- android - RelativeLayout 背景可绘制重叠内容
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- java - OnItemClickListener 不起作用,但 OnLongItemClickListener 在自定义 ListView 中起作用
- java - Android 文件转字符串
考虑一个简单的元素及其关联的 CSS:
<div id="content">Hover me !</div>
#content {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
#content:hover {
transform: translateY(500px);
transition: transform 1s 500ms;
状态会保持不变,即使该元素物理上不再位于鼠标下方(由于翻译) .状态似乎只有在鼠标移动后才会更新。
当一个 JavaScript 函数必须在 timeout
// The mouseleave event will not be called during the transition,
// unless the mouse move !
element.on('mouseenter', executeAfterTimeout);
element.on('mouseleave', cancelTimeout);
编辑: 为了给您一个上下文,这是我想具体做的事情:使用 JavaScript,当鼠标位于某个元素上时(并且当鼠标离开时隐藏它)。但是当用户点击它时,相同的元素可以被 transform
The principle is straightforward: while the element is hovered, it must go down. The problem is, when the mouse doesn't move, that the :hover state is maintained even if the element is not physically below the mouse anymore (due to the translation). The state seems to be updated only after an mouse move.
So here are my questions:
- Is this behaviour normal (compliant with the norms)?
是的。这种行为是正常的。虽然标准中没有逐字规定,但在这里详细提到: http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20131105
以这个 fiddle 为引用:http://jsfiddle.net/Blackhole/h7tb9/3/
上面的 div
直接绑定(bind)了鼠标事件。下方的 div
和 mouseenter
内。 mousemove
触发,内部 div
和 mouseleave
快速连续触发,内部 div
转换回其原始位置。这在此处描述: http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20131105/#events-mouseevents 在 鼠标事件顺序 部分下。
上面的第 3 步很重要。因为你什么都不做,所以没有事件被触发,因此什么也没有发生。如果内部 div
An event is the representation of some occurrence (such as a mouse click on the presentation of an element, the removal of child node from an element, or any number of other possibilities) which is associated with its event target. Each event is an instantiation of one specific event type.
现在看看这里的文档: http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20131105/#event-flow ,就在 3.2 节 开始之前,它说:
After an event completes all the phases of its propagation path, its Event.currentTarget must be set to null and the Event.eventPhase must be set to 0 (NONE). All other attributes of the Event (or interface derived from Event) are unchanged (including the Event.target attribute, which must continue to reference the event target).
最后一行(括号内)很重要。即使在事件完成后,event.target 仍会继续引用事件目标。
现在选择 fiddle 中上方的 div
作为引用。在 mouseenter
本身被翻译。 它是否从鼠标指针下方移开并不重要。 event.target 仍然引用它,如果没有其他鼠标事件发生,则什么也不会发生,它会保持翻译状态。当您移动鼠标(向内或向外的任意位置)时,激活发生在 event.target(仍然是这个 div
)并且现在用户代理发现鼠标指针不再位于元素上 并立即触发 mouseout
和 mouseleave
事件(当然是在触发 mousemove
之后) 导致 div
2.What are the solutions to avoid this problem?
Edit : To give you a context, here is what I want to do concretely: with JavaScript, I display a tooltip when the mouse is on an element (and hide it when the mouse leaves it). But the same element can be transform-ed when the user click on it. If the user simply clicks without moving the mouse, the tooltip will remain displayed, which is a real problem. How can I detect that the element is gone?
如果您查看此 fiddle 中较低的 div
中的实现:http://jsfiddle.net/abhitalks/h7tb9/2/ ;与上部 div 相比,鼠标悬停时没有颤动/抖动。这是因为事件不是在 div
这解决了您的编辑问题。工具提示显示在 mouseover
上。工具提示在 mouseleave
操作。工具提示本身是使用 :before
伪元素实现的。这将工具提示和您要在 click
后更改的元素分开。您仍然处理元素本身的事件。不需要超时,因为它由 css 本身处理。如果您mouseout
关于javascript - 即使元素已经消失,悬停状态也会在过渡期间保持不变,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23445468/
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