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javascript - 使用 grunt-contrib-watch 深度单向同步两个目录。代码有效,但 grunt-contrib-watch 重新初始化时间太慢

转载 作者:可可西里 更新时间:2023-11-01 01:43:42 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我有两个目录 srccompiled。我想使用 Grunt Watch 确保从 srccompiled 的单向数据同步.作为中间步骤,我想编译 *.less 文件以及使用 ES6 语法编写的 *.js 文件的子集。


// NOTE: Spawn must be disabled to keep watch running under same context in order to dynamically modify config file.
watch: {
// Compile LESS files to 'compiled' directory.
less: {
options: {
interrupt: true,
spawn: false,
cwd: 'src/less'
files: ['**/*.less'],
tasks: ['less']
// Copy all non-ES6/LESS files to 'compiled' directory. Include main files because they're not ES6. Exclude LESS because they're compiled.
copyUncompiled: {
options: {
event: ['added', 'changed'],
spawn: false,
cwd: 'src'
files: ['**/*', '!**/background/**', '!**/common/**', '!contentScript/youTubePlayer/**/*', '!**/foreground/**', '!**/test/**', '!**/less/**', '**/main.js'],
tasks: ['copy:compileSingle']
// Compile and copy ES6 files to 'compiled' directory. Exclude main files because they're not ES6.
copyCompiled: {
options: {
event: ['added', 'changed'],
spawn: false,
cwd: 'src/js'
files: ['background/**/*', 'common/**/*', 'contentScript/youTubePlayer/**/*', 'foreground/**/*', 'test/**/*', '!**/main.js'],
tasks: ['babel:compileSingle']
// Whenever a file is deleted from 'src' ensure it is also deleted from 'compiled'
remove: {
options: {
event: ['deleted'],
spawn: false,
cwd: 'src'
files: ['**/*'],
tasks: ['clean:compiledFile']

grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath, target) {
// Determine which task config to modify based on the event action.
var taskTarget = '';
if (action === 'deleted') {
taskTarget = 'clean.compiledFile';
} else if (action === 'changed' || action === 'added') {
if (target === 'copyCompiled') {
taskTarget = 'babel.compileSingle';
} else if (target === 'copyUncompiled') {
taskTarget = 'copy.compileSingle';

if (taskTarget === '') {
console.error('Unable to determine taskTarget for: ', action, filepath, target);
} else {
// Drop src off of filepath to properly rely on 'cwd' task configuration.
grunt.config(taskTarget + '.src', filepath.replace('src\\', ''));

这些任务监视相应的文件。事件处理程序动态修改 clean copybabel 任务,以便它们处理正在添加/更改/删除的文件。

但是,我正在观看数千个文件并且监视任务需要花费大量时间来初始化。在我的高端开发 PC 上初始化需要 6 秒以上。监视任务在每个任务后重新初始化这一事实加剧了这个问题。

这意味着如果我有两个文件,fileAfileB,并且我修改了 fileA 并保存,那么会有 6+ 秒watch 未能检测到对 fileB 的修改的时间段。这导致我的两个目录之间不同步。

我发现了这个关于我的问题的 GitHub 问题,但它仍然未解决且未得到答复:

GitHub 上的讨论强调该问题可能仅在设置了 spawn: false 时出现,但是,根据 Grunt Watch documentation :

If you need to dynamically modify your config, the spawn option must be disabled to keep the watch running under the same context.

因此,我认为我需要继续使用 spawn: false

我不得不假设这是 Grunt 任务的一个非常标准的过程。我在这里遗漏了一些明显的东西吗? Watch 任务不适合这个目的吗?其他选择?



我确实最终使用了 grunt-newer协助解决问题。不幸的是,它不能很好地与 grunt-contrib-copy 配合使用,因为复制文件不会更新其最后修改时间,因此 grunt-newer 将在 100% 的时间内执行。

因此,我 fork 了 grunt-contrib-copy 并添加了一个选项以允许更新上次修改时间:


// NOTE: Spawn must be disabled to keep watch running under same context in order to dynamically modify config file.
watch: {
// Compile LESS files to 'compiled' directory.
less: {
options: {
interrupt: true,
cwd: 'src/less'
files: ['**/*.less'],
tasks: ['less']
// Copy all non-ES6/LESS files to 'compiled' directory. Include main files because they're not ES6. Exclude LESS because they're compiled.
copyUncompiled: {
options: {
event: ['added', 'changed'],
cwd: 'src'
files: ['**/*', '!**/background/**', '!**/common/**', '!contentScript/youTubePlayer/**/*', '!**/foreground/**', '!**/test/**', '!**/less/**', '**/main.js'],
tasks: ['newer:copy:compiled']
// Compile and copy ES6 files to 'compiled' directory. Exclude main files because they're not ES6.
copyCompiled: {
options: {
event: ['added', 'changed'],
cwd: 'src/js'
files: ['background/**/*', 'common/**/*', 'contentScript/youTubePlayer/**/*', 'foreground/**/*', 'test/**/*', '!**/main.js'],
tasks: ['newer:babel:compiled']
// Whenever a file is deleted from 'src' ensure it is also deleted from 'compiled'
remove: {
options: {
event: ['deleted'],
spawn: false,
cwd: 'src'
files: ['**/*'],
tasks: ['clean:compiledFile']

grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath) {
if (action === 'deleted') {
// Drop src off of filepath to properly rely on 'cwd' task configuration.
grunt.config('clean.compiledFile.src', filepath.replace('src\\', ''));

现在,只有当“src”比“dest”更新时,才会复制 ES6 文件以及非 LESS/非 ES6 文件。

不幸的是,当从“src”中删除时,grunt-newer 并不真正支持同步删除操作。因此,我继续使用我以前的代码进行“删除”操作。这仍然存在相同的缺陷,在删除发生后,监视任务将暂时失效。

关于javascript - 使用 grunt-contrib-watch 深度单向同步两个目录。代码有效,但 grunt-contrib-watch 重新初始化时间太慢,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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