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这是关于 GameCenter
;改为实现 GKLocalPlayerListener
您可以使用 GKLocalPlayerListener
然而,除了调用“player(player: GKPlayer
, receivedTurnEventForMatch match: GKTurnBasedMatch
, didBecomeActive: Bool)”,所有其他方法,包括“player(player: GKPlayer
, matchEnded match: GKTurnBasedMatch
关于检测到你被邀请参加回合制比赛:没有发送任何事件,但是当你从服务器查询你的比赛列表时,你只是突然出现一个新的比赛(并且你的状态将被邀请). (不过,收件人确实会收到 UIAlert 提示,表明他们已收到邀请)
关于各种 API 函数是否/何时触发,我花了很多、很多、很多 时间试图破译这些不同的函数何时触发火。我已经针对功能或文档打开了多个错误。这是我目前的笔记;这就是我在我的助手类中组织所有委托(delegate)函数的方式,指示它们适用于哪个监听器以及关于导致它们触发的原因的注释。
#pragma mark - specific to real-time matches
//this is for real-time matches only (but the docs don't say that)
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player didAcceptInvite:(GKInvite *)invite
#pragma mark - saved game listener (GKSavedGameListener)
//never fires. Theory: only fires if the SAME player tries to save the game from a different device while being the active player
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player didModifySavedGame:(GKSavedGame *)savedGame
//never fires. Theory: only fires if the SAME player tries to save the game from a different device while being the active player
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player hasConflictingSavedGames:(NSArray *)savedGames
#pragma mark - game launched via game center (GKLocalPlayerListener)
//DEPRECATED: This is fired when the user asks to play with a friend from the game center.app
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player didRequestMatchWithPlayers:(NSArray *)playerIDsToInvite
//This is fired when the user launches the game from Game Center and requests to play with a friend
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player didRequestMatchWithRecipients:(NSArray *)recipientPlayers
//Never seen this fire. Possibly fired when the user launches the game from Game Center. Unclear how this varies from didRequestMatchWithRecipients
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player didRequestMatchWithOtherPlayers:(NSArray *)playersToInvite
#pragma mark - Ending turn based matches (GKLocalPlayerListener)
//I've never seen this fire
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player matchEnded:(GKTurnBasedMatch *)match
//I've never seen this fire
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player wantsToQuitMatch:(nonnull GKTurnBasedMatch *)match
#pragma mark - challenges (GKLocalPlayerListener)
//untested, I don't use challenges
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player issuedChallengeWasCompleted:(GKChallenge *)challenge byFriend:(GKPlayer *)friendPlayer
//untested, I don't use challenges
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player didCompleteChallenge:(GKChallenge *)challenge issuedByFriend:(GKPlayer *)friendPlayer
//untested, I don't use challenges
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player didReceiveChallenge:(GKChallenge *)challenge
//untested, I don't use challenges
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player wantsToPlayChallenge:(GKChallenge *)challenge
#pragma mark - exchanges (GKLocalPlayerListener)
//seems to work as expected
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player receivedExchangeCancellation:(GKTurnBasedExchange *)exchange forMatch:(GKTurnBasedMatch *)match
//this fires for the Current Player AND the Exchange Initiator AFTER all replies/timeouts are complete.
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player receivedExchangeReplies:(NSArray *)replies forCompletedExchange:(GKTurnBasedExchange *)exchange forMatch:(GKTurnBasedMatch *)match
//seems to work as expected
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player receivedExchangeRequest:(GKTurnBasedExchange *)exchange forMatch:(GKTurnBasedMatch *)match
#pragma mark - event handler (GKLocalPlayerListener)
-(void)player:(GKPlayer *)player receivedTurnEventForMatch:(GKTurnBasedMatch *)match didBecomeActive:(BOOL)didBecomeActive
Apple says this fires when:
1. When it becomes the active player's turn, including the inviting player creating a new match (CHECK)
2. When the time out is about to fire (FAIL. It fires AFTER the timeout expires, which may just be item #4 happening)
3. Player accepts an invite from another player (FAIL. Never happens. Instead it fires when an INVITED player starts playing a session FROM this player.)
4. Turn was passed to another player. (CHECK)
5. player receives a reminder (CHECK, confirmed by μ4ρκ05)
It Also fires when:
6. A remote user quits (CHECK)
7. A remote user declines (unconfirmed)
8. An automatch player joins the game (CHECK)
9. An invited player starts playing (CHECK)
10. A remote user saves the game (CHECK)
编辑:根据 μ4ρκ05 的反馈更新了“提醒”通知的状态。
关于ios - Gamecenter ios 9 GameCenter GKLocalPlayerListener 方法未调用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34452098/
我想了解 Ruby 方法 methods() 是如何工作的。 我尝试使用“ruby 方法”在 Google 上搜索,但这不是我需要的。 我也看过 ruby-doc.org,但我没有找到这种方法。
Test 方法 对指定的字符串执行一个正则表达式搜索,并返回一个 Boolean 值指示是否找到匹配的模式。 object.Test(string) 参数 object 必选项。总是一个
Replace 方法 替换在正则表达式查找中找到的文本。 object.Replace(string1, string2) 参数 object 必选项。总是一个 RegExp 对象的名称。
Raise 方法 生成运行时错误 object.Raise(number, source, description, helpfile, helpcontext) 参数 object 应为
Execute 方法 对指定的字符串执行正则表达式搜索。 object.Execute(string) 参数 object 必选项。总是一个 RegExp 对象的名称。 string
Clear 方法 清除 Err 对象的所有属性设置。 object.Clear object 应为 Err 对象的名称。 说明 在错误处理后,使用 Clear 显式地清除 Err 对象。此
CopyFile 方法 将一个或多个文件从某位置复制到另一位置。 object.CopyFile source, destination[, overwrite] 参数 object 必选
Copy 方法 将指定的文件或文件夹从某位置复制到另一位置。 object.Copy destination[, overwrite] 参数 object 必选项。应为 File 或 F
Close 方法 关闭打开的 TextStream 文件。 object.Close object 应为 TextStream 对象的名称。 说明 下面例子举例说明如何使用 Close 方
BuildPath 方法 向现有路径后添加名称。 object.BuildPath(path, name) 参数 object 必选项。应为 FileSystemObject 对象的名称
GetFolder 方法 返回与指定的路径中某文件夹相应的 Folder 对象。 object.GetFolder(folderspec) 参数 object 必选项。应为 FileSy
GetFileName 方法 返回指定路径(不是指定驱动器路径部分)的最后一个文件或文件夹。 object.GetFileName(pathspec) 参数 object 必选项。应为
GetFile 方法 返回与指定路径中某文件相应的 File 对象。 object.GetFile(filespec) 参数 object 必选项。应为 FileSystemObject
GetExtensionName 方法 返回字符串,该字符串包含路径最后一个组成部分的扩展名。 object.GetExtensionName(path) 参数 object 必选项。应
GetDriveName 方法 返回包含指定路径中驱动器名的字符串。 object.GetDriveName(path) 参数 object 必选项。应为 FileSystemObjec
GetDrive 方法 返回与指定的路径中驱动器相对应的 Drive 对象。 object.GetDrive drivespec 参数 object 必选项。应为 FileSystemO
GetBaseName 方法 返回字符串,其中包含文件的基本名 (不带扩展名), 或者提供的路径说明中的文件夹。 object.GetBaseName(path) 参数 object 必
GetAbsolutePathName 方法 从提供的指定路径中返回完整且含义明确的路径。 object.GetAbsolutePathName(pathspec) 参数 object
FolderExists 方法 如果指定的文件夹存在,则返回 True;否则返回 False。 object.FolderExists(folderspec) 参数 object 必选项
FileExists 方法 如果指定的文件存在返回 True;否则返回 False。 object.FileExists(filespec) 参数 object 必选项。应为 FileS