- android - RelativeLayout 背景可绘制重叠内容
- android - 如何链接 cpufeatures lib 以获取 native android 库?
- java - OnItemClickListener 不起作用,但 OnLongItemClickListener 在自定义 ListView 中起作用
- java - Android 文件转字符串
我最近一直在进行一些图像处理,并且正在寻找一种 javascript 解决方案来确定完全位于不规则形状内的最长线段。综上所述,线段应该是接触形状且不重叠或移动到形状之外的最长线段。
第 2 步:
第 3 步:
如步骤3所示蓝线表示最大长度。它可以很好地确定规则形状的长度,但在不规则形状的情况下它不起作用(在 3 点的情况下也是如此)。
为了首先计算长度,我取了点(它们是 Canvas 向下事件上的鼠标坐标。
下面是 Canvas 的代码片段:
function getXY(e) {
var el = document.getElementById('canvas');
var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
/* console.log("widht "+$("#canvas").width());
console.log("heihgt "+$("#canvas").height());
console.log("X "+Math.round(e.clientX - rect.left));
console.log("y "+Math.round(e.clientY - rect.top));*/
return {
x: Math.round(e.clientX - rect.left),
y: Math.round(e.clientY - rect.top)
$('#canvas').mousedown(function(e) {
var can = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = can.getContext('2d');
if (condition == 1) {
if (e.which == 1) {
//store the points on mousedown
var poss = getXY(e);
i = i + 1;
if (firstX == poss.x && firstY == poss.y) {
console.log(" inside if poss.x===" + poss.x + " poss.y===" + poss.y);
} else {
console.log(" inside else poss.x===" + poss.x + " poss.y===" + poss.y);
points.push(Math.round(poss.x), Math.round(poss.y));
pointsforline.push({ "x": Math.round(poss.x), "y": Math.round(poss.y) });
sendpoints.push(Math.round(poss.x), Math.round(poss.y));
if(points.length >= 6){
// Type 1 using array
if(points.length == 6 && sendpoints.length ==6 ){
// Type 2 using counter
/* if (i == 3) {
if (i == 1) {
firstX = poss.x;
firstY = poss.y;
//change is here
Xmax = poss.x;
Ymax = poss.y;
Xmin = poss.x;
Ymin = poss.y;
minX1 = poss.x;
maxY1 = poss.y;
minX1 = poss.x;
minY1 = poss.y;
if (poss.x < Xmin) {
Xmin = poss.x;
minY1 = poss.y;
if (poss.x > Xmax) {
Xmax = poss.x;
maxY1 = poss.y;
if (poss.y < Ymin) {
Ymin = poss.y;
minX1 = poss.x;
if (poss.y > Ymax) {
Ymax = poss.y;
maxX1 = poss.x;
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
var oldposx = $('#oldposx').html();
var oldposy = $('#oldposy').html();
var posx = $('#posx').html();
var posy = $('#posy').html();
ctx.lineWidth = 13;
ctx.moveTo(oldposx, oldposy);
if (oldposx != '') {
ctx.lineTo(posx, posy);
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
ctx.strokeStyle = 'red';
ctx.fillRect(posx, posy, 10, 10);
} //condition
function calMaxMin() {
for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i += 2) {
if (i == 0) {
Xmax = points[i];
Ymax = points[i + 1];
Xmin = points[i];
Ymin = points[i + 1];
minX1 = points[i];
maxY1 = points[i + 1];
minX1 = points[i];
minY1 = points[i + 1];
if (points[i] < Xmin) {
Xmin = points[i];
minY1 = points[i + 1];
if (points[i] > Xmax) {
Xmax = points[i];
maxY1 = points[i + 1];
if (points[i + 1] < Ymin) {
Ymin = points[i + 1];
minX1 = points[i];
if (points[i + 1] > Ymax) {
Ymax = points[i + 1];
maxX1 = points[i];
问题图片 1
问题图片 2(我现在得到的)
对于凸多边形,您有一个候选集,由所有段定义 (p1, p2), (p1 , p3), ..., (p2, p3), ..., (pn-1 , pn), 其中最长的候选者是结果:
这个例子总共有 10 个候选项。您只需选择最长的一个。
NOTE: I've had to play quite a bit with this math in the past and will be linking to functions of an old JavaScript library I built. Points are represented as
{ x: number, y: number}
and polygons as arrays of points.
任一端点都以离开多边形的线段开始。您可以通过获取 global angle of the candidate segment 来测试它(从所述端点)和两个相邻多边形边的全局 Angular 并检查 if the candidate segment's angle falls between those two .
The candidate segment intersects any of the edges (inclusive of edge endpoints).
对于所说的(线段,端点)对,通过 polar projection 将线段通过端点拉伸(stretch)很长的距离(如 10000000) .
检测所有intersection points带有多边形的细长段。
找到交点 nearest未修改的端点。这个交点和未修改的端点是新的候选段。
HINT: Might I recommend using GeoGebra for diagramming (I am in no way affiliated)?
关于javascript - 查找在 HTML 5 Canvas 上绘制的不规则形状的最大高度宽度,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47349575/
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