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Given a page of content with alphanumeric words, and a search phrase of N words, write an algorithm that will return the shortest snippet of content that contains all N words in any order.
var allText = $('#all-text').text();
var punctuationless = allText.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/g," ").toLowerCase();
var lessSpaces = punctuationless.replace(/\s{2,}/g," ");
var allTextArray = lessSpaces.split(" ");
var keywords = [];
我想我或许可以使用 .filter 方法,但我不确定如何比较两个数组。
//find the indexes of the matches to the keywords
//compare how far apart the indexes are to each other and return the shortest length
因此,根据我对 OP 的理解列出一些示例,如果页面文本是:
One for the money,
two for the show.
应该生成 “One for the money”
应该生成 "One for the money, two"
搜索词 "for","show"
应该生成 "for the show"
我解决了 a jsfiddle solution 对此,但我不会声称这是最有效的答案(因为已经很晚了,我的部分思想可能已经休眠)。
重要的是要注意,我创建的解决方案不区分大小写,它匹配单词的一部分,而不是整个单词,并且 OP 暗示不区分大小写和整个单词匹配。
不区分大小写(将所有输入文本转换为小写)和全词匹配(去除标点符号和多余空格的文本,然后拆分为数组)的策略应该很容易适用于该解决方案,特别是因为 indexOf
getSnippet = function(keywords, fullText) {
var keywordCount = keywords.length,
keywordIndexes = [];
// Find each occurrence of every word
for(var i=0; i < keywordCount; i++) {
var searchPos = 0;
var word = keywords[i];
var index = -1;
do {
index = fullText.indexOf(keywords[i],searchPos);
if (index >= 0) {
keywordIndexes.push({i:index, word:word});
searchPos = index + 1;
} while (index >= 0);
keywordIndexes.sort(function(a, b) { return a.i == b.i ? 0 : a.i < b.i ? -1 : 1; });
// Find the shortest run by starting at each array index and scanning to the
// right until we have encountered each word in the list.
for (i=0, n=keywordIndexes.length-keywordCount; i<=n; i++) {
// NOTE: We actually can actually stop once there are fewer keyword
// indexes than keywords, since we know we won't find all the keywords (hence the subtraction of keywordCount)
var foundWords = {},
foundCount = 0;
snippetStart = keywordIndexes[i].i;
for (j=i; j < keywordIndexes.length; j++) {
var word = keywordIndexes[j].word;
if (!foundWords[word]) {
foundWords[word] = true;
if (foundCount == keywordCount) {
// We've found all the words
snippetEnd = keywordIndexes[j].i + word.length;
if (minSnippet.end - minSnippet.start > snippetEnd - snippetStart) {
minSnippet.end = snippetEnd;
minSnippet.start = snippetStart;
return fullText.substring(minSnippet.start, minSnippet.end);
参见 jsfiddle 了解更多信息。
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