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c++ - move 语义 : how best to understand/use them

转载 作者:搜寻专家 更新时间:2023-10-31 02:22:55 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我在 C++11 的 move 语义方面遇到问题。我正在使用带有 -std=c++11 开关的 gcc 4.9.2 20150304(预发布),但我在 move 构造函数未被调用时遇到问题。


  • 密集矩阵.h

#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

class DenseMatrix {
size_t m_ = 0, n_ = 0;
double *values = nullptr;
/* ctor */
DenseMatrix( size_t, size_t );
/* copy ctor */
DenseMatrix( const DenseMatrix& rhs );
/* move ctor */
DenseMatrix( DenseMatrix&& rhs ) noexcept;
/* copy assignment */
const DenseMatrix& operator=( const DenseMatrix& rhs );
/* move assignment */
const DenseMatrix& operator=( DenseMatrix&& rhs ) noexcept;
/* matrix multiplication */
DenseMatrix operator*( const DenseMatrix& rhs ) const;
/* dtor */

  • 密集矩阵.cpp
#include "densematrix.h"

/* ctor */
DenseMatrix::DenseMatrix( size_t m, size_t n ) :
m_( m ), n_( n ) {
std::cout << "ctor with two arguments called." << std::endl;
if ( m_*n_ > 0 )
values = new double[ m_*n_ ];

/* copy ctor */
DenseMatrix::DenseMatrix( const DenseMatrix& rhs ) :
m_( rhs.m_ ), n_( rhs.n_ ) {
std::cout << "copy ctor called." << std::endl;
if ( m_*n_ > 0 ) {
values = new double[ m_*n_ ];

std::copy( rhs.values, rhs.values + m_*n_, values);

/* move ctor */
DenseMatrix::DenseMatrix( DenseMatrix&& rhs ) noexcept :
m_( rhs.m_ ), n_( rhs.n_ ), values( rhs.values ) {
std::cout << "move ctor called." << std::endl;
rhs.values = nullptr;

/* copy assignment */
const DenseMatrix& DenseMatrix::operator=( const DenseMatrix& rhs ) {
std::cout << "copy assignment called." << std::endl;

if ( this != &rhs ) {
if ( m_*n_ != rhs.m_*rhs.n_ ) {
delete[] values;
values = new double[ rhs.m_*rhs.n_ ];

m_ = rhs.m_;
n_ = rhs.n_;
std::copy( rhs.values, rhs.values + m_*n_, values);

return *this;

/* move assignment */
const DenseMatrix& DenseMatrix::operator=( DenseMatrix&& rhs ) noexcept {
std::cout << "move assignment called." << std::endl;

m_ = rhs.m_;
n_ = rhs.n_;
delete[] values;
values = rhs.values;
rhs.values = nullptr;

return *this;

/* matrix multiplication */
DenseMatrix DenseMatrix::operator*( const DenseMatrix& rhs ) const {
return DenseMatrix( this->m_, rhs.n_ );

/* dtor */
DenseMatrix::~DenseMatrix() {
std::cout << "dtor called." << std::endl;
delete[] values;
  • 矩阵试验.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include "densematrix.h"

int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
/* ctor */
DenseMatrix A( 5, 10 );
/* ctor */
DenseMatrix B( 10, argc );
/* copy ctor */
DenseMatrix C = A;
/* copy assignment */
C = B;
/* move ctor */
DenseMatrix D( A*B );
DenseMatrix E = DenseMatrix( 100, 200 );
/* move assignment */
D = C*D;

return 0;

如果我在没有使用 -fno-elide-constructors 开关的情况下编译我的程序,我将获得以下输出:

ctor with two arguments called.
ctor with two arguments called.
copy ctor called.
copy assignment called.
ctor with two arguments called.
ctor with two arguments called.
ctor with two arguments called.
move assignment called.
dtor called.
dtor called.
dtor called.
dtor called.
dtor called.
dtor called.

另一方面,如果我使用 -fno-elide-constructors 开关进行编译,我会得到以下输出:

ctor with two arguments called.
ctor with two arguments called.
copy ctor called.
copy assignment called.
ctor with two arguments called.
move ctor called.
dtor called.
move ctor called.
dtor called.
ctor with two arguments called.
move ctor called.
dtor called.
ctor with two arguments called.
move ctor called.
dtor called.
move assignment called.
dtor called.
dtor called.
dtor called.
dtor called.
dtor called.
dtor called.

在第二个输出中,我对 move ctor 感到困惑。首先,在创建 D 时调用了两个 move 构造函数,而在创建 E 时只调用了一个 move 构造函数。其次,在将乘法结果赋值给 D 时,在 move 赋值运算符之前调用了另一个 move 构造函数。

有人可以解释发生了什么和/或我是否正确设计了我的类(class)?遇到这种情况怎么办?我是否应该以正常方式(没有开关)编译程序并在我想确保 move 语义或什么的时候使用 std::move()


根据@Praetorian 的评论进行编辑:
我的 densematrix.h 实现的最终版本如下:


#include <cstddef>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

class DenseMatrix {
size_t m_ = 0, /* number of rows */
n_ = 0; /* number of columns */
/* values of the matrix in column major order */
std::vector< double > values_;
/* ctor */
DenseMatrix( size_t m, size_t n,
std::vector< double > values = std::vector< double >() ) :
m_( m ),
n_( n ),
values_( values )
if ( m_*n_ == 0 )
throw std::domain_error( "One of the matrix dimensions is zero!" );
else if ( m_*n_ != values.size() && values_.size() != 0 )
throw std::domain_error( "Matrix dimensions do not match with the number of elements" );
/* copy ctor */
DenseMatrix( const DenseMatrix& rhs ) :
m_( rhs.m_ ),
n_( rhs.n_ ),
values_( rhs.values_ ) { }
/* move ctor */
DenseMatrix( DenseMatrix&& rhs ) noexcept :
m_( std::move( rhs.m_ ) ),
n_( std::move( rhs.n_ ) ),
values_( std::move( rhs.values_ ) ) { }
/* copy assignment */
const DenseMatrix& operator=( const DenseMatrix& rhs ) {
if ( this != &rhs ) {
m_ = rhs.m_;
n_ = rhs.n_;
/* trust std::vector<>'s optimized implementation, i.e.,
* no need to check the vectors' sizes to decrease the
* heap access */
values_ = rhs.values_;

return *this;
/* move assignment */
const DenseMatrix& operator=( DenseMatrix&& rhs ) noexcept {
m_ = std::move( rhs.m_ );
n_ = std::move( rhs.n_ );
values_ = std::move( rhs.values_ );

return *this;
/* matrix multiplication */
DenseMatrix operator*( const DenseMatrix& rhs ) const {
/* do dimension checking */
DenseMatrix temp( this->m_, rhs.n_ );

/* do the necessary calculations */

return temp;
/* dtor not needed in this case */


现在,希望我已经正确地实现了语义。你怎么认为?现在,在复制和/或 move 不同大小的 vector 时,我依赖于我使用的容器类。



每次使用operator* 时的两个 move 操作是因为您要求编译器不要执行复制/move 省略。这迫使它在内部构建一个临时的 operator* (2 个参数构造函数调用),然后将此临时对象 move 到返回值( move 构造函数调用),最后将返回值 move 到目标对象(在您的示例中 move 构造函数/move 赋值调用)。


std::cout << "move ctor called. " << this << std::endl;

Live demo


/* move ctor */
DenseMatrix D( A*B );
std::cout << "&D " << &D << std::endl;


ctor with two arguments called. 0x7fff7c2cb1d0  <-- temporary created in the 
return statement of operator*
move ctor called. 0x7fff7c2cb2b0 <-- temporary moved into the return value
dtor called. 0x7fff7c2cb1d0 <-- temporary from step 1 destroyed
move ctor called. 0x7fff7c2cb230 <-- return value moved into D
dtor called. 0x7fff7c2cb2b0 <-- return value destroyed
&D 0x7fff7c2cb230 <-- address of D

D = C*D; 的输出是相同的,除了第二步构造被 move 赋值代替。

您在类实现中没有做错任何事,只是不要使用 -fno-elide-constructors编译代码(你为什么要这样做?)。

这对您的情况没有影响,但通常在 move 构造函数中,源对象的数据成员是 std::move d 在内存初始化器中

DenseMatrix::DenseMatrix( DenseMatrix&& rhs ) noexcept :
m_( std::move(rhs.m_) ), n_( std::move(rhs.n_) ), values( std::move(rhs.values) ) {

最后,您可能想要更改 values来自 double*std::vector<double>并避免所有 newdelete电话。这样做的唯一警告是 vector每当你vector::resize时,它都会初始化它添加的新元素, 但是 there are workarounds也是为了那个。


不仅不再需要析构函数定义,而且您也不需要任何复制/move 构造函数/赋值运算符。编译器会隐式地为您声明这些,它们的作用与您的手写版本完全相同。所以你在类中需要的只是构造函数定义和 operator* 的构造函数定义。 .这就是不手动管理内存的真正美妙之处。


    DenseMatrix( size_t m, size_t n,
std::vector< double > values = {} ) : // <-- use list initialization,
// no need to repeat type name
m_( m ),
n_( n ),
values_( std::move(values) ) // <-- move the vector instead of copying
// ...

关于c++ - move 语义 : how best to understand/use them,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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