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php - ejabberd 外部认证 php sql server

转载 作者:搜寻专家 更新时间:2023-10-31 22:00:59 28 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我在 centOS 虚拟机中有一个 ejabberd 15.03 服务器,我需要使用 php 针对 SQL 服务器实现外部身份验证方法。官方文档展示了一个php/mysql的例子 php/mysql external authentification


这是我写的一个例子,把它放在/opt/auth/下,并配置 ejabberd.yml 来执行作为外部身份验证。

$auth = new JabberAuth();
$auth->dbhost = "hostIP";
$auth->dbuser = "user";
$auth->dbpass = "pass";
$auth->dbbase = "databaseName";

$auth->play(); // We simply start process !

class JabberAuth {
var $dbhost;
var $dbuser;
var $dbpass;
var $dbbase;

var $debug = false; /* Debug mode */
var $debugfile = "/opt/auth/log/pipe-debug.log"; /* Debug output */
var $logging = false; /* Do we log requests ? */
var $logfile = "/opt/auth/log/pipe-log.log" ; /* Log file ... */
* For both debug and logging, ejabberd have to be able to write.

var $jabber_user; /* This is the jabber user passed to the script. filled by $this->command() */
var $jabber_pass; /* This is the jabber user password passed to the script. filled by $this->command() */
var $jabber_server; /* This is the jabber server passed to the script. filled by $this->command(). Useful for VirtualHosts */
var $jid; /* Simply the JID, if you need it, you have to fill. */
var $data; /* This is what SM component send to us. */

var $dateformat = "M d H:i:s"; /* Check date() for string format. */
var $command; /* This is the command sent ... */
var $mysock; /* MySQL connection ressource */
var $stdin; /* stdin file pointer */
var $stdout; /* stdout file pointer */

function JabberAuth()
@openlog("pipe-auth", LOG_NDELAY, LOG_SYSLOG);

if($this->debug) {
@ini_set("log_errors", "1");
@ini_set("error_log", $this->debugfile);
$this->logg("Starting pipe-auth ..."); // We notice that it's starting ...

function stop()
$this->logg("Shutting down ..."); // Sorry, have to go ...
$this->closestd(); // Simply close files
exit(0); // and exit cleanly

function openstd()
$this->stdout = @fopen("php://stdout", "w"); // We open STDOUT so we can read
$this->stdin = @fopen("php://stdin", "r"); // and STDIN so we can talk !

function readstdin()
$l = @fgets($this->stdin, 3); // We take the length of string
$length = @unpack("n", $l); // ejabberd give us something to play with ...
$len = $length["1"]; // and we now know how long to read.
if($len > 0) { // if not, we'll fill logfile ... and disk full is just funny once
$this->logg("Reading $len bytes ... "); // We notice ...
$data = @fgets($this->stdin, $len+1);
// $data = iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-15", $data); // To be tested, not sure if still needed.
$this->data = $data; // We set what we got.
$this->logg("IN: ".$data);

function closestd()
@fclose($this->stdin); // We close everything ...

function out($message)
@fwrite($this->stdout, $message); // We reply ...
$dump = @unpack("nn", $message);
$dump = $dump["n"];
$this->logg("OUT: ". $dump);

function myalive()
if(!is_resource($this->mysock) || !@mysql_ping($this->mysock)) { // check if we have a MySQL connection and if it's valid.
$this->mysql(); // We try to reconnect if MySQL gone away ...
return @mysql_ping($this->mysock); // we simply try again, to be sure ...
} else {
return true; // so good !

function play()
do {
$this->readstdin(); // get data
$length = strlen($this->data); // compute data length
if($length > 0 ) { // for debug mainly ...
$this->logg("GO: ".$this->data);
$this->logg("data length is : ".$length);
$ret = $this->command(); // play with data !
$this->logg("RE: " . $ret); // this is what WE send.
$this->out($ret); // send what we reply.
$this->data = NULL; // more clean. ...
} while (true);

function command()
$data = $this->splitcomm(); // This is an array, where each node is part of what SM sent to us :
// 0 => the command,
// and the others are arguments .. e.g. : user, server, password ...

if($this->myalive()) { // Check we can play with MySQL
if(strlen($data[0]) > 0 ) {
$this->logg("Command was : ".$data[0]);
switch($data[0]) {
case "isuser": // this is the "isuser" command, used to check for user existance
$this->jabber_user = $data[1];
$parms = $data[1]; // only for logging purpose
$return = $this->checkuser();

case "auth": // check login, password
$this->jabber_user = $data[1];
$this->jabber_pass = $data[3];
$parms = $data[1].":".$data[2].":".md5($data[3]); // only for logging purpose
$return = $this->checkpass();

case "setpass":
$return = false; // We do not want jabber to be able to change password

$this->stop(); // if it's not something known, we have to leave.
// never had a problem with this using ejabberd, but might lead to problem ?

$return = ($return) ? 1 : 0;

if(strlen($data[0]) > 0 && strlen($parms) > 0) {
$this->logg("Command : ".$data[0].":".$parms." ==> ".$return." ");
return @pack("nn", 2, $return);
} else {
// $this->prevenir(); // Maybe useful to tell somewhere there's a problem ...
return @pack("nn", 2, 0); // it's so bad.

function checkpass()

$query = mssql_query("SELECT [attribute] FROM [DatabaseName].[dbo].[table] where (S_USERNAME='$this->jabber_user') AND (SUBSTRING(S_PASSWORD,1,(LEN(S_PASSWORD)-3)))='$hash'");

// Check if there were any records
if (!mssql_num_rows($query)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;

function checkuser()

$query = mssql_query("SELECT [attribute] FROM [DatabaseName].[dbo].[table] where S_USERNAME='$this->jabber_user'");

// Check if there were any records
if (!mssql_num_rows($query)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;


function splitcomm() // simply split command and arugments into an array.
return explode(":", $this->data);

function mysql() // "MySQL abstraction", this opens a permanent MySQL connection, and fill the ressource

$this->mysock = @mssql_pconnect($this->dbhost, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpass);
echo '1';
@mssql_select_db($this->dbbase, $this->mysock);
$this->logg("MsSql :: ". (is_resource($this->mysock) ? "Connecté" : "Déconnecté"));

function logg($message) // pretty simple, using syslog.
// some says it doesn't work ? perhaps, but AFAIR, it was working.
if($this->logging) {
@syslog(LOG_INFO, $message);

这没有产生任何 php 错误。但是在 ejabberd.log 中我总是得到'extauth 脚本突然退出,原因是'正常''

这是 crash.log 中的崩溃报告

2015-04-01 17:44:12 =CRASH REPORT==== crasher: initial call: ejabberd_http:init/2 pid: <0.8779.0> registered_name: [] exception error: bad argument: [{extauth,call_port,2,[{file,"src/extauth.erl"},{line,99}]},{ejabberd_auth_external,check_password_extauth,3,[{file,"src/ejabberd_auth_external.erl"},{line,182}]},{ejabberd_auth_external,check_password_external_cache,3,[{file,"src/ejabberd_auth_external.erl"},{line,244}]},{ejabberd_auth,check_password_loop,2,[{file,"src/ejabberd_auth.erl"},{line,158}]},{ejabberd_auth,check_password,3,[{file,"src/ejabberd_auth.erl"},{line,106}]},{ejabberd_web_admin,get_auth_account,5,[{file,"src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl"},{line,266}]},{ejabberd_web_admin,process,2,[{file,"src/ejabberd_web_admin.erl"},{line,221}]},{ejabberd_http,process,5,[{file,"src/ejabberd_http.erl"},{line,359}]}] ancestors: [ejabberd_http_sup,ejabberd_sup,<0.37.0>] messages: [] links: [<0.327.0>,#Port<0.12042>] dictionary: [{random_seed,{2036,6729,29501}}] trap_exit: false status: running heap_size: 2586 stack_size: 27 reductions: 1244 neighbours: 2015-04-01 17:44:12 =SUPERVISOR REPORT==== Supervisor: {local,ejabberd_http_sup} Context: child_terminated Reason: badarg Offender: [{pid,<0.8779.0>},{name,undefined},{mfargs,{ejabberd_http,start_link,undefined}},{restart_type,temporary},{shutdown,1000},{child_type,worker}]

这似乎是配置错误。这是我添加到 ejabberd.yml 的内容

auth_method: external
extauth_program: "php -f /etc/ejabberd-15.03/auth_script.php"
extauth_cache: 600
extauth_instances: 3


我认为最新版本的 ejabberd 不支持 SQL-server。所以我最终转向支持许多数据库的 openfire。

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