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Iperf 是众所周知的吞吐量计算工具。当我在我的 linuxpc 上使用 iperf 尝试 udp 吞吐量时,它报告了 10% 的数据包丢失。
在 UDP 协议(protocol)中,数据报没有收到任何确认。但是,iperf 以何种方式报告或计算数据包丢失?iperf 工具如何知道传输的数据报是否收到。我想知道这个。
由于双方都使用了 iperf,iperf 确定在每个数据包之后接收什么。
基本上,Iperf 工具检查序列号在它收到的每个数据报中递增。如果序列号没有递增 1
,则数据报丢失。如果我们收到一个序列号小于前一个序列号的数据报,那么 iperf 会收到一个乱序的数据包。
您可以引用 iperf 源代码以便更好地理解。 https://github.com/esnet/iperf/blob/master/src/iperf_udp.c
From iperf source code-
if (pcount >= sp->packet_count + 1) {
/* Forward, but is there a gap in sequence numbers? */
if (pcount > sp->packet_count + 1) {
/* There's a gap so count that as a loss. */
sp->cnt_error += (pcount - 1) - sp->packet_count;
/* Update the highest sequence number seen so far. */
sp->packet_count = pcount;
} else {
* Sequence number went backward (or was stationary?!?).
* This counts as an out-of-order packet.
* If we have lost packets, then the fact that we are now
* seeing an out-of-order packet offsets a prior sequence
* number gap that was counted as a loss. So we can take
* away a loss.
if (sp->cnt_error > 0)
/* Log the out-of-order packet */
if (sp->test->debug)
fprintf(stderr, "OUT OF ORDER - incoming packet sequence %" PRIu64 " but expected sequence %d on stream %d", pcount, sp->packet_count, sp->socket);
关于network-programming - iperf如何在udp中报告丢包,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51911474/