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我在 Android 上使用 renderscript 来编辑照片,目前由于 Android 上的纹理大小限制和内存限制,如果我尝试任何太大的东西(例如用设备相机拍摄的照片),应用程序将会崩溃。
我第一个想到解决这个问题是使用 BitmapRegionDecoder 并将大照片平铺成可管理的部分,通过 renderscript 编辑它们并一次保存一个,然后使用 PNGJ - 一个 PNG 解码和编码库将它们拼接在一起允许将 PNG 图像分成几部分写入磁盘,这样我就没有完整的图像在内存中。
这工作正常,但将它们拼接在一起需要相当长的时间——我猜大约需要 1 分钟。
我应该考虑其他解决方案吗?如果那里有解决方案,我可以改成JPEG,但我还没有找到。基本上,我正在寻找 BitmapRegionDecoder 的另一面,即 BitmapRegionEncoder。
以水平条纹加载图像。下面的代码假定它是 PNG 并使用 PNGJ 将元数据复制到新图像,但是添加对 JPEG 的支持应该不会太困难。this image 的 PNG 版本(4850x3635px) 在 Nexus 5 上使用普通 RS 过滤器(去饱和)需要 12 秒。
void processPng(String forig,String fdest) {
try {
Allocation inAllocation = null;
Allocation outAllocation = null;
final int block_height = 64;
FileInputStream orig = new FileInputStream(forig);
FileInputStream orig2 = new FileInputStream(forig);
FileOutputStream dest = new FileOutputStream(fdest);
BitmapRegionDecoder decoder = BitmapRegionDecoder.newInstance(orig, false);
Rect blockRect = new Rect();
PngReader pngr = new PngReader(orig2);
PngWriter pngw = new PngWriter(dest, pngr.imgInfo);
// keep compression quick
int channels = 3; // needles to say, this should not be hardcoded
int width = pngr.imgInfo.samplesPerRow / channels;
int height = pngr.imgInfo.rows;
pngr.close(); // don't need it anymore
blockRect.left = 0;
blockRect.right = width;
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;
Bitmap blockBitmap;
byte []bytes = new byte[width * block_height * 4];
byte []byteline = new byte[width * channels];
for (int row = 0; row <= height / block_height; row++) {
int h;
// are we nearing the end?
if((row + 1) * block_height <= height)
h = block_height;
else {
h = height - row * block_height;
// so that new, smaller Allocations are created
inAllocation = outAllocation = null;
blockRect.top = row * block_height;
blockRect.bottom = row * block_height + h;
blockBitmap = decoder.decodeRegion(blockRect, options);
if(inAllocation == null)
inAllocation = Allocation.createFromBitmap(mRS, blockBitmap);
if(outAllocation == null)
Type.Builder TypeDir = new Type.Builder(mRS, Element.U8_4(mRS));
outAllocation = Allocation.createTyped(mRS, TypeDir.create());
mScript.forEach_saturation(inAllocation, outAllocation);
int idx = 0;
for(int raster = 0; raster < h; raster++) {
for(int m = 0; m < width; m++)
byteline[m * channels] = bytes[idx++];
byteline[m * channels + 1] = bytes[idx++];
byteline[m * channels + 2] = bytes[idx++];
ImageLineByte line = new ImageLineByte(pngr.imgInfo, byteline);
} catch (IOException e)
Log.d("BIG", "File io problem");
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