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IOS App 提交 Export Compliance : Firebase

转载 作者:可可西里 更新时间:2023-11-01 03:59:57 24 4
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我准备将我的应用程序提交到应用程序商店,但经过一些研究后,我似乎仍然无法在我的应用程序中找到任何关于 firebase 的信息。

Firebase 是否豁免?我只用它来做分析和 Admob。

那么 Firebase 是否使用加密,如果使用,我是否需要担心它的导出合规性或 Google 是否涵盖它?



我的应用使用 Firebase。如果 Firebase 被豁免,那么我将不得不添加 <key>ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption</key><false/>到我的Info.plist ,我没有。我的应用程序与 Firebase 存储、Firebase 数据库等交互,并在 Safari 中打开链接。我一直在通过 TestFlight 与外部用户一起测试它,这需要进行 Beta 审查,并且它通过了。所以我很漂亮,您不必担心,但我不是 100% 确定。

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我找到了 an answer到一个类似的问题。它说:

If the only use is an https connection to facebook I would answer no. At WWDC16 I specifically asked this question twice of the security team and was told that they did not consider HTTPS to be encryption for this question.


New U.S. legislation went into effect on September 20th. The new regulation removes the requirement to register your app simply because it uses encryption.

Some links to the 9/20 changes: Changes to BIS's information security controls bring relaxed controls, removal of registration requirement Dentons, US Implements Regulation Changes for Encryption Products, Software and Technology Shadden, Export Administration Regulation (EAR) BIS.

Note that other countries also have regulations covering sale of encryption including France.

How this affects answering the Apple question is unclear. It my app useed encryption directly (my API calls directly to AES for example) I would answer "yes" and supply the above information.

Disclaimer: This is not legal advice.

关于IOS App 提交 Export Compliance : Firebase,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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