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iphone - 是否可以标记 block ?

转载 作者:可可西里 更新时间:2023-11-01 04:59:15 27 4
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我正在开发一款基于回合制的 iOS 游戏,并试图填充玩家参与的游戏列表。

for (unsigned i = 0; i < [matches count]; i++)
// Only load data for games in progress.
// NOTE: Might want to handle finished games later.
if ([matches[i] status] != GKTurnBasedMatchStatusEnded)

// Send off another block to retrieve the match's data.
[(GKTurnBasedMatch*)matches[i] loadMatchDataWithCompletionHandler: ^(NSData *matchData, NSError *error)
// Prepare the game.
Game* game;
if (matchData.length == 0)
// If the match data is empty, this is a new game. Init from scratch.
game = [[Game alloc] init];
// Otherwise, unpack the data and init from it.
game = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:matchData];
game.match = matches[i];

// Load the displayNames for the players.
bool lastIndex = i == ([matches count] - 1);
[self loadPlayerIdentifiersForGame:game intoArray:blockGames lastIndex:lastIndex];

不幸的是,我遇到了一个问题,我无法用它的索引标记每个 block 。也就是说,到 block 执行时,i 始终为 0。有没有一种方法可以确保 block 知道启动时 i 是什么?


我回避了如果最后一场比赛结束我的 UITableView 不会重新加载的问题,而是这样做:

GKTurnBasedMatch* match;
for (int j = ([matches count] - 1); j >= 0; j --)
match = matches[j];
if (match.status != GKTurnBasedMatchStatusEnded)
bool lastIndex = (matches[i] == match);
[self loadPlayerIdentifiersForGame:game intoArray:blockGames lastIndex:lastIndex];

关于iphone - 是否可以标记 block ?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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