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objective-c - 核心数据批量插入突然减慢到速度的 1/10

转载 作者:可可西里 更新时间:2023-11-01 04:44:47 24 4
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我正在批量插入核心数据。我有一个人对象,这个人对象有一个名为“otherPeople”的关系,它是人的 NSSet。当从下载中批量插入数据时,一切都很好,直到大约 10,000 人被读入,此时批量插入速度减慢到爬行。我每插入 500 次就保存并重置我的 NSManagedObjectContext。

如果我注释掉插入“otherPerson”关系的部分,批量插入在整个下载过程中会很快。 parseJSON 在 500 个 JSONKit 词典中被批量调用。



- (NSArray*) getPeople:(NSArray*)ids
NSFetchRequest* request = [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] init] autorelease];
NSEntityDescription* entityDescription = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"Person" inManagedObjectContext:context];
[request setEntity:entityDescription];
[request setFetchBatchSize:ids.count];

//Filter by array of ids
NSPredicate* predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"externalId IN %@", ids];
[request setPredicate:predicate];

NSError* _error;
NSArray* people = [context executeFetchRequest:request error:&_error];

return people;

- (void) parseJSON:(NSArray*)people
NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSMutableArray* idsToFetch = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity:CHUNK_SIZE * 3];
NSMutableDictionary* existingPeople = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:CHUNK_SIZE * 3];

// populate the existing people dictionary first, that way we know who is already in the context without having to do a fetch for each person in the array (externalId IS indexed)
for (NSDictionary* personDictionary in people)
// uses JSON kit to parse out all the external ids...
[PersonJSON addExternalIdsToArray:idsToFetch fromDictionary:personDictionary];

// see above code for getPeople implementation...
NSArray* existingPeopleArray = [self getPeople:idsToFetch];
for (Person* p in existingPeopleArray)
[existingPeople setObject:p forKey:p.externalId];

for (NSDictionary* personDictionary in people)
NSString* externalId = [personDictionary objectForKey:@"PersonId"];
Person* person = [existingPeople objectForKey:externalId];

if (person == nil)
// the person was not in the context, make a new person in the context
person = [[self newPerson] autorelease];
person.ancestryId = externalId;
[existingPeople setObject:person forKey:person.externalId];

// use JSON kit to populate the core data object...
[PersonJSON populatePerson:person withDictionary:personDictionary inContext:[self context]];

// these are just objects that contain an externalId, showing that the link hasn't been setup yet
for (UnresolvedOtherPerson* other in person.unresolvedOtherPeople)
Person* relatedPerson = [existingPeople objectForKey:other.externalId];

if (relatedPerson == nil)
relatedPerson = [[self newPerson] autorelease];
relatedPerson.externalId = other.externalId;
[existingPeople setObject:relatedPerson forKey:relatedPerson.externalId];

// add link - if I comment out this line, everything runs very fast
// if I don't comment out, things slow down gradually and then exponentially
[person addOtherPersonsObject:relatedPerson];


[pool drain];


将对象添加到关系会导致双方的关系都被触发。因此,如果您有 A <<->> B 并说您正在尝试将新创建的 A 对象添加到已经与 100,000 个 A 对象相关联的 B 对象,则 CoreData 将从存储中获取这 100,000 个对象以实现之前的关系添加新关系。

事实上,您每隔一段时间就清除 mangedobjectcontext,这意味着为满足关系而加载的所有 100,000 个对象 CD 现在需要重新加载,从而使过程极其缓慢。

解决此问题的一种方法是执行两步导入过程。首先在不建立任何关系的情况下将所有对象加载到 db 中,但要跟踪需要添加的关系。一旦你像这样快速导入,然后回到数据库并添加关系和清晰的上下文,以避免核心数据必须过于频繁地重新加载关系。所以作为一个具体的例子,如果你需要导入 100 万个 A,需要关联 100 个 B,首先导入所有的 As,然后对于一百个 B 中的每一个,加载关系一次并将所有 A 添加到其中,清除上下文,继续下一个 B,依此类推。这里的关键是防止上下文重置它刚刚痛苦地加载的那些 100k 记录。


哦,还有一件事,你也可以考虑在 CoreData 中建立单向关系,并使用显式获取来获取关系的另一端



        [self.primitiveTags addObject:tag];


关于objective-c - 核心数据批量插入突然减慢到速度的 1/10,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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