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javascript - 如何有效地比较具有不同键但可能匹配值的2个对象?

转载 作者:搜寻专家 更新时间:2023-10-31 23:57:32 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我有2个对象,一个来自SQL数据库,另一个来自JSON REST API。在使用来自api的新数据更新数据库中的行之前,我不仅要检查ID是否已在数据库中出现(这意味着要进行更新而不是插入操作),还要检查属性的大部分。原因是,当它确实在数据库端更新时,会添加一个附加的“lastUpdate”日期时间以供以后在PowerBI中进行处理,如果我仅检查ID,则每次从API中输入条目时都会触发“lastUpdate”即使它的属性没有实际更新,也已经存在于数据库中。两侧的单个对象(它们以阵列形式出现)如下:


重要:本部分是根据Nina Scholz要求的(现在)接受的解决方案添加的。阅读时请记住这一点。

  • 如果路径在API端不是完全可遍历的(即其父级为null),则应返回Null。这样的一个示例是数据库的侧面callerLocationID的路径在API上为,但是,如果未设置callerLocation,则父callerLocation已经是null,因此使得id无法访问
  • 如果路径在两侧都是完全可遍历的,则需要比较这些值。
  • 如果无法在API端遍历路径,则应为null。例如,然后我可以将callerLocationID: nullcallerLocation.id进行比较,因为后者是null,并且nullnull
  • 相同
    遍历所有路径并比较所有值后,我需要知道“是的,它们都是相同的”( true)还是“否,它们是不相同的”( false)。如果不需要知道它们是否不相同,则将整个对象发送给更新。
  • 如果其中任何一个是null,则数据库一侧的路径基本上是固定的,因为这是因为允许在数据库中使用
  • DB端所有以ID结尾的属性(incidentID除外)均引用API中的单个嵌套id值。例如callerID引用caller.idcallerBranchID引用callerBranch.idoperatorID引用
  • 某些异常(exception)是:
  • impact引用
  • urgency引用
  • priority引用
  • duration引用
  • escalationOperator引用
  • 来自API的所有optionalField东西都可以忽略

  • // Database Object
    incidentID: '0dc1a10f-2899-485a-b814-f72f29c9a15a',
    status: 'secondLine',
    briefDescription: 'Support niet bereikbaar',
    callDate: '2018-04-10T19:01:00.000Z',
    lastUpdate: '2018-04-18T14:02:17.000Z',
    number: 'M1804 021',
    request: '10-04-2018 21:02 Middelkoop, Paul: \nIk kan de servicedesk niet bereiken, telkens in gesprek',
    callerID: '4e723042-0037-4e05-a362-e65c620ba734',
    callerBranchID: 'f66e7804-b57a-4418-a991-997e574ead29',
    callerLocationID: null,
    externalNumber: null,
    categoryID: 'cafb0af8-e43a-4391-ac9e-a0345abbcc4f',
    subcategoryID: 'f56099a9-7c60-45e3-94b4-6555a79d4bd7',
    callTypeID: '04b678a6-791e-4662-9bc8-97573555f15e',
    entryTypeID: 'a9c486fd-a93e-565e-bfeb-17619fafe1a8',
    branchID: null,
    locationID: null,
    impact: null,
    urgency: null,
    priority: null,
    duration: null,
    operatorID: 'a17aba85-13a7-4ac6-8c57-693a512b633e',
    operatorGroupID: 'a17aba85-13a7-4ac6-8c57-693a512b633e',
    supplierID: null,
    targetDate: '2019-04-10T15:30:00.000Z',
    onHold: false,
    onHoldDate: null,
    onHoldDuration: 0,
    feedbackMessage: null,
    feedbackRating: null,
    processingStatus: 'Afgemeld',
    completed: true,
    completedDate: '2018-04-10T19:09:00.000Z',
    closed: true,
    closedDate: null,
    closureCode: null,
    creatorID: '226082ea-8d74-4dee-ae1e-74c33c883792',
    creationDate: '2018-04-10T19:02:34.000Z',
    timeSpent: 0,
    timeSpentFirstLine: 0,
    timeSpentSecondLineAndPartials: 0,
    costs: 0,
    escalationStatus: null,
    escalationReason: null,
    escalationOperator: null,
    modifier: '226082ea-8d74-4dee-ae1e-74c33c883792',
    modificationDate: '2018-04-10T19:12:08.000Z',
    expectedTimeSpent: 0,
    majorCall: false,
    majorCallID: null,
    publishToSSD: false,
    monitored: false,
    archivingReason: null

    // API Object
    id: '0dc1a10f-2899-485a-b814-f72f29c9a15a',
    status: 'secondLine',
    number: 'M1804 021',
    request: '10-04-2018 21:02 Middelkoop, Paul: \nIk kan de servicedesk niet bereiken, telkens in gesprek',
    requests: '/tas/api/incidents/id/0dc1a10f-2899-485a-b814-f72f29c9a15a/requests',
    action: '/tas/api/incidents/id/0dc1a10f-2899-485a-b814-f72f29c9a15a/actions',
    attachments: '/tas/api/incidents/id/0dc1a10f-2899-485a-b814-f72f29c9a15a/attachments',
    caller: {
    id: '4e723042-0037-4e05-a362-e65c620ba734',
    dynamicName: 'Mafficioli del Castelletto, Richard',
    branch: {
    id: 'f66e7804-b57a-4418-a991-997e574ead29',
    name: 'Ask Roger! Delft',
    clientReferenceNumber: '',
    timeZone: 'Europe/Amsterdam',
    extraA: null,
    extraB: null
    callerBranch: {
    id: 'f66e7804-b57a-4418-a991-997e574ead29',
    name: 'Ask Roger! Delft',
    clientReferenceNumber: '',
    timeZone: 'Europe/Amsterdam',
    extraA: null,
    extraB: null
    callerLocation: null,
    branchExtraFieldA: null,
    branchExtraFieldB: null,
    briefDescription: 'Support niet bereikbaar',
    externalNumber: '',
    category: {
    id: 'cafb0af8-e43a-4391-ac9e-a0345abbcc4f',
    name: 'Communicatie'
    subcategory: {
    id: 'f56099a9-7c60-45e3-94b4-6555a79d4bd7',
    name: 'Vaste telefonie'
    callType: {
    id: '04b678a6-791e-4662-9bc8-97573555f15e',
    name: 'Klacht'
    entryType: {
    id: 'a9c486fd-a93e-565e-bfeb-17619fafe1a8',
    name: 'Mondeling'
    object: null,
    branch: null,
    location: null,
    impact: null,
    urgency: null,
    priority: null,
    duration: null,
    targetDate: '2019-04-10T15:30:00.000+0000',
    onHold: false,
    onHoldDate: null,
    onHoldDuration: 0,
    feedbackMessage: null,
    feedbackRating: null,
    operator: {
    id: 'a17aba85-13a7-4ac6-8c57-693a512b633e',
    status: 'operatorGroup',
    name: 'Systeembeheer'
    operatorGroup: {
    id: 'a17aba85-13a7-4ac6-8c57-693a512b633e',
    name: 'Systeembeheer'
    supplier: null,
    processingStatus: {
    id: '70b2967d-e248-4ff9-a632-ec044410d5a6',
    name: 'Afgemeld'
    completed: true,
    completedDate: '2018-04-10T19:09:00.000+0000',
    closed: true,
    closedDate: '2018-04-10T19:12:00.000+0000',
    closureCode: null,
    timeSpent: 0,
    timeSpentFirstLine: 0,
    timeSpentSecondLineAndPartials: 0,
    costs: 0,
    escalationStatus: null,
    escalationReason: null,
    escalationOperator: null,
    callDate: '2018-04-10T19:01:00.000+0000',
    creator: {
    id: '226082ea-8d74-4dee-ae1e-74c33c883792',
    name: 'Middelkoop, Paul'
    creationDate: '2018-04-10T19:02:34.000+0000',
    modifier: {
    id: '226082ea-8d74-4dee-ae1e-74c33c883792',
    name: 'Middelkoop, Paul'
    modificationDate: '2018-04-10T19:12:08.000+0000',
    majorCall: false,
    majorCallObject: null,
    publishToSsd: false,
    monitored: false,
    expectedTimeSpent: 0,
    archivingReason: null,
    optionalFields1: {
    boolean1: false,
    boolean2: false,
    boolean3: false,
    boolean4: false,
    boolean5: false,
    number1: 0,
    number2: 0,
    number3: 0,
    number4: 0,
    number5: 0,
    date1: null,
    date2: null,
    date3: null,
    date4: null,
    date5: null,
    text1: '',
    text2: '',
    text3: '',
    text4: '',
    text5: '',
    memo1: null,
    memo2: null,
    memo3: null,
    memo4: null,
    memo5: null,
    searchlist1: null,
    searchlist2: null,
    searchlist3: null,
    searchlist4: null,
    searchlist5: null
    optionalFields2: {
    boolean1: false,
    boolean2: false,
    boolean3: false,
    boolean4: false,
    boolean5: false,
    number1: 0,
    number2: 0,
    number3: 0,
    number4: 0,
    number5: 0,
    date1: null,
    date2: null,
    date3: null,
    date4: null,
    date5: null,
    text1: '',
    text2: '',
    text3: '',
    text4: '',
    text5: '',
    memo1: null,
    memo2: null,
    memo3: null,
    memo4: null,
    memo5: null,
    searchlist1: null,
    searchlist2: null,
    searchlist3: null,
    searchlist4: null,
    searchlist5: null

  • 遍历API对象的数组,并使用Fuse.JS(对于完美匹配,将阈值设置为0,对于每个单个对象,检查ID是否为数据库对象的数组)
  • 使用1的结果与UnderscoreJS的.first,.keys和.pick方法的组合来确定当前迭代中2个对象中哪些键相同,目的是快速检查那些

  •     // tdIncidents is the array of objects from the API
    // dbIncidents is the array of objects from the database
    // tdinci is my iterator, consider it the "i" in the for loop
    // at this point it has already been confirmed that both dbIncidents and tdIncidents have at least 1 entry thus using [0] won't give any problems
    const db = _.first([tdinci].id)),
    td = tdIncidents[tdinci],
    dbKeys = _.keys(dbIncidents[0]),
    tdKeys = _.keys(tdIncidents[0]),
    identicalKeysTd = _.pick(td, (value, key) => dbKeys.includes(key)),
    identicalKeysDb = _.pick(db, (value, key) => tdKeys.includes(key));


    { status: 'secondLine',
    number: 'M1804 021',
    request: '10-04-2018 21:02 Middelkoop, Paul: \nIk kan de servicedesk niet bereiken, telkens in gesprek',
    briefDescription: 'Support niet bereikbaar',
    externalNumber: '',
    impact: null,
    urgency: null,
    priority: null,
    duration: null,
    targetDate: '2019-04-10T15:30:00.000+0000',
    onHold: false,
    onHoldDate: null,
    onHoldDuration: 0,
    feedbackMessage: null,
    feedbackRating: null,
    processingStatus: { id: '70b2967d-e248-4ff9-a632-ec044410d5a6', name: 'Afgemeld' },
    completed: true,
    completedDate: '2018-04-10T19:09:00.000+0000',
    closed: true,
    closedDate: '2018-04-10T19:12:00.000+0000',
    closureCode: null,
    timeSpent: 0,
    timeSpentFirstLine: 0,
    timeSpentSecondLineAndPartials: 0,
    costs: 0,
    escalationStatus: null,
    escalationReason: null,
    escalationOperator: null,
    callDate: '2018-04-10T19:01:00.000+0000',
    creationDate: '2018-04-10T19:02:34.000+0000',
    { id: '226082ea-8d74-4dee-ae1e-74c33c883792',
    name: 'Middelkoop, Paul' },
    modificationDate: '2018-04-10T19:12:08.000+0000',
    majorCall: false,
    monitored: false,
    expectedTimeSpent: 0,
    archivingReason: null }


    { status: 'secondLine',
    briefDescription: 'Support niet bereikbaar',
    callDate: '2018-04-10T19:01:00.000Z',
    number: 'M1804 021',
    request: '10-04-2018 21:02 Middelkoop, Paul: \nIk kan de servicedesk niet bereiken, telkens in gesprek',
    externalNumber: null,
    impact: null,
    urgency: null,
    priority: null,
    duration: null,
    targetDate: '2019-04-10T15:30:00.000Z',
    onHold: false,
    onHoldDate: null,
    onHoldDuration: 0,
    feedbackMessage: null,
    feedbackRating: null,
    processingStatus: 'Afgemeld',
    completed: true,
    completedDate: '2018-04-10T19:09:00.000Z',
    closed: true,
    closedDate: null,
    closureCode: null,
    creationDate: '2018-04-10T19:02:34.000Z',
    timeSpent: 0,
    timeSpentFirstLine: 0,
    timeSpentSecondLineAndPartials: 0,
    costs: 0,
    escalationStatus: null,
    escalationReason: null,
    escalationOperator: null,
    modifier: '226082ea-8d74-4dee-ae1e-74c33c883792',
    modificationDate: '2018-04-10T19:12:08.000Z',
    expectedTimeSpent: 0,
    majorCall: false,
    monitored: false,
    archivingReason: null }
  • 此时,我认为我可以使用UnderscoreJS的identicalKeys(.isEqual)检查这两个_.isEqual(identicalKeysDb, identicalKeysTd)对象的相等性,但无济于事。除了我直接在数据库中存储一些键而没有附加“ID”(可以在数据库端固定)这一事实之外,更紧迫的问题是数据库将为诸如null之类的值提供externalNumber,但API会给出''

  • 在最近的一次尝试中,我尝试了ES6中的许多其他功能,包括普通JS和UnderscoreJS(太多的提及和代码已被删除,并且在我的“撤消”链上不再可用),但是我根本找不到任何有效的方法我真的不想硬编码一个巨大的 if ()来检查每个属性是否与对应属性相对应。我不介意需要一些节点程序包来简化此比较,因此,如果绝对是解决方案,请也共享它。

    那些实际更改的对象我推送到一个名为 existingIncidents的数组,该数组随后与任何新事件一起返回。发生这种情况如下:

    async filterIncidents() {
    const dbIncidents = await this.getDbIncidents(this.lastFetchTimestamp),
    fuseOpts = {
    'shouldSort': true,
    'findAllMatches': true,
    'threshold': 0,
    'location': 0,
    'distance': 100,
    'maxPatternLength': 36,
    'minMatchCharLength': 36,
    'keys': ['incidentID']
    fuse = new Fuse(dbIncidents, fuseOpts),
    tdIncidents = await this.getTdIncidents(this.lastFetchTimestamp);

    const existIncidents = [],
    newIncidents = [];

    if (!dbIncidents.length) {
    for (const tdinci in tdIncidents) {
    } else {
    for (const tdinci in tdIncidents) {
    if ([tdinci].id).length) {
    // The value checking magic I need has to happen here. Some pseudo code:
    // if (values are different) {
    // } else {
    // do nothing
    // }
    } else {

    return {
    'new': newIncidents,
    'existing': existIncidents


    最终编辑:我在这里将Nkit Schulz的runkit链接转储到最终解决方案的实现,因为我不得不将其调整到我的确切用例,并且共享很重要,也许将来会帮助其他人。





    function getValue(object, keys) {
    return keys.reduce((o, k) => o && typeof o === 'object' ? o[k] : o, object);

    function compaire(objects, relations) {
    relations.forEach(relation => {
    var values =, i) => getValue(objects[i], keys));

    var objectA = { foo: { bar: 42 }, a: { b: { c: 'baz' } }, callerLocation: null },
    objectB = { fooBar: 42, nested: { abc: 'bau' }, callerLocationID: null },
    objects = [objectA, objectB],
    relations = [
    [['foo', 'bar'], ['fooBar']],
    [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['nested', 'abc']],
    [['callerLocation', 'id'], ['callerLocationID']],
    [['x', 'u'], ['x', 'y']]

    compaire(objects, relations);

    关于javascript - 如何有效地比较具有不同键但可能匹配值的2个对象?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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