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我希望 Swift 让我能够在 where
block 中为具有指定条件的类型创建扩展。我想象我可以根据具体泛型类型值 (T
) 使用不同的扩展来扩展相同的泛型类型。但不是。以下示例演示了我的问题:
protocol P {
associatedtype Prop
var property: Prop { get }
enum E<T: P> {
case single(T)
case double(T)
extension E: P where T.Prop == Int {
var property: Int {
switch self {
case .single(let o): return o.property
case .double(let o): return o.property * 2
extension E: P where T.Prop == String {
var property: String {
switch self {
case .single(let o): return o.property
case .double(let o): return o.property + o.property
struct Int4: P {
var property: Int {
return 4
struct StringHello: P {
var property: String {
return "Hello"
error: conflicting conformance of 'E' to protocol 'P'; there cannot be more than one conformance, even with different conditional bounds
extension E: P where T.Prop == String {
note: 'E' declares conformance to protocol 'P' here
extension E: P where T.Prop == Int {
enum Color<T> {
case red(T), green(T)
func map<T2>(_ transform: (T) -> T2) -> Color<T2> {
switch self {
case .red(let o): return .red(transform(o))
case .green(let o): return .green(transform(o))
很多时候,我需要 Color 的不同扩展以使其符合不同的协议(protocol),具体取决于包装类型。有时这些协议(protocol)具有相同的基础( super )协议(protocol),因此,我遇到了当前的问题。有时我无法扩展 Color 以符合所有派生协议(protocol)的基本( super )协议(protocol),因为我需要不同的实现。
如前所述,您不能只进行这种扩展。但是,您可以像这样使用 hack:
protocol SomeExtension {
func doSomething()
extension SomeExtension {
func doSomething() {
print("Do nothing or error")
extension SomeExtension where Self == [String] {
func doSomething() {
extension SomeExtension where Self == [Int] {
func doSomething() {
extension Array: SomeExtension { }
let stringsArr = ["a", "b", "d"]
let numbersArr = [1, 2, 3]
关于swift - 为什么是 'there cannot be more than one conformance, even with different conditional bounds' ?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57282655/
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