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我的问题是我不知道如何知道动态 promise 数组何时解决了所有 promise 。
var promiseArray = [];
promiseArray.push(new Promise(){/*blablabla*/});
promiseArray.push(new Promise(){/*blablabla*/});
// This will be executen when those 2 promises are solved.
promiseArray.push(new Promise(){/*blablabla*/});
我这里有个问题。 Promise.all
行为将在解决前两个 promise 时执行,但是,在解决这两个 promise 之前,将添加第三个 promise ,并且不会考虑这个新 promise 。
所以,我需要的是这样说:“嘿 Promise.all
请记住,这只是一个示例。我知道我可以将行 Promise.all
移动到最后一行,但实际上新的 promise 是在解决另一个 promise 时动态添加的,并且新的 promise 也可以添加新的 promise ,所以,它是一个真正的动态数组。
var allPromises = [];
allPromises.push(new Promise(function(done, fail){
//Because mongoDB works with callbacks instead of promises
if (somethingHappens) {
allPromises.push(new Promise(function(done, fail){ //This promise never will be take in account
// bla bla bla
if (somethingHappens) {
allPromises.push(new Promise(function(done, fail){ //This promise never will be take in account
// bla bla bla
} else {
if (somethingHappens) {
allPromises.push(new Promise(function(done, fail){ //This promise never will be take in account
// bla bla bla
} else {
if (somethingHappens) {
allPromises.push(new Promise(function(done, fail){ //This promise never will be take in account
// bla bla bla
if (somethingHappens) {
allPromises.push(new Promise(function(done, fail){ //This promise never will be take in account
// bla bla bla
} else {
if (somethingHappens) {
allPromises.push(new Promise(function(done, fail){ //This promise never will be take in account
// bla bla bla
// Soooo, all work is done!
那么,现在,一个美丽的例子。当调用最后一个(我们不知道哪个是最后一个)promise 时,我们需要调用 showAllTheInformation
var name = 'anonimus';
var date = 'we do not know';
function userClikOnLogIn() {
if (data.logguedOk) {
if (data.yesHeIsAnAdmin) {
if(data.userHasName) {
currentDate = data.theNewCurrentDate;
function showAllTheInformation() {
alert('Hi ' + name + ' today is:' + date);
这里是另一个有更多上下文的例子: https://jsfiddle.net/f0a1s79o/2/
您可以编写一个简洁的小递归函数来包装 Promise.all
以处理对原始 promise 的添加:
* Returns a Promise that resolves to an array of inputs, like Promise.all.
* If additional unresolved promises are added to the passed-in iterable or
* array, the returned Promise will additionally wait for those, as long as
* they are added before the final promise in the iterable can resolve.
function iterablePromise(iterable) {
return Promise.all(iterable).then(function(resolvedIterable) {
if (iterable.length != resolvedIterable.length) {
// The list of promises or values changed. Return a new Promise.
// The original promise won't resolve until the new one does.
return iterablePromise(iterable);
// The list of promises or values stayed the same.
// Return results immediately.
return resolvedIterable;
/* Test harness below */
function timeoutPromise(string, timeoutMs) {
console.log("Promise created: " + string + " - " + timeoutMs + "ms");
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
console.log("Promise resolved: " + string + " - " + timeoutMs + "ms");
}, timeoutMs);
var list = [timeoutPromise('original', 1000)];
timeoutPromise('list adder', 200).then(function() {
list.push(timeoutPromise('newly created promise', 2000));
iterablePromise(list).then(function() { console.log("All done!"); });
在带有 lambda 且没有注释的 ES6 中,这可以更短:
function iterablePromise(iterable) {
return Promise.all(iterable).then((resolvedIterable) => {
if (iterable.length != resolvedIterable.length) {
return iterablePromise(iterable);
return resolvedIterable;
或者,作为 Rads 在 their answer 中用 async
async function iterablePromise(iterable) {
let resolvedIterable = [];
while (iterable.length !== resolvedIterable.length) {
resolvedIterable = await Promise.all(iterable); // implicit "then"
return resolvedIterable;
请记住,这只涉及添加,而且它仍然有点危险:您需要确保回调顺序是这样的,即任何正在运行的 promise 都会在 Promises.all
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大家好,提前感谢您的帮助。 下面是我正在尝试做的事情 function1(){ throw some error(); } function2() { // dosomething suc
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