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node.js 并表达将 sqlite 数据传递给我的一个 View

转载 作者:搜寻专家 更新时间:2023-10-31 23:28:57 29 4
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在我的 app.js 中,我有以下尝试从 sqlite 数据库检索数据并将其传递到我的 View 之一:

app.get("/dynamic", function(req, res) {
var db = new sqlite3.Database(mainDatabase)
var posts = []

db.serialize(function() {
db.each("SELECT * FROM blog_posts", function(err, row) {
posts.push({title: row.post_title, date: row.post_date, text: row.post_text})

res.render("dynamic", {title: "Dynamic", posts: posts})

谁能告诉我我做错了什么。无论如何,posts 数组似乎都是空的。

编辑我在关注 tutorial这解释了虽然插件有异步,但这个方法不是异步的


Despite the callbacks and asynchronous nature of Node.js, these transactions will run in series, allowing us to create, insert, and query knowing that the statement prior will run before the current one does. However, sqlite3 provides a "parallel" wrapper with the same interface, but runs all the transactions in parallel. It just all depends on your current circumstances.


db 调用可能是异步的。这意味着您在他们返回数据之前进行渲染。


您似乎想要将第二个 complete 回调传递给 db.each() (谢谢 Jonathan Lonowski 的小费!)

var posts = [];
db.serialize(function() {
db.each("SELECT * FROM blog_posts", function(err, row) {
posts.push({title: row.post_title, date: row.post_date, text: row.post_text})
}, function() {
// All done fetching records, render response
res.render("dynamic", {title: "Dynamic", posts: posts})


关于node.js 并表达将 sqlite 数据传递给我的一个 View ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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