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看到了这个帖子,但没有给出任何关于图标如何可点击的细节。我搜索了它的代码源,但他添加了一个 KML 层。我不想那样做。 Google Maps: Attaching events on polyline icons
搜索了google maps overlay API,没有找到监听点击事件的接口(interface)。 https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/overlays#Polylines
var pathSymbol = {
path: google.maps.SymbolPath.CIRCLE,
scale: 8,
strokeColor: '#228B22'
var conPath = new google.maps.Polyline({
path: conCoord,
strokeColor: "#228B22",
strokeOpacity: 0.7,
icons: [{
icon: pathSymbol,
offset: '50%'
strokeWeight: 2
google.maps.event.addListener(conPath, 'click', (function(l,conCoord) {
return function() {
infowindowPath.setContent("<b>Ligação "+connections[l].id);
infowindowPath.setPosition(new google.maps.LatLngBounds(conCoord[1], conCoord[0]).getCenter());
我也需要这个功能,但不幸的是这是不可能的 - 我几乎是肯定的(见我的 demo )。之所以这么说是因为:
A Symbol is a vector based image that can be displayed on either a Marker or a Polyline object.
来自documenation on the AddEventListener :
addListener(instance:Object, eventName:string, handler:Function)
Adds the given listener function to the given event name for the given object instance. Returns an identifier for this listener that can be used with removeListener().
Events can be attached to Object instances (such as a Marker or Polyline). Since Symbols are vector-based images that are rendered on a Polyline, they are contained within it, and not officially Object instances. Apparently, this makes them ineligible to have events attached to themselves.
Now, what I'm still left in doubt is that my rational above implies that a Symbol is part of the Polyline meaning it should also receive the same events that were attached to the Polyline. However, in my trials, this isn't the case (demo here: regardless the size of the Symbol on a Polyline, it does not receive any events):
var mySymbol = {
path: google.maps.SymbolPath.CIRCLE,
scale: 25,
strokeWeight: 5,
fillOpacity: .2
var myPolyline = new google.maps.Polyline({
icons: [{
icon: mySymbol,
fixedRotation: true,
offset: '50%',
path: [polylineCenter, polylineEnd],
strokeColor: 'black',
strokeOpacity: 1,
strokeWeight: 5,
map: myMap
// works since <myPolyline> is an instance of an Object
google.maps.event.addListener(myPolyline, 'click', function() {
alert('Polyline clicked!');
// doesn't work :-( since <mySymbol> is an Object literal
google.maps.event.addListener(mySymbol, 'click', function() {
alert('Symbol clicked!');
关于javascript - 谷歌地图 : clickable polyline icon,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15968898/
这两个包看起来非常相似: http://www.passportjs.org/packages/passport-google-oauth2/ http://www.passportjs.org/pa
我想在我的网站上添加通过 Google 和 Twitter 登录的按钮。我需要只使用应用程序的客户端而不是服务器端来完成此操作。但我没有找到任何 API。对于我发现的所有内容,我需要使用带有 key
我使用此链接通过 google plus 共享我的页面。 https://plus.google.com/share?url=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fcompany%2
我正在尝试学习 google API,并且我的经验是使用 Python,因此我尝试使用 google api python 客户端来访问一些 google 服务,但在构建服务对象时遇到错误。 从 ap
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我正在开发一个 iOS 应用程序。当我运行用于 google+ 登录的程序时,在我点击允许访问按钮后,会显示此消息。 You've reached this page because we have
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