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ios - 对符合协议(protocol)的所有对象调用方法

转载 作者:搜寻专家 更新时间:2023-11-01 06:17:34 25 4
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回顾 Objective-C,我考虑过使用类似于 +load+initialize 方法的东西,并将对象添加为特定 NSNotification 的观察者。但这行不通,因为这些方法是类方法而不是实例方法。

所以,试着更具体一点:是否有一种方法可以在创建所有对象后调用它们?一种允许我将该对象添加到我管理的集合或作为特定 NSNotification 的观察者的方法?




protocol MyProtocol: class {

func myMethod()


public class MyClass: MyProtocol {

func myMethod() {
print("myMethod called on MyClass")


extension UIView: MyProtocol {

func myMethod() {
print("myMethod called on UIView")


let myObject = MyClass()
let myView = UIView()

现在...我正在尝试找出一种方法,从不了解它们的第三个对象对这两个对象调用 myMethod - 这是第三个对象的简化示例:

class MyManager {

func callMyMethodOnAllObjecs() {
// Do something here so that ALL objects present in memory that conform to MyProtocol get their myMethod called




请注意,您需要的功能属于动态类型语言,这意味着使用 Objective-C 运行时。这不会带来很多技术挑战,但会限制您可以使用的 Swift 实体的范围 - 基本上只有 NSObject 派生类。


  1. MyManager 中支持注册新创建的对象
  2. 一段代码,需要由所有将自己注册到 MyManagerMyProtocol 实例执行
  3. 最重要的是,代码不会产生内存泄漏,因为在 MyManager 中注册一个对象会带来管理器无限期保留该对象的风险。


// Since we need ObjectiveC specific runtime features, we need to
// restrict the protocol to the NSObject protocol
protocol MyProtocol: NSObjectProtocol {
func myMethod()

public class MyClass: NSObject, MyProtocol {
func myMethod() {
print("myMethod called on MyClass")


extension UIView: MyProtocol {

func myMethod() {
print("myMethod called on UIView")

extension NSObject {
// this is an alternative to the original init method, that besides the
// original edit it registers the object within MyManager
@objc func swizzledInit() -> NSObject {
// this is not recursive, as init() in exchanged with swizzledInit()
let `self` = swizzledInit()
if let `self` = self as? MyProtocol {
// the object is MyProtocol
return self

class MyManager {

static let shared = MyManager()
private var objecters = [() -> MyProtocol?]()

private init() {
// let's swizzle init() with our custom init
if let m1 = class_getInstanceMethod(NSObject.self, #selector(NSObject.init)),
let m2 = class_getInstanceMethod(NSObject.self, #selector(NSObject.swizzledInit)) {
method_exchangeImplementations(m1, m2)

public func register(_ object: MyProtocol) {
// registering a block in order to be able to keep a weak reference to
// the registered object
objecters.append({ [weak object] in return object })

func callMyMethodOnAllObjecs() {
var newList = [() -> MyProtocol?]()
// go through the list of registered blocks, execute the method,
// and retain only the ones for wich the object is still alive
for object in objecters {
if let o = object() {
objecters = newList


// This is to make sure the manager is instantiated first,
// and thus it swizzles the NSObject initializer
_ = MyManager.shared

let myObject = MyClass()
let myView = UIView()

// an instance of MyClass and one of UIView will print stuff


  1. 调换 NSObjectinit,这样除了原始的 init 之外,它还会将对象注册到您的管理器。
  2. 保留一个返回对象而不是对象本身的闭包列表,以便能够弱引用这些对象,从而避免使对象保持事件状态超过它们应有的状态
  3. 在调用 callMyMethodOnAllObjecs 时清除其对象被释放的闭包。

关于ios - 对符合协议(protocol)的所有对象调用方法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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