- Java 双重比较
- java - 比较器与 Apache BeanComparator
- Objective-C 完成 block 导致额外的方法调用?
- database - RESTful URI 是否应该公开数据库主键?
在此处给出的示例中,它成功解析了 A>5,但随后停止并忽略了输入的其余部分,这与我的实现一致。
如何更改 expr_
#include <cstdint>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
#include <boost/variant/recursive_wrapper.hpp>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
/// Terminals
enum metric_t : std::uint8_t { A=0u, B };
const std::string metric_names[] = { "A", "B" };
struct metrics_parser : boost::spirit::qi::symbols<char, metric_t>
( metric_names[A], A )
( metric_names[B], B )
/// Operators
struct op_or {};
struct op_and {};
struct op_xor {};
struct op_not {};
struct op_eq {};
struct op_lt {};
struct op_let {};
struct op_gt {};
struct op_get {};
template <typename tag> struct unop;
template <typename tag> struct binop;
/// Expression
typedef boost::variant<
boost::recursive_wrapper< unop<op_not> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<op_and> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<op_or> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<op_xor> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<op_eq> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<op_lt> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<op_gt> >
> expr;
template <typename tag>
struct binop
explicit binop(const expr& l, const expr& r) : oper1(l), oper2(r) { }
expr oper1, oper2;
template <typename tag>
struct unop
explicit unop(const expr& o) : oper1(o) { }
expr oper1;
struct printer : boost::static_visitor<void>
printer(std::ostream& os) : _os(os) {}
std::ostream& _os;
void operator()(const binop<op_and>& b) const { print(" and ", b.oper1, b.oper2); }
void operator()(const binop<op_or >& b) const { print(" or ", b.oper1, b.oper2); }
void operator()(const binop<op_xor>& b) const { print(" xor ", b.oper1, b.oper2); }
void operator()(const binop<op_eq>& b) const { print(" = ", b.oper1, b.oper2); }
void operator()(const binop<op_lt>& b) const { print(" < ", b.oper1, b.oper2); }
void operator()(const binop<op_gt>& b) const { print(" > ", b.oper1, b.oper2); }
void print(const std::string& op, const expr& l, const expr& r) const
_os << "(";
boost::apply_visitor(*this, l);
_os << op;
boost::apply_visitor(*this, r);
_os << ")";
void operator()(const unop<op_not>& u) const
_os << "(";
_os << "!";
boost::apply_visitor(*this, u.oper1);
_os << ")";
void operator()(metric_t m) const
_os << metric_names[m];
template <typename other_t>
void operator()(other_t i) const
_os << i;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const expr& e)
{ boost::apply_visitor(printer(os), e); return os; }
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, metric_t m)
{ os<< metric_names[m]; return os; }
template <typename It, typename Skipper = qi::space_type>
struct parser : qi::grammar<It, expr(), Skipper>
parser() : parser::base_type(expr_)
using namespace qi;
using namespace phx;
using local_names::_a;
number_r_ %= int_ | double_;
metric_r_ %= metric_p_;
eq_r_ =
(metric_r_ >> "=" >> number_r_)
[ _val = phx::construct< binop<op_eq> >(_1,_2) ] |
(metric_r_ >> "!=" >> number_r_)
[ _val = phx::construct< unop<op_not> >( phx::construct< binop<op_eq> >(_1,_2) ) ]
ineq_r_ =
(metric_r_ >> ">" >> number_r_)
[ _val = phx::construct< binop<op_gt> >(_1,_2) ] |
(metric_r_ >> "<" >> number_r_)
[ _val = phx::construct< binop<op_lt> >(_1,_2) ] |
(metric_r_ >> ">=" >> number_r_)
[ _val = phx::construct< binop<op_or> >(
phx::construct< binop<op_gt> >(_1,_2),
phx::construct< binop<op_eq> >(_1,_2) )
] |
(metric_r_ >> "<=" >> number_r_)
[ _val = phx::construct< binop<op_or> >(
phx::construct< binop<op_lt> >(_1,_2),
phx::construct< binop<op_eq> >(_1,_2) )
ineq_2_r_ =
(number_r_ >> "<" >> metric_r_ >> "<" >> number_r_)
[ _val = phx::construct< binop<op_and> >(
phx::construct< binop<op_gt> >(_2,_1),
phx::construct< binop<op_lt> >(_2,_3) )
] |
(number_r_ >> "<=" >> metric_r_ >> "<" >> number_r_)
[ _val = phx::construct< binop<op_and> >(
phx::construct< binop<op_or> >(
phx::construct< binop<op_gt> >(_2,_1),
phx::construct< binop<op_eq> >(_2,_1)
phx::construct< binop<op_lt> >(_2,_3) )
] |
(number_r_ >> "<" >> metric_r_ >> "<=" >> number_r_)
[ _val = phx::construct< binop<op_and> >(
phx::construct< binop<op_gt> >(_2,_1),
phx::construct< binop<op_or> >(
phx::construct< binop<op_eq> >(_2,_3),
phx::construct< binop<op_lt> >(_2,_3) )
] |
(number_r_ >> "<=" >> metric_r_ >> "<=" >> number_r_)
[ _val = phx::construct< binop<op_and> >(
phx::construct< binop<op_or> >(
phx::construct< binop<op_eq> >(_2,_1),
phx::construct< binop<op_gt> >(_2,_1)
phx::construct< binop<op_or> >(
phx::construct< binop<op_eq> >(_2,_3),
phx::construct< binop<op_lt> >(_2,_3)
expr_ =
eq_r_ [ _val = _1 ] |
ineq_r_ [ _val = _1 ] |
ineq_2_r_ [ _val = _1 ] |
("not" >> expr_) [ _val = phx::construct< unop<op_not> >(_1) ] |
(expr_ >> "and" >> expr_) [ _val = phx::construct< binop<op_and> >(_1,_2) ] |
(expr_ >> "or" >> expr_) [ _val = phx::construct< binop<op_or> >(_1,_2) ] |
(expr_ >> "xor" >> expr_) [ _val = phx::construct< binop<op_xor> >(_1,_2) ];
metric_r_.name("metric r");
metrics_parser metric_p_;
qi::rule<It, expr(), Skipper> number_r_;
qi::rule<It, expr(), Skipper> metric_r_;
qi::rule<It, expr(), Skipper> eq_r_;
qi::rule<It, expr(), Skipper> ineq_r_;
qi::rule<It, expr(), Skipper> ineq_2_r_;
qi::rule<It, expr(), Skipper> expr_;
int main()
std::list<std::string> lstr;
lstr.emplace_back("A>5 and B<4 xor A>3.4 or 2<A<3");
for (auto i=std::begin(lstr); i!=std::end(lstr); ++i)
auto& input = *i;
auto f(std::begin(input)), l(std::end(input));
parser<decltype(f)> p;
expr result;
bool ok = qi::phrase_parse(f,l,p,qi::space,result);
if (!ok)
std::cerr << "invalid input\n";
std::cout << "result: " << result << "\n";
} catch (const qi::expectation_failure<decltype(f)>& e)
std::cerr << "expectation_failure at '" << std::string(e.first, e.last) << "'\n";
if (f!=l) std::cerr << "unparsed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";
return 0;
[¹] 从 [spirit-general] user list 传送的问题
relop_expr = eq_r_ | ineq_r_ | ineq_2_r_;
expr_ =
("not" >> expr_) [ _val = phx::construct< unop<op_not> >(_1) ] |
(relop_expr >> "and" >> expr_) [ _val = phx::construct< binop<op_and> >(_1,_2) ] |
(relop_expr >> "or" >> expr_) [ _val = phx::construct< binop<op_or> >(_1,_2) ] |
(relop_expr >> "xor" >> expr_) [ _val = phx::construct< binop<op_xor> >(_1,_2) ] |
(relop_expr ) [ _val = _1 ]
number_r_ = real_parser<double,strict_real_policies<double>>() | int_;
relop_expr = eq_r_ | ineq_2_r_ | ineq_r_;
expr_ =
("not" >> expr_) [ _val = construct<unop<op_not>> (_1) ] |
relop_expr [_a = _1] >> (
("and" >> expr_ [ _val = bin_<op_and>() ]) |
("or" >> expr_ [ _val = bin_<op_or >() ]) |
("xor" >> expr_ [ _val = bin_<op_xor>() ]) |
(eps [ _val = _a ])
如您所见,我实在受不了那些复杂的语义 Action 。造成这种情况的主要原因是 BUG。使代码可读,减少一半的错误。所以,只需要两个简单的助手,我们就可以减少冗长:
template <typename Tag> using bin_ = decltype(phx::construct<binop<Tag>>(qi::_a, qi::_1));
template <typename T1, typename T2> using tern_ = decltype(phx::construct<binop<op_and>>(phx::construct<binop<T1>>(qi::_a, qi::_1), phx::construct<binop<T2>>(qi::_1, qi::_2)));
如您所见,我并没有花很大力气来编写特征等。只是对您要编写的任何内容进行快速 decltype,并且,bam
ineq_2_r_ = number_r_ [ _a = _1 ] >> (
("<" >> metric_r_ >> "<" >> number_r_) [_val = tern_<op_lt , op_lt>() ] |
("<" >> metric_r_ >> "<=" >> number_r_) [_val = tern_<op_lt , op_lte>() ] |
("<=" >> metric_r_ >> "<" >> number_r_) [_val = tern_<op_lte, op_lt>() ] |
("<=" >> metric_r_ >> "<=" >> number_r_) [_val = tern_<op_lte, op_lte>() ] |
// see, that's so easy, we can even trow in the bonus - I bet you were just fed up with writing boiler plate :)
(">" >> metric_r_ >> ">" >> number_r_) [_val = tern_<op_gt , op_gt>() ] |
(">" >> metric_r_ >> ">=" >> number_r_) [_val = tern_<op_gt , op_gte>() ] |
(">=" >> metric_r_ >> ">" >> number_r_) [_val = tern_<op_gte, op_gt>() ] |
(">=" >> metric_r_ >> ">=" >> number_r_) [_val = tern_<op_gte, op_gte>() ]
和 op_lte
运算符,因为没有它们会导致语义 Action 的二次增长。我的快速经验法则是:
- Rule #1: keep rules simple, avoid semantic actions
- Corollary #1: make your AST directly reflect the grammar.
在这种情况下,您将 AST 转换与解析混为一谈。如果你想将 AST 转换为“扩展”lte (a,b) <- (lt(a,b) || eq(a,b)),你可以在 解析后轻松地做到这一点. 更新 see the other answer for a demo
总而言之,我已将建议附在一个工作程序中。它实现了更多功能,并且缩短了 73 行 (28%)。即使有更多的测试用例也是如此:
'A > 5': result: (A > 5)
'A < 5': result: (A < 5)
'A >= 5': result: (A >= 5)
'A <= 5': result: (A <= 5)
'A = 5': result: (A = 5)
'A != 5': result: !(A = 5)
'A>5 and B<4 xor A>3.4 or 2<A<3': result: ((A > 5) and ((B < 4) xor ((A > 3.4) or ((2 < A) and (A < 3)))))
'A>5 and B<4 xor A!=3.4 or 7.9e10 >= B >= -42': result: ((A > 5) and ((B < 4) xor (!(A = 3.4) or ((7.9e+10 >= B) and (B >= -42)))))
好吧,我会在 Coliru 上现场展示它,但现在它看起来很低。希望你喜欢这个。
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
#include <boost/variant/recursive_wrapper.hpp>
#include <cstdint>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
/// Terminals
enum metric_t : std::uint8_t { A=0u, B };
const std::string metric_names[] = { "A", "B" };
struct metrics_parser : boost::spirit::qi::symbols<char, metric_t> {
metrics_parser() {
this->add(metric_names[A], A)
(metric_names[B], B);
/// Operators
template <typename tag> struct unop;
template <typename tag> struct binop;
/// Expression
typedef boost::variant<
boost::recursive_wrapper< unop< struct op_not> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<struct op_and> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<struct op_or> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<struct op_xor> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<struct op_eq> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<struct op_lt> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<struct op_gt> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<struct op_lte> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper< binop<struct op_gte> >
> expr;
template <typename tag>
struct binop {
explicit binop(const expr& l, const expr& r) : oper1(l), oper2(r) { }
expr oper1, oper2;
template <typename tag>
struct unop {
explicit unop(const expr& o) : oper1(o) { }
expr oper1;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, metric_t m)
{ return os << metric_names[m]; }
struct printer : boost::static_visitor<void>
printer(std::ostream& os) : _os(os) {}
std::ostream& _os;
void operator()(const binop<op_and>& b) const { print(" and ", b.oper1, b.oper2); }
void operator()(const binop<op_or >& b) const { print(" or ", b.oper1, b.oper2); }
void operator()(const binop<op_xor>& b) const { print(" xor ", b.oper1, b.oper2); }
void operator()(const binop<op_eq >& b) const { print(" = ", b.oper1, b.oper2); }
void operator()(const binop<op_lt >& b) const { print(" < ", b.oper1, b.oper2); }
void operator()(const binop<op_gt >& b) const { print(" > ", b.oper1, b.oper2); }
void operator()(const binop<op_lte>& b) const { print(" <= ", b.oper1, b.oper2); }
void operator()(const binop<op_gte>& b) const { print(" >= ", b.oper1, b.oper2); }
void print(const std::string& op, const expr& l, const expr& r) const {
_os << "(";
boost::apply_visitor(*this, l); _os << op; boost::apply_visitor(*this, r);
_os << ")";
void operator()(const unop<op_not>& u) const {
_os << "!"; boost::apply_visitor(*this, u.oper1);
template <typename other_t> void operator()(other_t i) const {
_os << i;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const expr& e)
{ boost::apply_visitor(printer(os), e); return os; }
template <typename It, typename Skipper = qi::space_type >
struct parser : qi::grammar<It, expr(), Skipper, qi::locals<expr> >
template <typename Tag> using bin_ = decltype(phx::construct<binop<Tag>>(qi::_a, qi::_1));
template <typename T1, typename T2> using tern_ = decltype(phx::construct<binop<op_and>>(phx::construct<binop<T1>>(qi::_a, qi::_1), phx::construct<binop<T2>>(qi::_1, qi::_2)));
parser() : parser::base_type(expr_)
using namespace qi;
using namespace phx;
number_r_ = real_parser<double,strict_real_policies<double>>() | int_;
metric_r_ = metric_p_;
eq_r_ = metric_r_ [ _a = _1 ] >> (
("=" >> number_r_) [ _val = bin_<op_eq>() ] |
("!=" >> number_r_) [ _val = construct<unop<op_not>>(bin_<op_eq>()) ]
ineq_2_r_ = number_r_ [ _a = _1 ] >> (
("<" >> metric_r_ >> "<" >> number_r_) [_val = tern_<op_lt , op_lt>() ] |
("<" >> metric_r_ >> "<=" >> number_r_) [_val = tern_<op_lt , op_lte>() ] |
("<=" >> metric_r_ >> "<" >> number_r_) [_val = tern_<op_lte, op_lt>() ] |
("<=" >> metric_r_ >> "<=" >> number_r_) [_val = tern_<op_lte, op_lte>() ] |
(">" >> metric_r_ >> ">" >> number_r_) [_val = tern_<op_gt , op_gt>() ] |
(">" >> metric_r_ >> ">=" >> number_r_) [_val = tern_<op_gt , op_gte>() ] |
(">=" >> metric_r_ >> ">" >> number_r_) [_val = tern_<op_gte, op_gt>() ] |
(">=" >> metric_r_ >> ">=" >> number_r_) [_val = tern_<op_gte, op_gte>() ]
ineq_r_ = metric_r_ [ _a = _1 ] >> (
(">" >> number_r_) [ _val = bin_<op_gt >() ] |
("<" >> number_r_) [ _val = bin_<op_lt >() ] |
(">=" >> number_r_) [ _val = bin_<op_gte>() ] |
("<=" >> number_r_) [ _val = bin_<op_lte>() ]
relop_expr = eq_r_ | ineq_2_r_ | ineq_r_;
expr_ =
("not" >> expr_) [ _val = construct<unop<op_not>> (_1) ] |
relop_expr [_a = _1] >> (
("and" >> expr_ [ _val = bin_<op_and>() ]) |
("or" >> expr_ [ _val = bin_<op_or >() ]) |
("xor" >> expr_ [ _val = bin_<op_xor>() ]) |
(eps [ _val = _a ])
qi::rule<It, expr(), Skipper, qi::locals<expr> > eq_r_, ineq_r_, ineq_2_r_, relop_expr, expr_;
qi::rule<It, expr(), Skipper> number_r_, metric_r_;
metrics_parser metric_p_;
int main()
for (std::string const& input : {
"A > 5",
"A < 5",
"A >= 5",
"A <= 5",
"A = 5",
"A != 5",
"A>5 and B<4 xor A>3.4 or 2<A<3",
"A>5 and B<4 xor A!=3.4 or 7.9e10 >= B >= -42"
auto f(std::begin(input)), l(std::end(input));
parser<decltype(f)> p;
std::cout << "'" << input << "':\t";
expr result;
bool ok = qi::phrase_parse(f,l,p,qi::space,result);
if (!ok) std::cout << "invalid input\n";
else std::cout << "result: " << result << "\n";
} catch (const qi::expectation_failure<decltype(f)>& e)
std::cout << "expectation_failure at '" << std::string(e.first, e.last) << "'\n";
if (f!=l) std::cout << "unparsed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";
关于c++ - 规则定义中的 AST 和运算符优先级,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20387627/
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