- Java 双重比较
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我正在用 java 创建一个客户端-服务器应用程序,它将允许许多人使用客户端 swing 应用程序(记事本)连接到服务器。连接后,每个客户端都必须请求对记事本的控制,以便他们可以对其进行编辑,然后放弃控制,发送他们的结果以显示在所有其他客户端的笔记本上。
我也想知道如何从线程内部访问服务器实例方法,因为我不确定。 - 注意,这已经弄清楚了,我正在使用共享的“锁”对象,它有一个线程实例列表,每个线程实例都有锁实例,所以它们可以互相调用方法。
import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class server {
private ArrayList<ClientServiceThread> SocketList;
private int lock = 0;
private ServerSocket myServerSocket;
private Socket mySocket;
public static void main(String[] args)
server myserver = new server();
public server()
* This will (when finished) accept only a certain number of connections,
* and will then finish the constructor by breaking the while loop. It will
* then sit here waiting for the synchronised methods to be called by its worker
* threads.
myServerSocket = new ServerSocket(8080);
}catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Could not create serversocket "+e);
int id = 1;
mySocket = myServerSocket.accept();
ClientServiceThread cliThread = new ClientServiceThread(mySocket, id);
}catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Problem with accepting connections");
}//end constructor
public synchronized boolean acquireLock(int id)
* Here any spawned thread can try to acquire the lock,
* so it can be the one to send the data (synchronised to prevent data corruption)
if(this.lock == 0){
this.lock = id;
return true;
return false;
public synchronized void releaseLock(int id)
* Any thread can call this, releasing the lock. of course, the lock will only be
* released if the thread calling it actually owns the lock.
if(id == this.lock)
this.lock = 0;
//do nothing
public synchronized void publish(String toSend)
* When a thread in control of the lock wants to publish to all other threads, it
* invokes this method, which then calls another synchronised method on each thread
* in the list, telling it to write to it's client with the new data.
for(int i = 0; i<this.SocketList.size(); i++)
if(i != this.lock)
class ClientServiceThread extends Thread{
Socket mySocket;
int id;
boolean hasControl = false;
public ClientServiceThread(Socket mySocket, int id)
* this constructor gives it the ID and the socket for communication, it will
* then be run
this.mySocket = mySocket;
this.id = id;
public void run()
//listen, it will be either a request, or some data
//based on whether the client is the one in control or not (hasControl)
//create buffered reader
//it has control, so wait for the lines
//read in one line and then call acquire lock because we know
//that it has sent a request for control
// how do i access the original class for acquireLock();?
}catch(IOException e)
System.out.println("Problem reading from the socket");
public synchronized void sendData(String toSend)
//create writer and send to my client, saying "true" or some other message
//the client will recognise as the go-ahead to edit the data.
你可能最好使用像 MINA 这样的东西而不是自己滚动。将客户端命令放入并发队列并一次处理一个,这样您就不必担心同步问题。
或者,考虑使用 RESTful 接口(interface)而不是套接字(或者就此而言,使用 applet 以外的东西,例如 Ext JS)。
关于Java 多线程服务器逻辑,Synchronized 关键字,问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8022998/
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如何按编号的百分比拆分文件。行数? 假设我想将我的文件分成 3 个部分(60%/20%/20% 部分),我可以手动执行此操作,-_-: $ wc -l brown.txt 57339 brown.tx
我正在努力实现这样的目标: 但这就是我设法做到的。 你能帮我实现预期的结果吗? 更新: 如果我删除 bootstrap.css 依赖项,问题就会消失。我怎样才能让它与 Bootstrap 一起工作?
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我正在使用基于 SVM 分类的 HOG 特征检测器。我可以成功提取车牌,但提取的车牌除了车牌号外还有一些不必要的像素/线。我的图像处理流程如下: 在灰度图像上应用 HOG 检测器 裁剪检测到的区域 调
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我必须找到一种算法,可以找到两组数组之间的交集总数,而其中一个数组已排序。 举个例子,我们有这两个数组,我们向相应的数字画直线。 这两个数组为我们提供了总共 7 个交集。 有什么样的算法可以帮助我解决
简单地说 - 我想使用透视投影从近裁剪平面绘制一条射线/线到远裁剪平面。我有我认为是使用各种 OpenGL/图形编程指南中描述的方法通过单击鼠标生成的正确标准化的世界坐标。 我遇到的问题是我的光线似乎