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ios - 如何遍历动态大小的数组并将属性作为参数传递给可变参数函数?

转载 作者:可可西里 更新时间:2023-11-01 00:54:10 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


我正在为 iOS 使用 Mapbox(MapKit 替代品)。 Mapbox 具有样式层,可让您为 map 上的不同图钉设置不同的图像。这是通过将图层的 iconImageName 设置为不同的值来完成的,具体取决于它正在处理的 map 图钉。作为样式层的 iconImageName 给出的值是一个 NSExpression,我们在其中传递格式作为字符串和任何其他数量的 NSExpression以便它们符合格式。下面是根据动态图像创建样式层的示例,即这些图像被硬编码到应用程序中。

//Create the layer
let ports = MGLSymbolStyleLayer(identifier: "ports", source: source)
//Create a default shape
let defaultShape = NSExpression(forConstantValue: "grayMarker")

//For every pin in the 'ports' layer, we are going to look at its
//'type' property. If 'type' is equal to the string 'redPin', its image
//should be the one registered with the name 'redMarker'. If 'type' is
//equal to the string 'bluePin', its image should be the one registered
//with the name 'blueMarker'...and so on. If 'type' doesn't match
//anything outlined here, then set the pin's image to the default
ports.iconImageName = NSExpression(format: "MGL_MATCH(type, 'redPin', %@, 'bluePin', %@, 'greenPin', %@, 'grayPin', %@, %@)", NSExpression(forConstantValue: "redMarker"), NSExpression(forConstantValue: "blueMarker"), NSExpression(forConstantValue: "greenMarker"), NSExpression(forConstantValue: "grayMarker"), defaultShape)

//Add the layer to the map's style

因此,当信息被硬编码到应用程序中时,这很容易做到。问题是,我有一系列从 API 请求返回的“pin 类型”,我可能需要在以后进行更改。这些 pin 类型有一个与之关联的 photoUrl。

由于 pin 类型的数量将来可能会发生变化,因此我必须在我的应用程序中提取类型,将它们解析为一组自定义对象,然后遍历每个对象并将它们的信息添加到 NSExpression 的格式中。下面是我如何做的一个例子:

//Create a new style layer, like in the previous example
let icons = MGLSymbolStyleLayer(identifier: "icons", source: source)

//Create a prefix type string for our format string. We will modify
//this based on the data in our categories
var format = "MGL_MATCH(type, "

//Loop through the array and modify our format string to include our
//pin type
for pinType in self.pinTypes {
format += "'\( ?? "")', %@, "

//Add the suffix to the format string
format += "%@)"

我们的“格式”字符串的最终结果总是看起来像这样(尽管有不同数量的 pinType):

MGL_MATCH(type, '0lah2lqnit8sae8', %@, 'moyxexbimf988g3', %@, 'rweisxrjjahriou', %@, 'phn9kssirq6p99f', %@, 'wgpyy6bvw0dxmfp', %@, 'knj2q61ip0xfspy', %@, 'q8e5zqkm8aj9bvl', %@, '16rxmcilhes742c', %@, 'c2srv0rkx3wtagm', %@, 'jorbix53907eikq', %@, 'L1E5cRH2mVWC5qp', %@, 'Aur0Ok57zrtxBiL', %@, 'i5261q9qjqaftfh', %@, '9ru1hhcjwqx4c51', %@, 'ebnxme3pwq6q7o3', %@, 'oyn45ntbub7upei', %@, 'hb1fy24bme5e040', %@, 'xr2pmgtged1w678', %@, '97st6t0fwb6anwz', %@, 'ovwe99ejboz7zpb', %@, 'amvm4xe85s0g6sx', %@, 'gj801lf4co3h1zm', %@, '7emo3defagedy6l', %@, '9atby0ig427fkc4', %@, '6w4asp3yxs4e6ez', %@, 'tdmmyqwtn5ncy55', %@, 'yd4epiob1mg6tc3', %@, 'icb59kmni3thlmd', %@, 'eh9mgf4lp50ar88', %@, 'lxjccng4fb7sk05', %@, '2jg3aqkltbsktof', %@, 'e0otypxpbq2syzm', %@, '25af3o1wxo77s8b', %@, '1r6z9zdi8uxtf7m', %@, 't1zxv955vw5dfep', %@, 'iq93veeuccsrqye', %@, 'osviabneknsqo2x', %@, 'u6mps2zv2ivs4n8', %@, 'r2q9u8dhhk94km4', %@, 'wp6jmyyeh17nocd', %@, '4now4xnrylx7010', %@, 'f8uy2twfr2r3m7f', %@, 'lhw9bs31nr2twlx', %@, 'qvnfna00n9wnkgu', %@, 'g8f5zc7gcei1aax', %@, 'spxlscffbf0ve9q', %@, 'dir96qh9w1n43ys', %@, 'dgrj9voh1ybhv5j', %@, 'hdwp8w1lfhcurq9', %@, 'twpx9aeb5kkkju2', %@, 'eb85y3w2zywfpet', %@, '9dd6yp6c3e4oyno', %@, 'd61qrfm60vq4mqh', %@, 'hcjxvgzr0kiqbsf', %@, 'izygh92tmdd5r07', %@, 'ymd2p3k5voo27te', %@, 'l87mls4z0zy534u', %@, 'ybr1twmjafdr1cf', %@, 'eqeio0phb1gj50y', %@, 'dn48bxo5hkt7295', %@, 'uE5z1pDR6U1pPhR', %@, '6801ek42qsn1hl2', %@, 'BWPcCGJ0bTlqYhj', %@, 'wzEaDVI28xvuENW', %@, 'yiXttIPk0oLQAc3', %@, 'b6nadw9emiband2', %@, 'yxt8w275plqxws4', %@, '99lo09p6wr8wcdv', %@, '1hhoeiony8jt0rx', %@, 'bkcmo89dcvdh7px', %@, 'nz8d748p4np9bll', %@, '6vpts6ytusz51n5', %@, %@)

因此,我能够获取使用从我们的 API 请求中提取的动态数据创建的格式字符串,但现在是困难的部分。如何将动态数量的参数传递给函数?!

请注意,下一步是将 iconImageName 属性设置为可以接受任意数量参数的 NSExpression。记忆一下我们的第一个硬编码数据示例:

ports.iconImageName = NSExpression(format: "MGL_MATCH(type, 'redPin', %@, 'bluePin', %@, 'greenPin', %@, 'grayPin', %@, %@)", NSExpression(forConstantValue: "redMarker"), NSExpression(forConstantValue: "blueMarker"), NSExpression(forConstantValue: "greenMarker"), NSExpression(forConstantValue: "grayMarker"), defaultShape)

第一个参数是格式字符串,所有其他参数都是“填充”该格式字符串的 NSExpression。我如何“循环”pinTypes 数组并为每个数组创建一个单独的 NSExpression 并在设置样式层的 iconImageProperty 时将每个单独的 NSExpression 作为参数传递?



我可能误解了这个问题。我不知道你是否想要一个通用的方法来做到这一点,但是 NSExpression 有一个接受数组的初始化:


let defaultShapeExpression = NSExpression(forConstantValue: "grayMarker")
// Either do clean array or add your initial arguments
var expressionArguments = [Any]()
var format = "MGL_MATCH(type, "

for pinType in self.pinTypes {
format += "'\( ?? "")', %@, "

format += "%@)"

let expression = NSExpression(format: format, argumentArray: expressionArguments)


关于ios - 如何遍历动态大小的数组并将属性作为参数传递给可变参数函数?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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