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- java - OnItemClickListener 不起作用,但 OnLongItemClickListener 在自定义 ListView 中起作用
- java - Android 文件转字符串
我想在服务器和客户端之间发送/接收多个 TCP 消息。例如:
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind((myIP, myPort))
(cl, adress) = s.accept()
print(" Received message is '{}'".format(msg))
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print(" {} ".format(msg))
#sending to server
我发现人们(无情地)删除了我之前发布的链接(即:https://realpython.com/python-sockets/)说:如果链接更改,则答案将失效。但是我不明白为什么需要删除,因为在那之后,没有答案!!留下评论来解释事情就好了。无论如何,这里是代码(服务器想要执行 1000 个任务,每个任务 10 次。
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# In[ ]:
import socket #For TCP communication.
import types #For types.SimpleNamespace
import selectors #For selectors.DefaultSelector()
import time
import random
# In[ ]:
totalTasks = 1000
repAllTasks = 10
d = {}
for i in range(totalTasks):
d[i] = 0
msgStart = "crrrazy_msg_START"
msgEnd = "crrrazy_msg_END" #Hoping that this will not be in the message.
verbose = False
#Instead of having start and end tokens, a better way is to have headers which will
#have size of the message.
# In[ ]:
sel = selectors.DefaultSelector()
# In[ ]:
def accept_wrapper(sock):
This function will accept the new clients, and will register them.
conn, addr = sock.accept()
print("\n\n accepted connection from", addr)
conn.setblocking(False) #If we want multiple clients we need to do this.
#Below we are assigning three things to each clinet connection, if we want more details
#like, when was the last time clinet communicated we need to pass one more argument here
# and later, ensure that it gets updated.
data = types.SimpleNamespace(addr=addr, inb="", outb=b"")
#Above notice that inb is not binary. This is becasue our code will be simpler
#if we'll keep it string (as a single message will be recieved over multiple
#iterations). But we need to convert it from binary stream before appending it there.
#In server we have made a loop and are senidng data till all is send, so outb can
#be removed, as it is never used.
events = selectors.EVENT_READ | selectors.EVENT_WRITE
sel.register(conn, events, data=data)
# In[ ]:
host, port = "<<<ENTER YOUR MACHINE IP>>>", 65432#sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]) #TODO: Chnage to your machine IP
lsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
lsock.bind((host, port))
print("listening on", (host, port))
sel.register(lsock, selectors.EVENT_READ, data=None)
# In[ ]:
underProcess = {}
for i in range(totalTasks):
underProcess[i] = 0
ctr = 0
lastRetCtr = 0
def getNextTask(tD):
tD is a dictionary which has, key values of taskID and units which has been completed.
This function will update the d, accordingly and will then return the next taskID to be done
if tD is None, we are just checking what is the next value to be returned, so no actual
changes are made to any variable.
global d
global underProcess
global repAllTasks
global ctr
global lastRetCtr
#print('Got tD as: ',tD)
#Updating the task dictionary d, and also removing that from underProcess
if tD is not None:
for k in tD:
underProcess[k] -= 1
d[k] += tD[k]
lastRetCtr += 1
ctr = lastRetCtr
for k in d:
if d[k] + underProcess[k] < repAllTasks:
if tD is not None:
underProcess[k] += 1
return k
for k in underProcess:
if underProcess[k] > 0:
#print('k:',k,'underProcess[k]: ',underProcess[k], ' ctr: ',ctr, 'lastRetCtr: ',lastRetCtr)
if tD is not None:
ctr += 1
if ctr - lastRetCtr > 10: #This is just a simple mechanism to resend stuff
# when some unprocess task has not been done.
# If till 10 iterations no client returns then it will
# resend the task (not an ideal mechanism)
if ctr - lastRetCtr > 15:
ctr = lastRetCtr
print('Returning: ',k)
return k
if tD is not None:
return -2
return -1
# In[ ]:
tmpGlobalMsg = "" #These two are defined global coz I don't know how to work with
tmpGlobalTD = None #exec with local variables. :-( Let me know how to get rid of them
ctr = 0
def service_connection(key, mask):
#print('In service_connection')
global d
global msgStart
global msgEnd
global tmpGlobalMsg
global tmpGlobalTD
global ctr
global verbose
sock = key.fileobj
data = key.data
if mask & selectors.EVENT_READ:
recv_data = sock.recv(1024)
if recv_data:
data.inb += recv_data.decode()
eI = data.inb.find(msgEnd) #Is the end str found? If so we have recievd entire message
if eI >= 0:
sI = data.inb.find(msgStart)
if sI < 0 or sI > eI: #Ideally throw an exception here.
sI = 0
sI += len(msgStart)
msg = data.inb[sI:eI]
data.inb = data.inb[eI + len(msgEnd):]
tmpGlobalTD = None
msg = 'tmpGlobalTD = '+msg
exec(msg, locals(), globals())
#Below, we update, how much unit of task has been done by client
nJob = getNextTask(tmpGlobalTD)
print('From : ',sock.getpeername(), 'nJob is: ', nJob)
toSend = msgStart + str(nJob) + msgEnd
toSend = str.encode(toSend) #We need to encode it befre sending
while len(toSend) > 0:
if mask & selectors.EVENT_WRITE:
sent = sock.send(toSend)
toSend = toSend[sent:]
if verbose:
print('Sent: ',sent)
else: #Not needed could be removed.
print('Not ready to send!!!! THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN (But who knows!!)')
else: #This will be true when client will close connection. We can even set
print("\n\n closing connection to", data.addr) # a timer here.
if verbose:
time.sleep(0.2) #So that output is not flooded
print('Not read ready !!!!', end=" ") #Thre are clients which have registerd
# But no one has sent anything for the server to read.
# In[ ]:
while True:
events = sel.select(timeout=None)
if verbose:
sleepT = 1 - len(events)*0.1
if sleepT <= 0:
sleepT = 0.01
print('NUmber of clinets is: ',len(events))
for key, mask in events:
if key.data is None:
service_connection(key, mask)
nT = getNextTask(None)
if nT < 0:
if nT == -2:
print('Status: ',underProcess)
print('All done.underProcess ', underProcess)
for key, mask in events:
data = key.data
sock = key.fileobj
print("\n\n closing connection to", data.addr) # a timer here.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# In[ ]:
import socket
import selectors
import types
import time
import random
sel = selectors.DefaultSelector()
msgStart = "crrrazy_msg_START"
msgEnd = "crrrazy_msg_END"
verbose = False
# In[ ]:
def start_connections(host, port):
server_addr = (host, port)
print("\n\nstarting connection to", server_addr)
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect_ex(server_addr) #connect_ex() is used instead of connect() since connect() would immediately raise a BlockingIOError exception. connect_ex() initially returns an error indicator, errno.EINPROGRESS, instead of raising an exception while the connection is in progress.
events = selectors.EVENT_READ | selectors.EVENT_WRITE
data = types.SimpleNamespace(
#connid=connid, #In case multiple connections are made from same machine
# we can assign an ID to them.
#Other fields, if other protocols like fixed message lengths etc needs to be
#used then more variables could be added here to keep track of those.
inb="", #Not a binary stream as it will be easier to handle str
sel.register(sock, events, data=data)
# In[ ]:
tempTaskID = None
def sendRecv(sel, tS = {}, recv = True, disconnect = False):
This function is written in such a way that one can send a message to server
and server will send a return message and the function will return that.
Since the function may wait endlessly if server does not return it, after some
delay, we are assuming that server didn't listened, so we are resending the message.
This is not an ideal solution, as server might get the message again and falsely
assume that task has been done. This can be fixed by providing unique key to each job,
and IMHO must be done in actual code.
sel: contains the connection to server.
tS: dictionary to send. By default it is empty, which in our case we consider as
blank message.
recv: a flag to indicate, if we are expecting a return message from server.
In our case, this will always be True.
disconnect: When True, this function will close the connection.
global msgStart
global msgEnd
global tempTaskID
global verbose
waitAttempts = 0
while True:
events = sel.select(timeout=1)
if events:
toProcess = True #To ensure that there is only one connection
# If everything goes correctly we don't need this.
# and ideally code involving this shouldnot run.
# Thus all code involving this could be removed,
for key, mask in events: #Idealy we should have just one value in events.
sock = key.fileobj
data = key.data
if not toProcess:
print('Repeated!!!!! ', key.index, ' closing it.')
print('THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN EXECUTED. But what can we say...')
print('Disconnected extra socket.')
toProcess = False
if disconnect: #This time function hsa been called to disconnect the connection.
# Please note, in case we would have been managing multiple
# connections, this would have been added to data when calling
# SimpleNamespace while registering, so that we know which socket
# to close.
return {}
msg = msgStart + str(tS) + msgEnd
toSend = str.encode(msg)
if waitAttempts <= 0: #It'll not send again till waitAttempts becomes less
# This is added in case, server does not recieve the message
# for the first time. So after waiting for few times
# ,in our case 10 seconds, as done by sleep in each iteration
# we'll resend the message.
# In practice, this could even happen when message from server
# is lost, thus a better mechanism to detect that should be there
while len(toSend) > 0:
if mask & selectors.EVENT_WRITE:
sent = sock.send(toSend)
if verbose:
print('sent: ',sent, 'From: ',sock.getsockname(),' Cont: ',toSend[:sent])
toSend = toSend[sent:]
print('Not ready to write!!. THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED, but what do I know..')
waitAttempts = 10 #Try again after these many iterations of outer while
waitAttempts -= 1
if not recv: #Return not expected.
return {}
if verbose:
print('wtoR...', end=' ')#For illustration we are SoPing
# wtoR: waiting to READ.
msg = ''
if mask & selectors.EVENT_READ:
recv_data = sock.recv(1024) # Should be ready to read
if recv_data:
data.inb += recv_data.decode()
#print('Now we got:::: ',data.outb,' len: ',len(data.outb), 'and find: ',data.outb.find(msgEnd))
if verbose:
print('NotR..', end=' ')#For illustration we are SoPing
# NotR: Not ready to READ. (Waiting for server to send message)
time.sleep(1) #By giving delay here we will wait for 10 seconds for
# server to reply.
eI = data.inb.find(msgEnd)
if eI >= 0:
sI = data.inb.find(msgStart)
if sI < 0 or sI > eI: #Ideally throw an exception here.
sI = 0
sI += len(msgStart)
msg = data.inb[sI:eI]
if len(msg) <= 0:
print('ERROR, this definitely looks like a protocol failure. Terminating connection, by returning -1')
#We are expecting that server must alway reply an integer eithre
#representing taskID or -1 to terminate.
return -1
data.inb = data.inb[eI + len(msgEnd):] #Simply removing the part
# of the message we have processed. In this case, if everything
# is as planned, this should always set data.inb to empty string.
return int(msg)
print('Integer not returned. Val return is:',msg,'. Protocol break.')
return -1
if verbose:
print('No end on: ', data.inb, end='')
print('No events!!! THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN...')
if not sel.get_map():
print('It\'s likely that no socket is opened OR server is not there.')
return {}
# In[ ]:
host, port = "<<ENTER YOUR SERVER IP>>", 65432#sys.argv[1:4]
start_connections(host, int(port))
# In[ ]:
d = sendRecv(sel)
while True:
if d <0:
if d == -2:
print('d is: ',d)
d = sendRecv(sel)
sendRecv(sel, disconnect=True)
print('Disconnected as server said target achieved',d)
tS = {}
tS[d] = random.randint(1,2) #Random number between 1 and 2
print('Sending: ',tS)
d = sendRecv(sel, tS)
# In[ ]:
#sendRecv(sel, disconnect=True)
# In[ ]:
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