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php - 修改Held-Karp TSP算法,不需要回原点

转载 作者:搜寻专家 更新时间:2023-10-31 21:22:40 24 4
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我必须解决一个问题,我必须找到从距离矩阵开始链接所有点的最短路径。这几乎就像一个旅行商问题,除了我不需要通过返回起点来关闭我的路径。我找到了 Held-Karp algorithm (Python)很好地解决了 TSP 但总是计算返回起点的距离。所以现在它留给我 3 个问题:

  1. 如果我修改我的函数而不是回到起点,至少有一种情况会产生不同的结果吗?
  2. 如果对 1 的回答是肯定的,我该如何更改我的 held_karp() 函数以满足我的需要?
  3. 2中没有办法,接下来我该找什么?

我已经将 held_karp() 函数从 Python 翻译成 PHP,对于我的解决方案,我很乐意使用任何一种语言。

function held_karp($matrix) {
$nb_nodes = count($matrix);

# Maps each subset of the nodes to the cost to reach that subset, as well
# as what node it passed before reaching this subset.
# Node subsets are represented as set bits.
$c = [];

# Set transition cost from initial state
for($k = 1; $k < $nb_nodes; $k++) $c["(".(1 << $k).",$k)"] = [$matrix[0][$k], 0];

# Iterate subsets of increasing length and store intermediate results
# in classic dynamic programming manner
for($subset_size = 2; $subset_size < $nb_nodes; $subset_size++) {
$combinaisons = every_combinations(range(1, $nb_nodes - 1), $subset_size, false);
foreach($combinaisons AS $subset) {
# Set bits for all nodes in this subset
$bits = 0;
foreach($subset AS $bit) $bits |= 1 << $bit;

# Find the lowest cost to get to this subset
foreach($subset AS $bk) {
$prev = $bits & ~(1 << $bk);

$res = [];
foreach($subset AS $m) {
if(($m == 0)||($m == $bk)) continue;
$res[] = [$c["($prev,$m)"][0] + $matrix[$m][$bk], $m];
$c["($bits,$bk)"] = min($res);

# We're interested in all bits but the least significant (the start state)
$bits = (2**$nb_nodes - 1) - 1;

# Calculate optimal cost
$res = [];
for($k = 1; $k < $nb_nodes; $k++) $res[] = [$c["($bits,$k)"][0] + $matrix[$k][0], $k];
list($opt, $parent) = min($res);

# Backtrack to find full path
$path = [];
for($i = 0; $i < $nb_nodes - 1; $i++) {
$path[] = $parent;
$new_bits = $bits & ~(1 << $parent);
list($scrap, $parent) = $c["($bits,$parent)"];
$bits = $new_bits;

# Add implicit start state
$path[] = 0;

return [$opt, array_reverse($path)];

如果您需要了解 every_combinations() 函数的工作原理

function every_combinations($set, $n = NULL, $order_matters = true) {
if($n == NULL) $n = count($set);
$combinations = [];
foreach($set AS $k => $e) {
$subset = $set;
if($n == 1) $combinations[] = [$e];
else {
$subcomb = every_combinations($subset, $n - 1, $order_matters);
foreach($subcomb AS $s) {
$comb = array_merge([$e], $s);
if($order_matters) $combinations[] = $comb;
else {
$needle = $comb;
if(!in_array($needle, $combinations)) $combinations[] = $comb;
return $combinations;


是的,答案可以不同。例如,如果图有 4 个顶点和以下无向边:

1-2 1
2-3 1
3-4 1
1-4 100
1-3 2
2-4 2

最佳路径是1-2-3-4权重为1 + 1 + 1 = 3,但同一个循环的权重为1 + 1 + 1 + 100 = 103。但是,循环的权重1-3-4-2是2 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 6,这条路径的权重是2 + 1 + 2 = 5,所以最优循环和最优路径是不同的。


for($k = 1; $k < $nb_nodes; $k++) $res[] = [$c["($bits,$k)"][0] + $matrix[$k][0], $k];

应该是for($k = 1; $k < $nb_nodes; $k++) $res[] = [$c["($bits,$k)"][0], $k];

关于php - 修改Held-Karp TSP算法,不需要回原点,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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