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我正在尝试在 Cocos2d-x 中移植像素完美碰撞检测,原始版本是为 Cocos2D 制作的,可以在这里找到:http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/forums/topic/pixel-perfect-collision-detection-using-color-blending/
这是我的 Cocos2d-x 版本的代码
bool CollisionDetection::areTheSpritesColliding(cocos2d::CCSprite *spr1, cocos2d::CCSprite *spr2, bool pp, CCRenderTexture* _rt) { bool isColliding = false; CCRect intersection; CCRect r1 = spr1->boundingBox(); CCRect r2 = spr2->boundingBox(); intersection = CCRectMake(fmax(r1.getMinX(),r2.getMinX()), fmax( r1.getMinY(), r2.getMinY()) ,0,0); intersection.size.width = fmin(r1.getMaxX(), r2.getMaxX() - intersection.getMinX()); intersection.size.height = fmin(r1.getMaxY(), r2.getMaxY() - intersection.getMinY()); // Look for simple bounding box collision if ( (intersection.size.width>0) && (intersection.size.height>0) ) { // If we're not checking for pixel perfect collisions, return true if (!pp) { return true; } unsigned int x = intersection.origin.x; unsigned int y = intersection.origin.y; unsigned int w = intersection.size.width; unsigned int h = intersection.size.height; unsigned int numPixels = w * h; //CCLog("Intersection X and Y %d, %d", x, y); //CCLog("Number of pixels %d", numPixels); // Draw into the RenderTexture _rt->beginWithClear( 0, 0, 0, 0); // Render both sprites: first one in RED and second one in GREEN glColorMask(1, 0, 0, 1); spr1->visit(); glColorMask(0, 1, 0, 1); spr2->visit(); glColorMask(1, 1, 1, 1); // Get color values of intersection area ccColor4B *buffer = (ccColor4B *)malloc( sizeof(ccColor4B) * numPixels ); glReadPixels(x, y, w, h, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer); _rt->end(); // Read buffer unsigned int step = 1; for(unsigned int i=0; i 0 && color.g > 0) { isColliding = true; break; } } // Free buffer memory free(buffer); } return isColliding;}
如果我将“pp”参数发送为 false,我的代码将完美运行。也就是说,如果我只进行边界框碰撞,但是当我需要 Pixel Perfect 碰撞时,我无法让它正常工作。我认为 opengl 屏蔽代码没有按预期工作。
_rt = CCRenderTexture::create(visibleSize.width, visibleSize.height); _rt->setPosition(ccp(origin.x + visibleSize.width * 0.5f, origin.y + visibleSize.height * 0.5f)); this->addChild(_rt, 1000000); _rt->setVisible(true); //For testing
我认为我在执行这个 CCRenderTexture 时犯了一个错误
终于解决了问题。必须使用自定义 opengl 片段着色器将其中一个 Sprite 完全着色为红色,将另一个 Sprite 完全着色为蓝色,然后循环遍历 glReadPixels 值以找到同时具有红色和蓝色像素的任何像素。 (也必须考虑混合,我们不想用一个像素值替换另一个像素值)
可以在我的博文中找到深入的信息 http://blog.muditjaju.infiniteeurekas.in/?p=1
关于c++ - Cocos2dx 中的像素完美碰撞检测,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18546066/
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