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当我仅将一批插入发送到一个表时,每行作为唯一键,条件为 if not exists,即使其中一行存在,也会出现问题。
INSERT INTO "users" ("user_name") VALUES ("jhon") IF NOT EXISTS;
INSERT INTO "users" ("user_name") VALUES ("mandy") IF NOT EXISTS;
我有很多行要插入大约 100-200K,所以我需要使用批处理。
In Cassandra 2.0.6 and later, you can batch conditional updates introduced as lightweight transactions in Cassandra 2.0. Only updates made to the same partition can be included in the batch because the underlying Paxos implementation works at the granularity of the partition. You can group updates that have conditions with those that do not, but when a single statement in a batch uses a condition, the entire batch is committed using a single Paxos proposal, as if all of the conditions contained in the batch apply.
这基本上证实了:你的更新是针对不同分区的,所以只会使用一个 Paxos 提案,这意味着整个批处理都会成功,或者一个都不会。
也就是说,对于 Cassandra,批处理并不意味着加速和批量加载 - 它们旨在创建伪原子逻辑操作。来自 http://docs.datastax.com/en/cql/3.1/cql/cql_using/useBatch.html :
Batches are often mistakenly used in an attempt to optimize performance. Unlogged batches require the coordinator to manage inserts, which can place a heavy load on the coordinator node. If other nodes own partition keys, the coordinator node needs to deal with a network hop, resulting in inefficient delivery. Use unlogged batches when making updates to the same partition key.
The coordinator node might also need to work hard to process a logged batch while maintaining consistency between tables. For example, upon receiving a batch, the coordinator node sends batch logs to two other nodes. In the event of a coordinator failure, the other nodes retry the batch. The entire cluster is affected. Use a logged batch to synchronize tables, as shown in this example:
在您的架构中,每个 INSERT 都指向一个不同的分区,这会给您的协调器增加很多负载。
您可以使用具有异步执行功能的客户端运行 200k 插入,并且它们运行得非常快 - 可能与您在批处理中看到的一样快(或更快)。
关于Cassandra Batches 如果不存在条件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29909050/
SELECT *, `o_cheque_request.member_id`, `o_cheque_request.wallet_id` FROM `o_cheque_request`, `o_mem
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