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尝试获取所有子目录,并最终获取子目录中的所有文件,我传递一个 std::vector 作为对实际获取所有目录的函数的引用。我可以计算出函数内部的 cFileName,但是一旦它返回主 vector , vector 就会有奇怪的字符。
目前我的字符集使用 Unicode。当我使用多字节时,它实际上会打印奇怪的字符,现在它什么都不打印。 vector 中确实有一些东西(directories.size() 返回一个值 > 0)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Declare function prototypes
DWORD listDirectories(std::vector<TCHAR*>&);
// Global variable that holds the current working path of the program
void main()
// Declare variables, dwCount for return value from listDirectories, directories stores all sub directories, cDirectory stores current directory
DWORD dwCount;
//std::vector<TCHAR*> directories;
std::vector<TCHAR*> directories;
TCHAR cDirectory[MAX_PATH];
// Get current directory
GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, buffer);
// Set cDirectory (current directory) to buffer (ATM is current directory) + add \\ to the end and make it the working directory
_tcscpy_s(cDirectory, buffer);
_tcscat_s(cDirectory, L"\\*");
// dwCount is count of how many directories found, to be used later
dwCount = listDirectories(directories);
// Range for loop to print each value in the std::vector<TCHAR*> directories
for (auto tStr : directories) {
// Doing wcout here prints weird characters.
std::wcout << tStr << std::endl;
} // end void main()
DWORD listDirectories(std::vector<TCHAR*> &directories)
// Declare variables, count used for number of directories, hFind for FindFirstFile, data used to store file data
DWORD count = 0;
TCHAR currentDir[MAX_PATH];
// Copy the current working directory into currentDir, will be used for subDir
_tcscpy_s(currentDir, buffer);
// Append "\\*" to buffer to make it a working directory
_tcscat_s(buffer, L"\\*");
// Find first file in the current working directory, storying data in data as a reference
hFind = FindFirstFile(buffer, &data);
// If hFind is not an invalid handle
// Go through each file in the directory
// If the file attributes is a directory
if (data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
// Create a sub directory
// Fill subDir with current directory + "\\" + dir name
_tcscpy_s(subDir, currentDir);
_tcscat_s(subDir, L"\\");
_tcscat_s(subDir, data.cFileName);
// Fill subDir with current directory + "\\" + dir name
//sprintf_s(subDir, "%s%s%s", currentDir, "\\", data.cFileName);
// Add directory to my directories (std::vector<TCHAR*>) if count > 1, because I don't want the "." and ".." directories
if (count > 1){
// Doing wcout here prints the subDir just fine and works properly
std::wcout << subDir << std::endl;
// Add 1 to count, used as the return for how many directories found in the current directory
} while (FindNextFile(hFind, &data) != 0);
// Return count of directories found. -2 to get rid of the "." and ".." directories
return (count - 2);
} // end DWORD listDirectories(std::vector<TCHAR*>&)
是 do ... while
更改 std::vector<TCHAR*> directories;
至 std::vector<std::basic_string<TCHAR>> directories;
并且您的代码应该可以正常工作。现在您将复制目录名称并将其添加到 vector
另一种选择是忘记所有 TCHAR
东西,并且在处理 Windows API 时只使用所有内容的宽字符版本。
std::vector<std::wstring> directories;
wchar_t cDirectory[MAX_PATH];
hFind = FindFirstFileW(buffer, &data);
关于c++ - std::vector<TCHAR*> 中的奇怪字符,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30179851/
关闭。这个问题不符合Stack Overflow guidelines .它目前不接受答案。 要求提供代码的问题必须表现出对所解决问题的最低限度理解。包括尝试过的解决方案、为什么它们不起作用,以及预
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如何将 ANSI 字符 (char) 转换为 Unicode 字符 (wchar_t),反之亦然? 是否有用于此目的的任何跨平台源代码? 最佳答案 是的,在 中你有mbstowcs()和 wcsto
函数 fromCharCode 不适用于国际 ANSI 字符。例如,对于 ID 为 192 到 223 的俄语 ANSI (cp-1251) 字符,它返回特殊字符。如何解决这个问题? 我认为,需要将A
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这个问题已经有答案了: Crash or "segmentation fault" when data is copied/scanned/read to an uninitialized point
所以, 我有一个字符**;它本质上是一个句子,带有指向该句子中每个单词的指针;即 'h''i''\0''w''o''r''l''d''\0''y''a''y''!''\0' 在这种情况下,我希望使用可
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: Using quotation marks inside quotation marks (12 个答案) 关闭 7 年前。 如何打印 " 字符? 我知道打印 % 符号