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arrays - 为什么数组不符合 Equatable,而它的项在 Swift 中是 Equatable 的?

转载 作者:搜寻专家 更新时间:2023-10-30 22:12:27 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


从包含 Swift 4.1 的 Xcode 9.3 开始,数组相等性按预期工作,原始问题中的代码编译没有错误。



当我尝试声明类型为 [Post] 的通用枚举实例时,我收到一条错误消息

Type '[Post]' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'

这是无稽之谈,因为 Post符合 Equatable我实际上可以比较两个 [Post]没有编译错误的实例?

在下面的示例中,我扩展了 PostResult<T>类型为 Equatable然后我做了一些测试:

  1. 测试我可以比较两个 Post类型:OK
  2. 测试我可以比较两个 [Post]类型:OK
  3. 测试我可以比较两个 Result<Post>类型:OK
  4. 测试我可以比较两个 Result<[Post]>类型:错误
import Foundation

struct Post {
let text: String
extension Post: Equatable {}
func ==(lhs: Post, rhs: Post) -> Bool {
return lhs.text == rhs.text

enum Result<T: Equatable> {
case success(result: T)
case error
extension Result: Equatable {
static func ==(lhs: Result<T>, rhs: Result<T>) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case let (.success(lhsVal), .success(rhsVal)):
return lhsVal == rhsVal
case (.error, .error):
return true
return false

func test() {

// Test 1: Check Post type for equality: OK
let post1: Post = Post(text: "post 1")
let post2: Post = Post(text: "post 2")

if post1 == post2 {
print("equal posts")

// Test 2: Check [Post] type for equality: OK
let arrayOfPosts1: [Post] = [ post1, post2 ]
let arrayOfPosts2: [Post] = [ post1, post2 ]

if arrayOfPosts1 == arrayOfPosts2 {
print("equal arrays of post")

// Test 3: Check Result<Post> type for equality: OK
let result1: Result<Post> = Result<Post>.success(result: post1)
let result2: Result<Post> = Result<Post>.success(result: post2)

if result1 == result2 {
print("equal results of post")

// Test 4: Check Result<[Post]> type for equality: ERROR
// Compiler error: "Type '[Post]' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'"
let arrayResult1: Result<[Post]> = Result<[Post]>.success(result: arrayOfPosts1)
let arrayResult2: Result<[Post]> = Result<[Post]>.success(result: arrayOfPosts2)

if arrayResult1 == arrayResult2 {
print("equal results of array of posts")


Swift 4.1 更新:

随着在 Swift 4.1 中引入条件一致性,Array 现在符合 Equatable,因此应该可以解决该问题,而无需诉诸任何变通方法。

此外,Swift 现在允许类型自动合成 Equatable 一致性,前提是其所有成员都是 Equatable,只需将 Equatable 一致性声明为原始类型定义的一部分(不是扩展)但没有实现其任何要求。这适用于提供关联值(如果有)是 Equatable 的枚举。


import Foundation

struct Post: Equatable {
let text: String

enum Result<T>: Equatable where T: Equatable {
case success(result: T)
case error


func test() {

// Test 1: Check Post type for equality: OK
let post1 = Post(text: "post")
let post2 = Post(text: "post")

if post1 == post2 {
print("equal posts")

// Test 2: Check [Post] type for equality: OK
let arrayOfPosts1 = [post1, post2]
let arrayOfPosts2 = [post1, post2]

if arrayOfPosts1 == arrayOfPosts2 {
print("equal arrays of post")

// Test 3: Check Result<Post> type for equality: OK
let result1 = Result<Post>.success(result: post1)
let result2 = Result<Post>.success(result: post2)

if result1 == result2 {
print("equal results of post")

// Test 4: Check Result<[Post]> type for equality: OK
let arrayResult1: Result<[Post]> = Result<[Post]>.success(result: arrayOfPosts1)
let arrayResult2: Result<[Post]> = Result<[Post]>.success(result: arrayOfPosts2)

if arrayResult1 == arrayResult2 {
print("equal results of array of posts")


equal posts
equal arrays of post
equal results of post
equal results of array of posts

关于arrays - 为什么数组不符合 Equatable,而它的项在 Swift 中是 Equatable 的?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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