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php - 我正在开发一个 php 购物 list 函数/api

转载 作者:可可西里 更新时间:2023-10-31 23:06:04 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

返回一组购物 list 对象,或者是购物者的,或者是具有“建议的”标志='Y'的 list

当我手动将 token 添加到 $_GET 时,我返回一个空白数组。 [{},{}]但是如果我 var_dump($shopper_list) 我得到两个不同的用户列表..它应该只有一个,因为一次登录应该等于一个 token :

array(2) {
object(UserShoppingList)#4 (14) {
string(1) "4"
string(18) "kj's shopping list"
string(1) "N"
string(23) "jfw_shopping_list_names"
array(1) {
array(0) {
array(0) {
object(UserShoppingList)#5 (14) {
string(1) "2"
string(20) "bonner shopping list"
string(1) "N"
string(23) "jfw_shopping_list_names"
array(1) {
array(0) {
array(0) {

我的 php 页面 (get_shopping_lists.php) 如下所示:

This script is used to return a JSON array of ShoppingList objects.
Those objects can be limited to either only "suggested" ShoppingList names,
or to all of the lists for a single Shopper. So, either the shopper_id or
the boolean "suggested_only" should be set.
if(!isset($_GET['token']) && !isset($_GET['suggested_only'])) {
die('Must pass-in either a \'token\' or \'suggested_only\' flag');

if(isset($_GET['token'])) {
$shopper = new Shopper($_GET['token'])
or die('Could not instantiate a new Shopper from the \'token\' passed-in');

$shopper_lists = $shopper->get_lists(true);
echo json_encode($shopper_lists);

if(isset($_GET['suggested_only']) && $_GET['suggested_only'] == 'true') {


我希望返回一个购物列表对象数组,或者是一个购物者(您将 token 传递给 Shopper 类的“get_lists”函数),或者是具有“建议的列表”的列表” flag = 'Y' 如果您要传递另一个参数以表示您只需要建议的列表。这些选项中的每一个都会以不同的方式调用框架中的各个部分。


// Most objects in this framework are populated by calling the constructor, but
// this one has a variety of entry points. They don't do any sanity checking
// with eachother, so you can have $user->create and $user->register refer to
// completely different rows.
class Shopper extends Base {

protected $shopper_id;
protected $email;
protected $user_name;
protected $temp_token;
protected $sign_in_token;

protected $UserShoppingList;

function __construct($email = null) {
// For testing use only. Declined to wrap in this_is_dev because I
// foresee using it somewhere in the code, pushing live, and being
// parent::__construct('jfw_shoppers', array('SHOPPER_ID' => $shopper_id));

// Allow them to pass an e-mail address or the token
if (strpos($email, '@') === false) {
$this->sign_in_token = $email;
} else {
$this->email = $email;

// todo: need a new function to do the actual activation.
public function activate($temp_token) {
global $db;


$vars = array();
$vars[] = array(':i_temp_token', $this->get_temp_token());

// Returns a Y or N
return $db->get_function_as_proc('custom.japi_shopper_identity.Activate_User(:i_temp_token)', $vars) == 'Y';

public function create($password) {
global $db;

if (!$this->get_email() || !$this->get_username()) {
return false;

$vars = array();
$vars[] = array(':email', $this->get_email());
$vars[] = array(':username', $this->get_username());
$vars[] = array(':password', $password);

$id = $db->get_function_as_proc('custom.japi_shopper_identity.create_user(:email, :username, :password)', $vars);

// If it failed, it'll puke on the procedure. If we've come this far, we
// know it worked.
return true;

public function get_email() {
return $this->email;

private function get_id() {
if (isset($this->shopper_id)) {
return $this->shopper_id;

// If this object has an e-mail address or the user sent one
} else if ($this->get_email()) {
global $db;

$vars = array();
$vars[] = array(':i_email_id', $this->get_email());

// FUNCTION get_id_by_email(i_email_id IN
$id = array_pop(array_pop($db->get_function('custom.japi_shopper_identity.get_id_by_email(:i_email_id)', $vars)));

$this->shopper_id = $id;
return $this->shopper_id;

// Can also get from token
} else if ($this->get_sign_in_token()) {
// todo: call get_id_by_token
return false;

// todo: test
public function get_lists($clobber = false) {
global $pd;
// $pd->print_object($this, 'User - has token?');
// $pd->print_object($this->get_sign_in_token(), 'Token');

if ($this->UserShoppingList != null && !$clobber) {
return $this->UserShoppingList;

} else if ($this->get_sign_in_token()) {
global $db;
$pd->print_object($this, 'User - has token?');
$pd->print_object(strtolower($this->get_sign_in_token()), 'token?');

$vars = array();
$vars[] = array(':i_sign_in_token', strtolower($this->get_sign_in_token()));

$pd->print_object($this->get_sign_in_token(), 'About to seek lists using token');
$rows = $db->get_function('custom.japi_shopper_identity.get_lists_for_shopper(:i_sign_in_token)', $vars);
$pd->print_object($rows, 'Rows returned by get_lists using token '.$this->get_sign_in_token());

// Turn the rows into objects
$this->UserShoppingList = array_to_objects($rows, 'UserShoppingList');

return $this->UserShoppingList;
} else {
return false;

public function get_sign_in_token() {
if ($this->sign_in_token != null) {
return $this->sign_in_token;
} else {
return false;

public function get_temp_token() {
if ($this->temp_token != null) {
return $this->temp_token;
} else {
return false;

public function get_username() {
return $this->user_name;

public function json($obj = null, $return_json = false) {
if ($obj == null) {
$obj = $this;
return parent::json($obj, $return_json);

// Most objects in this framework are populated by calling the constructor,
// but the only way to populate this one is to call this function with good
// credentials.
public function login($password) {
global $db;

if (!$this->get_email()) {
return false;

// Log them in now that we know who they are.
$vars = array();
$vars[] = array(':i_email_id', $this->get_email());
$vars[] = array(':i_password', $password);

// This also exists, but is not yet in use:
// $token = $db->get_function_as_proc('custom.japi_shopper_identity.login_by_username(:i_username, :i_password)', $vars);
$token = $db->get_function_as_proc('custom.japi_shopper_identity.Login_by_Email(:i_email_id, :i_password)', $vars);
// todo: what if it's bad credentials?

if ($token == null) {
return false;

} else {
return $this->get_sign_in_token();

public function password_reset($tmp_token, $password) {
global $db;

if (strlen($password) < 8) {
return false;

$vars = array();
$vars[] = array(':temp_token', $tmp_token);
$vars[] = array(':new_password', $password);

return $db->get_function_as_proc('custom.japi_shopper_identity.password_reset(:temp_token, :new_password)', $vars) == 'Y';

public function request_activation() {
global $db;

$vars = array();
$vars[] = array(':i_shopper_id', $this->get_id());

// Returns a temp token
$temp_token = $db->get_function_as_proc('custom.japi_shopper_identity.activate_user_request(:i_shopper_id)', $vars);

if ($temp_token == null) {
return false;
} else {
return $temp_token;

public function request_password_reset() {
global $db, $pd;

if (!$this->get_id()) {
return false;

$vars = array();
$vars[] = array(':shopper_id', $this->get_id());

$temp_token = $db->get_function_as_proc('custom.japi_shopper_identity.password_reset_request(:shopper_id)', $vars);
if ($temp_token == null) {
return false;
} else {
$pd->print_object('About to send the e-mail');
$pd->print_object('Sent the email');
return $this->get_temp_token();

private function send_activation_email() {
if (!$this->get_email() || !$this->get_temp_token()) {
return false;

$fancy = '
<div style="text-align: center;"><img src="logo.jpg" /></div>
<h2>Welcome to com!</h2>
<p>To complete your registration, <a href="todo: ">click here</a> or copy and paste the URL into your browser:</p>



$plain = 'Welcome to com!

To complete your registration, please activate your account by going to the URL below:



// todo: subject could probably be better
return email_customer($this->get_email(), 'Welcome to com!', $fancy, $plain);

private function send_password_email() {
global $pd;
$pd->print_object('In send_password_email');
$pd->print_object($this->get_email(), 'E-mail');
$pd->print_object($this->get_temp_token(), 'Token');

if (!$this->get_email() || !$this->get_temp_token()) {
return false;

$pd->print_object($this->get_email(), 'Have all the data I need');

$fancy = '
<div style="text-align: center;"><img src="logo.jpg" /></div>
<h2>Welcome to com!</h2>
<p>To reset your password, <a href="todo: ">click here</a> or copy and paste the URL into your browser:</p>


$plain = 'Welcome to com!

To reset your password by going to the URL below:


$pd->print_object('About to actually e-mail');

return email_customer($this->get_email(), "Reset your com password", $fancy, $plain);

public function set_email($email) {
return $this->email = $email;

public function set_id($email) {
return $this->shopper_id;

public function set_sign_in_token($token) {
return $this->sign_in_token = $token;

public function set_temp_token($token) {
return $this->temp_token = $token;

public function set_username($username) {
return $this->user_name = $username;


我的 (oracle11g) 数据库中有一些测试列表:

     ID SHOPPING_LIST_NAME                                 S SEQUENCE
------- -------------------------------------------------- - --------
3 793d7384fa4fa247d6fae07db104147d0a2dad6e N
1 test amnaik shopping list N
4 kj's shopping list N
5 kj's shopping list from 1384201636 N
6 kj's shopping list from 1384201659 N
7 kj's shopping list from 1384202055 N
8 kj's shopping list from 1384202089 N
2 bonner shopping list N

8 rows selected.

---------------- ---------- --------- -------- --------- --------- - -
1 2 ABI85MT06 4 28-OCT-13 CUSTOM N N
1 1 STZ28AC1 3 11-NOV-13 CUSTOM Y N
1 1 ABI85MT06 3 11-NOV-13 CUSTOM Y N
1 1 XYZ 1 Y N
2 1 XYZ 1 Y N
4 67 MND44SA01 1 Y N
4 67 MND44SA02 1 Y N
2 67 MND44SA02 1 Y N
1 1 ABCDEF 1 Y N

9 rows selected.



基于那个 Shopper 类,您更新的 get_lists 函数正在调用一个 db 方法:

$rows = $db->get_function('custom.japi_shopper_identity.get_lists_for_shopper(:i_sign_in_token)', $vars);

此方法返回一个数组,我必须假设它是来自 oracle 数据库的查询结果。在将其转换为一组对象并将其返回到 get_shopping_lists.php 后,您需要检查以确保此值不为 false,因为这是 get_lists() 方法调用中的最终 else 条件。如果是,则输出某种类型的错误消息(如果这是您的消费者所期望的,则可能是 JSON 格式)。


  • 如果他们没有,则自动创建一个列表
  • 获取建议列表

对于第一个,在获取行之后,您将检查以确保 $rows 不为空,然后调用一个方法来创建列表(大概也是某种类型的 customer.japi_shopper... oracle 上的函数边。

对于第二个,您将使用 if/else 分支逻辑(如果 $suggested == true,获取这些结果;否则,执行您已经在执行的操作...)

关于php - 我正在开发一个 php 购物 list 函数/api,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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