animation methods (such as animateWithDuration:animations:) greatly simplify the creation of animations. With one method call, you specify the animations to be performed and the options for the animation. However, block-based animations are available only in iOS 4 and later. If your application runs on earlier versions of iOS, you must use the beginAnimations:context: and commitAnimations class methods to mark the beginning and ending of your animations.
我认为这意味着他们推荐它因为它极大地简化了动画的创建。它还指出,它不适用于任何没有 ios 4 的设备。如果您知道如何使用 CAAnimation,我会继续使用它。我仍然毫无问题地使用它:
- (void)switchTwoViews:(UIView *)view1 otherView:(UIView *)view2 direction:(int)directionRL{
view2.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 400, 211);
visibleView = view2;
// remove the current view and replace with view1
[view1 removeFromSuperview];
[currentOptionsView addSubview:view2];
// set up an animation for the transition between the views
CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation];
[animation setDuration:0.3];
[animation setType:kCATransitionPush];
if (directionRL == 0) {
[animation setSubtype:kCATransitionFromRight];
} else {
[animation setSubtype:kCATransitionFromLeft];
[animation setTimingFunction:[CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut]];
[[currentOptionsView layer] addAnimation:animation forKey:@"SwitchToView"];
关于iphone - 使用UIView动画从CATransition实现kCATransitionPush,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6805634/
这个问题已经有答案了: 已关闭11 年前。 Possible Duplicate: iPhone CATransition adds a fade to the start and end of an
我试图让 UIView 向上滑动页面的四分之一以显示其下方的另一个 View (以显示选项),然后向下滑动以覆盖这些选项。我不懈地搜索,但似乎找不到我要找的东西。我不想使用模态视图,因为我想保持屏幕上
我目前正在使用 CATransition 从屏幕右侧滑入动画图像: CATransition *transition = [CATransition animation]; transition.du
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 关闭10 年前。 Possible Duplicate: iPhone CATransition adds a fade to the start and end of
我在屏幕上的某个位置有一个 UIImageView: self.imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] init]; self.imageView.clipsToBounds