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我正在开发一个程序,它会要求用户输入一个介于 3000-3100 之间的值,然后进行二进制搜索并显示它进行了多少次比较。总体而言,程序的搜索部分运行良好;但是,我的教授要我打印进行数学计算的程序。例如,我需要程序显示计算机进行二进制搜索数学运算,并显示程序查找输入数字所需的比较。
我有一个 comparisonCount
,当我进行比较时我会递增它,但结果不是我认为应该的结果。例如,我的教授说如果你输入 3067 应该有 7 次比较,但目前程序说 4,而计数器说 3。
package binary.search;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class BinarySearch
public static void binarySearch(int[] array, int lowerbound, int upperbound, int key)
int position;
int comparisonCount = 1; // counting the number of comparisons
// To start, find the subscript of the middle position.
position = (lowerbound + upperbound) / 2;
while ((array[position] != key) && (lowerbound <= upperbound))
if (array[position] > key) // If the number is > key, ..
upperbound = position - 1; // decrease position by one.
lowerbound = position + 1; // Else, increase position by one.
position = (lowerbound + upperbound) / 2;
if (lowerbound <= upperbound)
System.out.println("The number " + key + " was found in array.");
System.out.println("The binary search found the number after " + comparisonCount + " comparisons.");
System.out.println("That number is not in this array. The binary search completed "
+ comparisonCount + " comparisons.");
public static void main(String[] args)
// Set up variables
int arrLength = 100;
Scanner inp = new Scanner(System.in);
int[] num = new int[arrLength]; //Create array
int repeat = 1; //Boolean for repeat loop
char yesNo;
int upperLim = 3100;
int lowerLim = 3000;
//Populate array
while (repeat == 1)
int value = 0;
int valid = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num.length; i++)
num[i] = i + lowerLim;
//Get integer from user
System.out.print("Please enter a number between " + lowerLim + " and " + upperLim + ": ");
value = inp.nextInt();
if (value < lowerLim || value > upperLim)
System.out.print("That wasn't a valid number. Please try again. \n");
while (value < lowerLim || value > upperLim);
//Run binary search
binarySearch(num, 0, arrLength - 1, value);
valid = 0;
System.out.print("Would you like to rerun the program? Y for yes, N for no.\n");
yesNo = (inp.next()).charAt(0);
if (yesNo == 'Y')
repeat = 1;
valid = 1;
else if (yesNo == 'N')
repeat = 0;
valid = 1;
System.out.print("Not a valid response. \n");
while (valid != 1);
介于 6 和 7 之间,您需要使用这两个值中的较高值才能确定找到它。
但是,由于其工作方式,某些特定 值可能会更少。让我们更改您的代码,使其输出它在每个阶段所做的事情(只是添加了一些输出,标有 //<<here
到 //<<
while ((array[position] != key) && (lowerbound <= upperbound)) {
System.out.print(String.format( //<<here
"Step %d, lo=%2d, hi=%2d, mid=%2d, [mid]=%4d, ",
comparisonCount, lowerbound, upperbound,
position, array[position])); //<<
if (array[position] > key) {
upperbound = position - 1;
System.out.println(String.format( //<<here
"too high, hi:=%2d", upperbound)); //<<
} else {
lowerbound = position + 1;
System.out.println(String.format( //<<here
"too low, lo:=%2d", lowerbound)); //<<
position = (lowerbound + upperbound) / 2;
if (lowerbound <= upperbound) {
System.out.println(String.format( //<<here
"Step %d, lo=%2d, hi=%2d, mid=%2d, [mid]=%4d, found!",
comparisonCount, lowerbound, upperbound,
position, array[position])); //<<
System.out.println("The number " + key +
" was found in array.");
System.out.println("The binary search found the number after "
+ comparisonCount + " comparisons.");
例如,如果您正在搜索 3049
Step 1: lo= 0, hi=99, mid=49, [mid]=3049, found!
Step 1: lo= 0, hi=99, mid=49, [mid]=3049, too low, lo:=50
Step 2: lo=50, hi=99, mid=74, [mid]=3074, too high, hi:=73
Step 3: lo=50, hi=73, mid=61, [mid]=3061, too low, lo:=62
Step 4: lo=62, hi=73, mid=67, [mid]=3067, found!
如您所见,因此进行了四次迭代。如果你想看到完整的七次迭代,你可以搜索 3099
Step 1, lo= 0, hi=99, mid=49, [mid]=3049, too low, lo:=50
Step 2, lo=50, hi=99, mid=74, [mid]=3074, too low, lo:=75
Step 3, lo=75, hi=99, mid=87, [mid]=3087, too low, lo:=88
Step 4, lo=88, hi=99, mid=93, [mid]=3093, too low, lo:=94
Step 5, lo=94, hi=99, mid=96, [mid]=3096, too low, lo:=97
Step 6, lo=97, hi=99, mid=98, [mid]=3098, too low, lo:=99
Step 7, lo=99, hi=99, mid=99, [mid]=3099, found!
关于java - 如何打印计算机为二进制搜索所做的数学运算,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31572651/
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