- Java 双重比较
- java - 比较器与 Apache BeanComparator
- Objective-C 完成 block 导致额外的方法调用?
- database - RESTful URI 是否应该公开数据库主键?
我有一个在 aws elastic beanstalk 上运行的服务器。一切都很好。但是今天在应用更新时(绝对与所用模块的配置或版本控制无关)只是在网络应用程序的某些文本中添加了几个词(字面意思是“狗”这个词)。该应用程序开始崩溃并出现 502 nginx 网关错误。我认为这是因为该应用程序不活泼。我去恢复了更改(尽管我认为我不必这样做)。问题仍然存在。
尝试升起/启动 sails 应用程序时,我的输出如下。
Failed to load helper `web/auth/validate-user-password` as a machine!
A hook (`helpers`) failed to load!
Failed to lift app: ImplementationError: Sorry, could not interpret "web/auth/validate-user-password" because its underlying implementation has a problem:
• The `cacheable` property is no longer supported. (Please use `sideEffects: 'cacheable' instead.)
If you are the maintainer of "web/auth/validate-user-password", then you can change its implementation to solve the problem above. Otherwise, please file a bug report with the maintainer, or fork your own copy and fix that.
[?] See https://sailsjs.com/support for help.
at flaverr (/var/app/current/node_modules/flaverr/index.js:77:15)
at helpBuildMachine (/var/app/current/node_modules/sails/node_modules/machine/lib/private/help-build-machine.js:127:11)
at Function.build (/var/app/current/node_modules/sails/node_modules/machine/lib/build.js:52:10)
at /var/app/current/node_modules/sails/lib/hooks/helpers/load-helpers.js:51:49
at /var/app/current/node_modules/@sailshq/lodash/lib/index.js:3228:15
at baseForOwn (/var/app/current/node_modules/@sailshq/lodash/lib/index.js:2199:14)
at /var/app/current/node_modules/@sailshq/lodash/lib/index.js:3198:18
at Function.<anonymous> (/var/app/current/node_modules/@sailshq/lodash/lib/index.js:3501:13)
at /var/app/current/node_modules/sails/lib/hooks/helpers/load-helpers.js:37:9
at helpBuildDictionary (/var/app/current/node_modules/sails/node_modules/include-all/lib/help-build-dictionary.js:135:10)
at Function.module.exports.optional (/var/app/current/node_modules/sails/node_modules/include-all/index.js:67:10)
at Hook.loadHelpers (/var/app/current/node_modules/sails/lib/hooks/helpers/load-helpers.js:21:14)
at Hook.initialize (/var/app/current/node_modules/sails/lib/hooks/helpers/index.js:28:19)
at Hook.wrapper [as initialize] (/var/app/current/node_modules/@sailshq/lodash/lib/index.js:3250:19)
at /var/app/current/node_modules/sails/lib/hooks/index.js:88:16
at /var/app/current/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:486:20
(You are seeing the above error message because no custom callback was programmatically provided to `.lift()`.)
A hook (`orm`) failed to load!
这就是我在 package.json 中看到的内容,以备不时之需。
"name": "sails-xxxxxxx-seed",
"private": true,
"version": "0.0.3-147",
"description": "a Sails application",
"keywords": [],
"dependencies": {
"async": "2.0.1",
"aws-sdk": "^2.41.0",
"bcryptjs": "2.3.0",
"connect-redis": "3.3.0",
"flaverr": "^1.1.1",
"lodash": "3.10.1",
"machinepack-http": "3.1.2",
"moment-timezone": "0.5.13",
"pdfmake": "0.1.28",
"sails": "^1.0.0-32",
"sails-hook-orm": "^2.0.0-0",
"sails-hook-sockets": "^1.0.1",
"sails-mysql": "^1.0.0-13",
"sails-stdlib": "^0.7.1",
"sails.io.js": "1.1.9",
"serve-static": "1.12.3",
"socket.io-client": "1.7.3",
"socket.io-redis": "3.1.0",
"uuid": "3.0.1"
"devDependencies": {
"@angular/animations": "~4.1.3",
"@angular/common": "~4.1.3",
"@angular/compiler": "~4.1.3",
"@angular/compiler-cli": "~4.1.3",
"@angular/core": "~4.1.3",
"@angular/forms": "~4.1.3",
"@angular/http": "~4.1.3",
"@angular/platform-browser": "~4.1.3",
"@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "~4.1.3",
"@angular/platform-server": "~4.1.3",
"@angular/router": "~4.1.3",
"@angular/upgrade": "~4.1.3",
"@swimlane/ngx-datatable": "^8.0.0",
"@types/jasmine": "^2.5.47",
"@types/node": "^6.0.48",
"angular-pipes": "^6.5.1",
"angular-router-loader": "^0.6.0",
"angular2-in-memory-web-api": "0.0.21",
"angular2-moment": "^1.3.3",
"angular2-template-loader": "^0.6.0",
"angular2-text-mask": "^8.0.1",
"awesome-typescript-loader": "^3.1.2",
"babel-core": "^6.25.0",
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"ng2-charts": "^1.5.0",
"ng2-table": "^1.3.2",
"ng2-toastr": "^4.0.1",
"ng2-validation": "^4.1.0",
"ngx-bootstrap": "^1.6.6",
"ngx-progressbar": "^2.0.0",
"node-sass": "^4.5.2",
"primeng": "^4.0.0",
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"webpack-watch-livereload-plugin": "0.0.1",
"zone.js": "~0.6.26"
"scripts": {
"start": "NODE_ENV=production node app.js",
"test": "npm run lint && npm run custom-tests && echo 'Done.'",
"lint": "node ./node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint . --max-warnings=0 && echo '✔ Your code looks good.'",
"custom-tests": "echo \"(No other custom tests yet.)\" && echo",
"version": "node -e 'process.stdout.write((require(\"./package.json\").version))'",
"bump": "node scripts/bump.js",
"debug": "node debug app.js",
"deploy-staging": "sails_environment=web_staging npm run bump && sails_environment=web_staging npm run deploy",
"deploy-demo": "sails_environment=web_demo npm run bump && npm run deploy",
"deploy": "cp -r eb/bootstrap/$sails_environment.sh .ebbootstrap.sh && npm run zip && rm .ebbootstrap.sh && node scripts/publish-static-assets && node scripts/deploy-to-eb",
"zip": "mkdir -p .tmp && rm .tmp/deploy.zip &> /dev/null; zip -9 -r --exclude=node_modules/* --exclude=.tmp/* --exclude=.DS_Store --exclude=.git/* --exclude=config/local.js ./.tmp/deploy.zip .",
"deploy-alerts-staging": "sails_environment=alerts_staging npm run bump && sails_environment=alerts_staging npm run deploy-alerts",
"deploy-alerts": "cp eb/bootstrap/$sails_environment.sh .ebbootstrap.sh && cp eb/apps/alerts/cron.yaml cron.yaml && npm run zip-backend && rm cron.yaml .ebbootstrap.sh && node scripts/deploy-to-eb",
"deploy-rollup-staging": "sails_environment=rollup_staging npm run bump && sails_environment=rollup_staging npm run deploy-rollup",
"deploy-rollup": "cp eb/bootstrap/$sails_environment.sh .ebbootstrap.sh && cp eb/apps/rollup/cron.yaml cron.yaml && npm run zip-backend && rm cron.yaml .ebbootstrap.sh && node scripts/deploy-to-eb",
"deploy-devices-staging": "sails_environment=devices_staging npm run bump && sails_environment=devices_staging npm run deploy-devices",
"deploy-devices": "cp eb/bootstrap/$sails_environment.sh .ebbootstrap.sh && npm run zip-backend && rm .ebbootstrap.sh && node scripts/deploy-to-eb",
"deploy-device-sim": "cp eb/bootstrap/device_sim.sh .ebbootstrap.sh && cp eb/apps/device-sim/cron.yaml cron.yaml && npm run zip-backend && rm cron.yaml .ebbootstrap.sh && sails_environment=device_sim npm run bump && sails_environment=device_sim node scripts/deploy-to-eb",
"zip-backend": "mkdir -p .tmp && rm .tmp/deploy.zip &> /dev/null; zip -9 -r --exclude=node_modules/* --exclude=.tmp/* --exclude=.DS_Store --exclude=.git/* --exclude=src/* --exclude=config/local.js ./.tmp/deploy.zip ."
"main": "app.js",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "xxxxxxxxxx.git"
"author": "xxxxxx",
"license": ""
module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'Validate user password (strict)',
description: 'Strictly validate a string as the potential "password" for a user.',
cacheable: true,
sync: true,
inputs: {
string: {
description: 'The string to validate as a password.',
required: true,
example: 'abcd1234',
exits: {
success: {
description: 'The specified string is 100% valid.'
notValid: {
description: 'The specified string is not a valid password.'
fn: function (inputs,exits) {
// Coerce
// Since we don't need to support `strict: false` for this validator (it is ALWAYS strict), then we can
// just skip this part. (Also no need for the "notStrictlyValid" exit, output from the success exit,
// or the `strict` input)
// n/a
// Validate
// • Must be long enough.
if (inputs.string.length < 7) {
return exits.notValid(new Error('Password must consist of at least 7 characters.'));
// • Must not be too long.
if (inputs.string.length > 72) {
return exits.notValid(new Error('Password must not contain more than 72 characters.'));
return exits.success();
确实,这可能是 Sails 本身的更新导致的。您是否为 validate-user-password.js
module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'Validate user password (strict)',
description: 'Strictly validate a string as the potential "password" for a user.',
sideEffects: 'cacheable',
sync: true,
/* ... rest of content ... */
关于javascript - 简单更新后 sails 无法升起,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46918849/
我查看了网站上的一些问题,但还没有完全弄清楚我做错了什么。我有一些这样的代码: var mongoose = require('mongoose'), db = mongoose.connect('m
基本上,根据 this bl.ocks,我试图在开始新序列之前让所有 block 都变为 0。我认为我需要的是以下顺序: 更新为0 退出到0 更新随机数 输入新号码 我尝试通过添加以下代码块来遵循上述
我试图通过使用随机数在循环中设置 JSlider 位置来模拟“赛马”的投注结果。我的问题是,当然,我无法在线程执行时更新 GUI,因此我的 JSlider 似乎没有在竞赛,它们从头到尾都在运行。我尝试
该功能非常简单: 变量:$table是正在更新的表$fields 是表中的字段,$values 从帖子生成并放入 $values 数组中而$where是表的索引字段的id值$indxfldnm 是索引
让我们想象一个环境:有一个数据库客户端和一个数据库服务器。数据库客户端可以是 Java 程序或其他程序等;数据库服务器可以是mysql、oracle等。 需求是在数据库服务器上的一个表中插入大量记录。
Provisioning Profile 有 key , key 链依赖于它。我想知道 key 什么时候会改变。 Key will change after renew Provisioning Pr
截至目前,我在\server\publications.js 中有我的 MongoDB“选择”,例如: Meteor.publish("jobLocations", function () { r
我读到 UI 应该始终在主线程上更新。但是,当谈到实现这些更新的首选方法时,我有点困惑。 我有各种函数可以执行一些条件检查,然后使用结果来确定如何更新 UI。我的问题是整个函数应该在主线程上运行吗?应
我在代理后面,我无法构建 Docker 镜像。 我试过 FROM ubuntu , FROM centos和 FROM alpine ,但是 apt-get update/yum update/apk
我构建了一个 Java 应用程序,它向外部授权客户端公开网络服务。 Web 服务使用带有证书身份验证的 WS-security。基本上我们充当自定义证书颁发机构 - 我们在我们的服务器上维护一个 ja
因此,我有时会在上传新版本时使用 app_offline.htm 使应用程序离线。 但是,当我上传较大的 dll 时,我收到黄色错误屏幕,指出无法加载 dll。 这似乎与我对 app_offline.
我刚刚下载了 VS Apache Cordova Tools Update 5,但遇到了 Node 和 NPM 的问题。我使用默认的空白 cordova 项目进行测试。 版本 如果我在 VS 项目中对
所以我有一个使用传单库实例化的 map 对象。 map 实例在单独的模板中创建并以这种方式路由:- var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui', 'ngResour
我使用较早的 Java 6 u 3 获得的帧速率是新版本的两倍。很奇怪。谁能解释一下? 在 Core 2 Duo 1.83ghz 上,集成视频(仅使用一个内核)- 1500(较旧的 java)与 70
我正在使用 angular 1.2 ng-repeat 创建的 div 也包含 ng-click 点击时 ng-click 更新 $scope $scope 中的变化反射(reflect)在使用 $a
这些方法有什么区别 public final void moveCamera(CameraUpdate更新)和public final void animateCamera (CameraUpdate
我尝试了另一篇文章中某人评论中关于如何将树更改为列表的建议。但是,我在某处(或某物)有未声明的变量,所以我列表中的值是 [_G667, _G673, _G679],而不是 [5, 2, 6],这是正确
实现以下场景的最佳方法是什么? 我需要从java应用程序调用/查询包含数百万条记录的数据库表。然后,对于表中的每条记录,我的应用程序应该调用第三方 API 并获取状态字段作为响应。然后我的应用程序应该
只是在编写一些与 java 图形相关的代码,这是我今天的讲座中的非常简单的示例。不管怎样,互联网似乎说更新不会被系统触发器调用,例如调整框架大小等。在这个例子中,更新是由这样的触发器调用的(因此当我只