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java - 将赋值语句放在 if 语句中是不好的做法吗?

转载 作者:搜寻专家 更新时间:2023-10-31 20:00:53 24 4
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scoreBoardState 方法的目的是用于确定 minimax 算法中叶节点的游戏状态分数,该算法将向上传递以确定最佳移动人工智能制作。

hasThreeInARowAndTwoOpenSpaces_Horizo​​ntalscoreBoardState 调用的许多类似方法之一,用于确定是否满足某些条件(例如玩家连续拥有 3 个 token )。如果为真,它会返回满足该条件的玩家的数量,然后增加该玩家(人类玩家或 AI)的分数。

需要在 if 语句中调用该方法来检查返回值是否不为零(这意味着应该添加一些分数)。我可以在 if 语句中设置方法返回的值(我在代码片段中所做的),或者如果它不返回 0,我可以再次调用该方法,然后将其设置到变量中。显然,第二种方法效率较低,但更易读,更容易注意到发生了什么。

问题是,设置 if 语句中调用的方法返回的变量是否被认为是不好的做法?还是可以,因为它更有效率?

注意:第二种方法的低效率增长得相当快,因为​​它在一个 for 循环中,并且随着每个条件的测试,这种情况会出现多次。它也是在极小极大算法中为每个叶节点完成的(每个节点可以有 7 个分支)意味着深度只有 3(我正在使用的最小值)有 343 个叶节点并且深度为 7(我目前使用的最高深度)使用)有将近 825,000 个叶节点。

/* scores the board state of a root node in a minimax algorithm
* @gameState a 2 dimensional array that stores values for each space on the
* board. Stores 0 for empty or 1 or 2 if position is taken by a player
int scoreBoardState (int[][] boardState) {

int aiScore = 0;
int playerScore = 0;

int player = -1;

for (int i = 0; i < boardState.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < boardState[i].length - 4; j++) {
if (j < boardState[i].length - 5 && (player = hasThreeInARowAndTwoOpenSpaces_Horizontal(boardState, i, j)) != 0) {

if (player == AI)
aiScore += 1000; //magic number entered for clarity
else if (player == PLAYER)
playerScore += 1000;

else if (i < boardState.length - 4 && j > 2 && (player = hasThreeInARowAndOneOpenSpace_Diagonal_UpperRightToLowerLeft(boardState, i, j)) != 0) {

if (player == AI)
else if (player == PL)
playerScore += SCORE_THREE_IAR_ONE_OS;



return aiScore - playerScore;

* checks if, starting from the passed in coordinates, whether there are 3
* spaces taken by the same player with an empty space on either side in a horizontal direction (left to right).
* returns the player number if the result is true. returns 0 if the result
*is false or all spaces are empty
int hasThreeInARowAndTwoOpenSpaces_Horizontal(int[][] boardState, int row, int col) {
if (boardState[row][col] == 0
&& boardState[row][col + 1] == boardState[row][col + 2] && boardState[row][col + 2] == boardState[row][col + 3]
&& boardState[row][col + 4] == 0)
return boardState[row][col + 1];

return 0;

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