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我在使用 CUDA 的 .cu
#include "gpu_stgauss2.h"
#include "gpu_st.h"
#include "gpu_sampler.h"
static texture<float, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> s_texSRC1;
static texture<float4, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> s_texSRC4;
inline __host__ __device__ texture<float,2>& texSRC1() { return s_texSRC1; }
inline __host__ __device__ texture<float4,2>& texSRC4() { return s_texSRC4; }
static texture<float4, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> s_texST;
inline __host__ __device__ texture<float4,2>& texST() { return s_texST; }
gpu_image<float> gpu_stgauss2_filter( const gpu_image<float>& src, const gpu_image<float4>& st,
float sigma, float max_angle, bool adaptive,
bool src_linear, bool st_linear, int order, float step_size,
float precision )
if (sigma <= 0) return src;
gpu_image<float> dst(src.size());
gpu_sampler<float, texSRC1> src_sampler(src, src_linear? cudaFilterModeLinear : cudaFilterModePoint);
float cos_max = cosf(radians(max_angle));
if (src.size() == st.size()) {
gpu_sampler<float4, texST> st_sampler(st, st_linear? cudaFilterModeLinear : cudaFilterModePoint);
if (order == 1) imp_stgauss2_filter<1,float><<<dst.blocks(), dst.threads()>>>(dst, src_sampler, st_sampler, sigma, cos_max, adaptive, step_size, precision);
else if (order == 2) imp_stgauss2_filter<2,float><<<dst.blocks(), dst.threads()>>>(dst, src_sampler, st_sampler, sigma, cos_max, adaptive, step_size, precision);
else if (order == 4) imp_stgauss2_filter<4,float><<<dst.blocks(), dst.threads()>>>(dst, src_sampler, st_sampler, sigma, cos_max, adaptive, step_size, precision);
} else {
float2 s = make_float2((float)st.w() / src.w(), (float)st.h() / src.h());
gpu_resampler<float4, texST> st_sampler(st, s, st_linear? cudaFilterModeLinear : cudaFilterModePoint);
if (order == 1) imp_stgauss2_filter<1,float><<<dst.blocks(), dst.threads()>>>(dst, src_sampler, st_sampler, sigma, cos_max, adaptive, step_size, precision);
else if (order == 2) imp_stgauss2_filter<2,float><<<dst.blocks(), dst.threads()>>>(dst, src_sampler, st_sampler, sigma, cos_max, adaptive, step_size, precision);
else if (order == 4) imp_stgauss2_filter<4,float><<<dst.blocks(), dst.threads()>>>(dst, src_sampler, st_sampler, sigma, cos_max, adaptive, step_size, precision);
return dst;
gpu_image<float4> gpu_stgauss2_filter( const gpu_image<float4>& src, const gpu_image<float4>& st,
float sigma, float max_angle, bool adaptive,
bool src_linear, bool st_linear, int order, float step_size,
float precision )
if (sigma <= 0) return src;
gpu_image<float4> dst(src.size());
gpu_sampler<float4, texSRC4> src_sampler(src, src_linear? cudaFilterModeLinear : cudaFilterModePoint);
float cos_max = cosf(radians(max_angle));
if (src.size() == st.size()) {
gpu_sampler<float4, texST> st_sampler(st, st_linear? cudaFilterModeLinear : cudaFilterModePoint);
if (order == 1) imp_stgauss2_filter<1,float4><<<dst.blocks(), dst.threads()>>>(dst, src_sampler, st_sampler, sigma, cos_max, adaptive, step_size, precision);
else if (order == 2) imp_stgauss2_filter<2,float4><<<dst.blocks(), dst.threads()>>>(dst, src_sampler, st_sampler, sigma, cos_max, adaptive, step_size, precision);
else if (order == 4) imp_stgauss2_filter<4,float4><<<dst.blocks(), dst.threads()>>>(dst, src_sampler, st_sampler, sigma, cos_max, adaptive, step_size, precision);
} else {
float2 s = make_float2((float)st.w() / src.w(), (float)st.h() / src.h());
gpu_resampler<float4, texST> st_sampler(st, s, st_linear? cudaFilterModeLinear : cudaFilterModePoint);
if (order == 1) imp_stgauss2_filter<1,float4><<<dst.blocks(), dst.threads()>>>(dst, src_sampler, st_sampler, sigma, cos_max, adaptive, step_size, precision);
else if (order == 2) imp_stgauss2_filter<2,float4><<<dst.blocks(), dst.threads()>>>(dst, src_sampler, st_sampler, sigma, cos_max, adaptive, step_size, precision);
else if (order == 4) imp_stgauss2_filter<4,float4><<<dst.blocks(), dst.threads()>>>(dst, src_sampler, st_sampler, sigma, cos_max, adaptive, step_size, precision);
return dst;
error : taking reference of texture/surface variable not allowed in __device__/__global__ functions
我在 CUDA 方面的经验很少。任何人都可以帮助解决它吗?谢谢。
编译器错误说明了一切:不允许您执行您尝试的操作。我会建议直接使用变量(而不是通过 texSRC1()
关于c++ - 错误 : taking reference of texture/surface variable not allowed in __device__/__global__ functions,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23263668/
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