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if(element > n->data)
n->rightChild = insert(n->rightChild, element);
出于测试目的,我只使用 insert(root, 10) insert(root, 20) insert(root, 30) 等等。问题发生在 insert 30 处。它通过并尝试用另一个非空子树替换一个非空子树 (20)。我不确定为什么我似乎遇到了这个问题,因为递归是我看到这个实现的唯一方法,并且在我发现的所有其他类似问题中,答案都以类似的方式编码对此或与此完全相同。谁能帮我弄清楚发生了什么事?目前,在它尝试用 30 覆盖 20 子树后,它最终用垃圾数据填充根右子树,然后,当它尝试重新平衡时,抛出 EXC_BAD_ACCESS 错误,大概是因为我试图访问一个节点'存在。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct node
int data, height;
node *leftChild, *rightChild;
int findMin(struct node *p) // finds the smallest node in the tree
while (p->leftChild != NULL)
p = p->leftChild;
return p->data;
int findMax(struct node *p) // finds the largest node in the tree
while(p->rightChild != NULL)
p = p->rightChild;
return p->data;
int max(int a, int b) // gets the max of two integers
if(a > b)
return a;
return b;
int height(struct node *p) // gets the height of the tree
int lHeight, rHeight;
if(p == NULL)
return -1;
lHeight = height(p->leftChild);
rHeight = height(p->rightChild);
if(lHeight > rHeight)
return lHeight + 1;
return rHeight + 1;
struct node* newNode(int element) // helper function to return a new node with empty subtrees
node* newPtr = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(newPtr));
newPtr->data = element;
newPtr->leftChild = NULL;
newPtr->rightChild = NULL;
newPtr->height = 1;
return newPtr;
struct node* rightRotate(struct node* p) // function to right rotate a tree rooted at p
node* child = p->leftChild;
node* grandChild = child->rightChild;
// perform the rotation
child->rightChild = p;
p->leftChild = grandChild;
// update the height for the nodes
p->height = max(height(p->leftChild), height(p->rightChild)) + 1;
child->height = max(height(child->leftChild), height(child->rightChild)) + 1;
// return new root
return child;
struct node* leftRotate(struct node* p) // function to left rotate a tree rooted at p
node* child = p->rightChild;
node* grandChild = child->leftChild;
// perform the rotation
child->leftChild = p;
p->rightChild = grandChild;
// update heights
p->height = max(height(p->leftChild), height(p->rightChild)) + 1;
// return new root
return child;
int getBalance(struct node *p)
if(p == NULL)
return 0;
return height(p->leftChild) - height(p->rightChild);
// recursive version of BST insert to insert the element in a sub tree rooted with root
// which returns new root of subtree
struct node* insert(struct node*& n, int element)
// perform the normal BST insertion
if(n == NULL) // if the tree is empty
if(element< n->data)
n->leftChild = insert(n->leftChild, element);
if(element > n->data)
n->rightChild = insert(n->rightChild, element);
else // duplicate node
return n;
// update the height for this node
n->height = 1 + max(height(n->leftChild), height(n->rightChild));
// get the balance factor to see if the tree is unbalanced
int balance = getBalance(n);
// the tree is unbalanced, there are 4 different types of rotation to make
// Single Right Rotation (Left Left Case)
if(balance > 1 && element < n->leftChild->data)
return rightRotate(n);
// Single Left Rotation (Right Right Case)
if(balance < -1 && element > n->rightChild->data)
return leftRotate(n);
// Left Right Rotation
if(balance > 1 && element > n->leftChild->data)
n->leftChild = leftRotate(n->leftChild);
return rightRotate(n);
// Right Left Rotation
if(balance < -1 && element < n->rightChild->data)
n->rightChild = rightRotate(n->rightChild);
return leftRotate(n);
cout << "Height: " << n->height << endl;
// return the unmodified root pointer in the case that the tree does not become unbalanced
return n;
void inorder(struct node *p)
if(p != NULL)
cout << p->data << ", ";
void preorder(struct node *p)
if(p != NULL)
cout << p->data << ", ";
void print(struct node* root)
cout << "Min Value: " << findMin(root) << endl;
cout << "Max Value: " << findMax(root) << endl;
cout << "Pre Order: ";
cout << "Inorder: ";
int main()
struct node* root = NULL;
root = insert(root, 10);
root = insert(root, 20);
root = insert(root, 30);
root = insert(root, 40);
root = insert(root, 50);
root = insert(root, 25);
// int array[11] = {25, 5, 6, 17, 34, 2, 57, 89, 12, 12, 73};
// for(int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
// {
// root = insert(root, array[i]);
// }
return 0;
struct node* newNode(int element) // helper function to return a new node with empty subtrees
node* newPtr = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(newPtr));
struct node* newNode(int element) // helper function to return a new node with empty subtrees
node* newPtr = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(*newPtr));
在评论中 OP 要求:
That actually did fix it, thank you! Could someone explain why though?
node* newPtr = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(newPtr));
node* newPtr = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(node*));
所以你分配了内存来保存一个指针 - 这可能是 8 或 4 个字节。
newPtr->data = element;
newPtr->leftChild = NULL;
newPtr->rightChild = NULL;
newPtr->height = 1;
这些写入占用了超过分配的 8(或 4)个字节,因此您写入不属于您的程序的内存。这是未定义的行为(又名“任何事情都可能发生”),从那里分析出了什么问题是没有意义的。
但是,内存很可能稍后被覆盖(例如,在第二个 malloc
关于c++ - 二叉搜索树插入垃圾数据,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43538832/
关闭。此题需要details or clarity 。目前不接受答案。 想要改进这个问题吗?通过 editing this post 添加详细信息并澄清问题. 已关闭 7 年前。 Improve th
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for(i=0;i #include int main() { for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { if(fork()==0) { printf("Hi %d %d
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