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swift - 如何覆盖父类(super class)中的私有(private)变量

转载 作者:搜寻专家 更新时间:2023-11-01 05:47:07 32 4
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所以我有以下父类(super class):

class Vehicle {

private var _maxSpeed: Int = 100

var maxSpeed: Int {
get {
return _maxSpeed

var tooFast: Bool {
get {
if maxSpeed >= 140 {
return false
} else {
return true

另外,我有一些子类,我想在其中覆盖 maxSpeed... 每个示例:

class SuperCar: Vehicle {
//override the maxspeed...



class Vehicle {

var maxSpeed: Int = 100

var tooFast: Bool {
get {
if maxSpeed >= 140 {
return false
} else {
return true

class SuperCar: Vehicle {
// override the maxSpeed...
override var maxSpeed: Int = 200
// Will not work...


只需将类和子类放在同一个文件中即可。 private 与继承无关。它与文件范围有关。同一文件中的任何内容都可以访问 private 成员。

也就是说,您几乎可以肯定不应该在这里使用继承。 Vehicle 几乎肯定是一个协议(protocol)。这样您就不会再为继承或 private 而头疼了。

protocol Vehicle {
var maxSpeed: Int {get}

extension Vehicle {
// Default implementation if none is given
var maxSpeed: Int { return 100 }

// Another method that applies to all Vehicles
var tooFast: Bool {
return maxSpeed < 140 // (feels like this should be >= 140, but matching your code)

struct SuperCar: Vehicle {
// override the default implementation for the protcocol
var maxSpeed = 200

关于swift - 如何覆盖父类(super class)中的私有(private)变量,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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