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javascript - 隐藏 ExtJS 面板标题

转载 作者:可可西里 更新时间:2023-11-01 01:48:38 25 4
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我在视口(viewport)中心区域有一个 ExtJS 面板。我想隐藏面板的标题。我该怎么做?我正在使用 xtype config 来声明面板。


使用面板的 headerheaderAsText 配置选项隐藏其标题。来自 ExtJS API documentation :

header : Boolean

true to create the Panel's header element explicitly, false to skip creating it. If a title is set the header will be created automatically, otherwise it will not. If a title is set but header is explicitly set to false, the header will not be rendered.

headerAsText : Boolean

true to display the panel title in the header, false to hide it (defaults to true).

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