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我在阅读 Guice 文档时,发现了一个标记为 Eliminate the Cycle (Recommended) 的部分这引起了我的兴趣,因为这正是导致我今天阅读文档的问题。
基本上,为了消除循环依赖,您“将依赖项提取到一个单独的类中”。 好的,没有什么新鲜事。
public class Store {
private final Boss boss;
private final CustomerLine line;
@Inject public Store(Boss boss, CustomerLine line) {
this.boss = boss;
this.line = line;
public void incomingCustomer(Customer customer) { line.add(customer); }
public class Boss {
private final Clerk clerk;
@Inject public Boss(Clerk clerk) {
this.clerk = clerk;
public class Clerk {
private final CustomerLine line;
@Inject Clerk(CustomerLine line) {
this.line = line;
void doSale() {
Customer sucker = line.getNextCustomer();
CustomerLine customerLine = new CustomerLine();
Clerk clerk = new Clerk(customerLine);
Boss boss = new Boss(clerk);
Store store = new Store(boss, customerLine);
这很简单,但现在,我需要使用 Guice 注入(inject)来完成此操作。因此,我的问题是实现以下内容:
you may want to make sure that the Store and Clerk both use the same CustomerLine instance.
是的,这正是我想要做的。 但我如何在 Guice 模块中做到这一点?
public class MyModule extends AbstractModule implements Module {
protected void configure() {
//Side Question: Do I need to do this if there if Boss.class is the implementation?
bind(CustomerLine.class).to(DefaultCustomerLine.class); //impl
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new MyModule());
现在,我想要一个 Store
Store store = injector.getInstance(Store.class);
这会将 CustomerLine
和 Boss
的新实例注入(inject)到此 Store
获取了 Clerk
的实例,该实例还注入(inject)了 CustomerLine
的实例。此时,它将是一个新实例,与注入(inject) Store
和 Clerk
如何在此序列中共享同一个实例,不使用 @Singleton
你应该使用 provider
public class StoreProvider implements Provider<Store> {
private Boss boss ;
public Store get() {
return new Store(boss, boss.getClerk().getCustomerLine());
关于java - Guice 在不使用@Singleton 的情况下将单个实例注入(inject)多个对象,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18358309/
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