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我指的是我很久以前发表的一篇文章,因为我刚刚开始使用这个 WRG305API.dll。
引用:calling C++ functions containing callbacks in C#
我一直在尝试编写一个与此 DLL 交互的应用程序,感谢当时帮助过我的人。我已经能够让它在短时间内正常工作。
A callback was made on a garbage collected delegate of type 'WinFFT!WinFFT.winradioIO.winRadioIOWrapper+CallbackFunc::Invoke'. This may cause application crashes ...
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace WinFFT.winradioIO
class winRadioIOWrapper
private const string APIDLL_PATH = "WRG305API.dll";
public delegate void CallbackFunc(IntPtr p);
public CallbackFunc mycallback;
public struct Features
public uint feature;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public struct RadioInfo
public uint length;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 9)]
public string serialNumber;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 9)]
public string productName;
public UInt64 minFrequency;
public UInt64 maxFrequency;
public Features feature;
public static extern int OpenRadioDevice(int deviceNumber);
public static extern bool CloseRadioDevice(int radioHandle);
public static extern int GetRadioList(ref RadioInfo info, int bufferSize, ref int infoSize);
public static extern bool IsDeviceConnected(int radioHandle);
public static extern bool GetInfo(int radioHandle, ref RadioInfo info);
public static extern int GetFrequency(int radioHandle);
public static extern bool SetFrequency(int radioHandle, int frequency);
private static extern bool CodecStart(int hRadio, CallbackFunc func, IntPtr CallbackTarget);
private static extern uint CodecRead(int hRadio, byte[] Buf, uint Size);
private static extern bool CodecStop(int hRadio);
public static bool startIFStream(int radioHandle)
bool bStarted = CodecStart(radioHandle, MyCallbackFunc, IntPtr.Zero);
return bStarted;
// Note: this method will be called from a different thread!
private static void MyCallbackFunc(IntPtr pData)
// Sophisticated work goes here...
public static void readIFStreamBlock(int radioHandle, byte[] streamDumpLocation, uint blockSize)
CodecRead(radioHandle, streamDumpLocation, blockSize);
public static bool stopIFStream(int radioHandle)
bool bStoped = CodecStop(radioHandle);
return bStoped;
这是我的应用程序接口(interface)类层,它提供了使用 dll 接口(interface)的友好方法:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace WinFFT.winradioIO
class radioInterface
enum DeviceStatus { Disconnected, Connected, Unknown };
private static DeviceStatus deviceStatus = DeviceStatus.Unknown;
public static string radioName, serialNumber;
public static int minimumFreq, maximumFreq;
static int radioHandle;
static radioInterface()
public static void duffMethod(IntPtr ptr)
private static void InitializeDeviceConnection()
deviceStatus = DeviceStatus.Disconnected;
// Get Radio Info
winRadioIOWrapper.RadioInfo radioInfo = new winRadioIOWrapper.RadioInfo();
int aStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf(radioInfo), anInfoSize = 0;
radioInfo.length = (uint)aStructSize;
if (winRadioIOWrapper.GetRadioList(ref radioInfo, aStructSize, ref anInfoSize) == 1)
radioName = radioInfo.productName;
serialNumber = radioInfo.serialNumber;
minimumFreq = (int)radioInfo.minFrequency;
maximumFreq = (int)radioInfo.maxFrequency;
// Open device
radioHandle = winRadioIOWrapper.OpenRadioDevice(0);
private static void CheckDeviceConnection()
bool anIsDeviceConnected = winRadioIOWrapper.IsDeviceConnected(radioHandle);
if (deviceStatus == DeviceStatus.Unknown ||
deviceStatus == DeviceStatus.Disconnected && anIsDeviceConnected ||
deviceStatus == DeviceStatus.Connected && !anIsDeviceConnected)
if (anIsDeviceConnected)
deviceStatus = DeviceStatus.Connected;
deviceStatus = DeviceStatus.Disconnected;
public static void ReadIFStream(ref byte[] bufferLocation)
winRadioIOWrapper.readIFStreamBlock(radioHandle, bufferLocation, (uint)bufferLocation.Length);
public static void SetFreq(int valueInHz)
winRadioIOWrapper.SetFrequency(radioHandle, valueInHz);
public static void ShutDownRadio()
我明白为什么AVIDeveloper选择了这条路,它从WinRadio Reciever(这就是DLL的用途)连续流出数据非常棒,但是DLL中的CodecRead函数允许复制指定数量的字节从 radio 的缓冲区。这是我走的路,因为我想控制我获取数据的频率,因此我单独留下委托(delegate)函数的原因。但就目前的情况而言,我正在将包装器中的委托(delegate)丢给 GC,我真的很困惑如何防止这种情况发生。
private static CallbackFunc _callback = new CallbackFunc(MyCallbackFunc);
public static bool startIFStream(int radioHandle)
bool bStarted = CodecStart(radioHandle, _callback, IntPtr.Zero);
return bStarted;
关于c# - 防止 GC 在 C# 中接受我的委托(delegate),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20735085/
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