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c++ - 消息系统的观察者模式+访客模式

转载 作者:搜寻专家 更新时间:2023-10-31 01:00:01 24 4
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因此,为了做出一些东西,我认为双重分派(dispatch)可能是我的选择。一点点之后我得到了这篇文章(c++11 只是因为 for 循环):

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

* A few forward declarations.

class Message_base;
class Message_type_a;
class Message_type_b;

* Base observer...

class Observer_base

* All these implementations are empty so we don't have to specify them
* in every single derived class.

virtual void get_message(const Message_base&) {}
virtual void get_message(const Message_type_a&) {}
virtual void get_message(const Message_type_b&) {}

* Specification of all message types.

class Message_base

* This is the method that will implement the double dispatching in all
* derived classes.

virtual void be_recieved(Observer_base &r) const=0; //Now that's a nasty method name.

class Message_type_a:public Message_base
int integer_value;

Message_type_a(int v):integer_value(v) {}
int get_integer_value() const {return integer_value;}
void be_recieved(Observer_base &r) const {r.get_message(*this);}


class Message_type_b:public Message_base
std::string string_value;

Message_type_b(const std::string v):string_value(v) {}
std::string get_string_value() const {return string_value;}
void be_recieved(Observer_base &r) const {r.get_message(*this);}

* This is the base clase for the Subject... Notice that there are no virtual
* methods so we could as well instantiate this class instead of derive it.

class Subject_base

std::vector<Observer_base *> observers;


void emit_message(const Message_base& m) {for(auto o : observers) m.be_recieved(*o);} //Again, nasty to read since it's... backwards.
void register_observer(Observer_base * o) {observers.push_back(o);}

* Now we will create a subject class for the sake of it. We could just call the
* public "emit_message" from main passing Message objects.

class Subject_derived:public Subject_base

void emit_message_a(int v) {emit_message(Message_type_a(v));}
void emit_message_b(const std::string v) {emit_message(Message_type_b(v));}

* This gets fun... We make two observers. One will only get type_a messages
* and the other will get type_b.

class Observer_type_a:public Observer_base

int index; //We will use it to identify the observer.


Observer_type_a(int i):index(i) {}
void get_message(const Message_type_a& m) {std::cout<<"Observer_type_a ["<<index<<"] : got type_a message : "<<m.get_integer_value()<<std::endl;}

class Observer_type_b:public Observer_base

std::string name; //Merely to identify the observer.


Observer_type_b(const std::string& n):name(n) {}
void get_message(const Message_type_b& m) {std::cout<<"Observer_type_b ["<<name<<"] : got type_b message : "<<m.get_string_value()<<std::endl;}

* Stitch all pieces together.

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
Observer_type_a o_a1(1);
Observer_type_a o_a2(2);
Observer_type_b o_b1("Sauron");
Observer_type_b o_b2("Roverandom");

Subject_derived s_a;


s_a.emit_message_b("this is my content");


s_a.emit_message_b("this is my second content");

//gloriously exit.
return 0;


  • 能够从主题发送许多不同的消息。
  • 将观察者专门化为他们会忽略所有不适合他们的消息(如果根本不发送它们会更好,但我知道我可以注册不同的观察者组)。
  • 避免 RTTI 和派生类转换。





// a bundle of types:
template<class...>struct types{using type=types;};

// a type that does nothing but carry a type around
// without being that type:
template<class T>struct tag{using type=T;};

// a template that undoes the `tag` operation above:
template<class Tag>using type_t=typename Tag::type;

// a shorter way to say `std::integral_constant<size_t, x>`:
template<std::size_t i>struct index:std::integral_constant<std::size_t, i>{};

获取类型在 types<...> 中的索引:

// this code takes a type T, and a types<...> and returns
// the index of the type in there.
// index_of
namespace details {
template<class T, class Types>
struct index_of{};
template<class T, class Types>
using index_of_t=type_t<details::index_of<T,Types>>;
namespace details {
// if the first entry in the list of types is T,
// our value is 0
template<class T, class...Ts>struct index_of<T, types<T,Ts...>>:
tag< index<0> >
// otherwise, it is 1 plus our value on the tail of the list:
template<class T, class T0, class...Ts>
struct index_of<T, types<T0, Ts...>>:
tag< index< index_of_t<T,types<Ts...>{}+1 > >

这是一个单一的“ channel ”广播者(它发送一种消息):

// a token is a shared pointer to anything
// below, it tends to be a shared pointer to a std::function
// all we care about is the lifetime, however:
using token = std::shared_ptr<void>;
template<class M>
struct broadcaster {
// f is the type of something that can eat our message:
using f = std::function< void(M) >;
// we keep a vector of weak pointers to people who can eat
// our message. This lets them manage lifetime independently:
std::vector<std::weak_ptr<f>> listeners;

// reg is register. You pass in a function to eat the message
// it returns a token. So long as the token, or a copy of it,
// survives, broadcaster will continue to send stuff at the
// function you pass in:
token reg( f target ) {
// if thread safe, (write)lock here
auto sp = std::make_shared<f>(std::move(target));
listeners.push_back( sp );
return sp;
// unlock here
// removes dead listeners:
void trim() {
// if thread safe, (try write)lock here
// and/or have trim take a lock as an argument
std::remove_if( begin(listeners), end(listeners), [](auto&& p){
return p.expired();
} ),
// unlock here
// Sends a message M m to every listener who is not dead:
void send( M m ) {
trim(); // remove dead listeners
// (read) lock here
auto tmp_copy = listeners; // copy the listeners, just in case
// unlock here

for (auto w:tmp_copy) {
auto p = w.lock();
if (p) (*p)(m);

这里是多 channel subject可以支持任意数量的不同消息类型(在编译时确定)。如果您无法匹配消息类型,send和/或 reg将无法编译。您有责任决定消息是否为 const&或值(value)或其他。试图 reg右值消息将不起作用。目的是M传递给 regsend明确地。

// fancy wrapper around a tuple of broadcasters:
struct subject {
std::tuple<broadcaster<Ts>...> stations;
// helper function that gets a broadcaster compatible
// with a message type M:
template<class M>
broadcaster<M>& station() {
return std::get< index_of_t<M, types<Ts...>>{} >( stations );
// register a message of type M. You should call with M explicit usually:
template<class M>
token reg( std::function<void(M)> listener ) {
return station<M>().reg(std::move(listener));
// send a message of type M. You should explicitly pass M usually:
template<class M>
void send( M m ) {

live example .

当你reg , 它返回一个 token , 又名 std::shared_ptr<void> .只要此 token (或拷贝)存在,消息就会流动。如果它消失,发送到 reged 回调的消息将结束。通常这意味着听众应该维护一个 std::vector<token> , 以及使用 this 的 reg lambdas愿不愿意。

在 C++14/1z 中,上面的代码变得更好一些(我们可以去掉 types<...>index_of 一个)。



trim 时,为给定广播者的死听众分配的内存被回收或 send叫做。然而,std::function很久以前就会被销毁,所以只有有限数量的内存被浪费直到下一个send .然后我就这样做了,因为无论如何我们都要遍历消息列表,不妨先清理一下乱七八糟的东西。

此解决方案没有 RTTI 或动态转换,消息仅发送给理解它们的听众。

事情变得简单了。删除所有元编程样板,删除 subject (保留 broadcaster )并执行此操作以处理多个 channel :

struct broadcasters : broadcaster<Ms>... {
using broadcaster<Ms>::reg...;
using broadcaster<Ms>::send...;

template<class M>
broadcaster<M>& station() { return *this; }

这个broadcasters现在几乎是对 subject 的改进以上。

由于 std::function 的改进自 , reg函数通常做正确的事情,除非信号选项过于相似。如果您确实遇到了 reg 的问题或 send ,你被迫调用.station<type>().reg(blah) .

但是 99/100 次你可以只做 .reg( lambda ).send( msg )重载决议做正确的事。

Live example .


struct not_thread_safe {
struct not_lock {~not_lock(){}};
auto lock() const { return not_lock{}; }
struct mutex_thread_safe {
auto lock() const { return std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(m); }
mutable std::mutex m;
struct rw_thread_safe {
auto lock() { return std::unique_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex>(m); }
auto lock() const { return std::shared_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex>(m); }
mutable std::shared_timed_mutex m;
template<class D, class>
struct derived_ts {
auto lock() { return static_cast<D*>(this)->lock(); }
auto lock() const { return static_cast<D const*>(this)->lock(); }
using token = std::shared_ptr<void>;
template<class M, class TS=not_thread_safe>

struct broadcaster:
using f = std::function< void(M) >;
mutable std::vector<std::weak_ptr<f>> listeners;
token reg( f target )
auto l = this->lock();
auto sp = std::make_shared<f>(std::move(target));
listeners.push_back( sp );
return sp;
// logically const, but not really:
void trim() const {
auto l = const_cast<broadcaster&>(*this).lock();
auto it = std::remove_if( listeners.begin(), listeners.end(), [](auto&& p){
return p.expired();
} );
listeners.erase( it, listeners.end() );
// logically const, but not really:
void send( M m ) const
trim(); // remove dead listeners
auto tmp_copy = [this]{
auto l = this->lock();
return listeners; // copy the listeners, just in case

for (auto w:tmp_copy) {
auto p = w.lock();
if (p) (*p)(m);
template<class TS, class...Ms>
struct basic_broadcasters :
broadcaster<Ms, derived_ts<basic_broadcasters<TS, Ms...>, Ms> >...
using TS::lock;
using broadcaster<Ms, derived_ts<basic_broadcasters<TS, Ms...>, Ms> >::reg...;
using broadcaster<Ms, derived_ts<basic_broadcasters<TS, Ms...>, Ms> >::send...;

template<class M>
broadcaster<M, derived_ts<basic_broadcasters<TS, Ms...>, M>>& station() { return *this; }
template<class M>
broadcaster<M, derived_ts<basic_broadcasters<TS, Ms...>, M>> const& station() const { return *this; }
using broadcasters = basic_broadcasters<rw_thread_safe, Ms...>;

Live example .

broadcasters<Messages...>现在是一个读写锁定的广播类,它使用 1 个公共(public)共享锁来同步每个广播队列。

basic_broadcasters<not_thread_safe, Messages...>而是创建一个没有锁定的(即,不是线程安全的)。

关于c++ - 消息系统的观察者模式+访客模式,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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